” Recommended places in London “ by SHANI - Illustrated by Shani Alkabets - Ourboox.com
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” Recommended places in London “


Artwork: Shani Alkabets

  • Joined Nov 2017
  • Published Books 1



” Recommended places in Englend “

by Shani Alkabets

” Recommended places in London “ by SHANI - Illustrated by Shani Alkabets - Ourboox.com

The Big Ben

The Big Ben is a big bell that shows the hours in London.

It rings evry 15 minuts and plays the malody evry hour.

In 2015 there was a problem in the Big Ben. today the Big Ben does not work until 2021.

” Recommended places in London “ by SHANI - Illustrated by Shani Alkabets - Ourboox.com

The London Eye

It is a huge wheel that turns around.

It gives half an hour of an amazing view of London.

It works every day, during the day and night.

” Recommended places in London “ by SHANI - Illustrated by Shani Alkabets - Ourboox.com

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the most iconic royal building in London, Britain.

Qween Elizabeth ||  and Price Phillip live in the Palace.

Buckingham palace attracts thousands of people evry year.

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