A Summer’s Reading by: Bernard Malamud by malak alali - Ourboox.com
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A Summer’s Reading by: Bernard Malamud

  • Joined Oct 2017
  • Published Books 1

A Summer’s Reading 

Malak Alali 

Deir Al Asad Comprehensive School 

Submitted: Amira Asadi


صورة ذات صلة


Post Reading Activity

1)Write diary entries for three different day in Georges life  , describe the events and how George feels about them ?

2)Write a letter from George to mr.cattanzara ten years after the story ends?


Day {1} :

I wake up early as usual but feeling a little bit different ,in a positive way of course . I guss this is because I started my compaign of reading 100 books. So I washed my face and brushed my teeth . I even made breakfast for me and my family and rushed to the library . I started to read one of my hundred books until I finished it . I got to admit it took a while but I was sutisfied about what I just accomplished so I walked back to home and decided to spend the night with them until I slept .



نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور كتب والعلم ومكتبه


Day {2} :

I wake up also full of energy , made breakfast this time I went to the park to smell some fresh air then walked to the library trying to complete my mission .

When I was done from the library , I visited Mr.Cattanazara to talk about the first book that I finished ,

after all of yhis I went back home to get some rest feeling excited for the next day .




نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور كتب والعلم ومكتبه


Day {3} :

This morning was alot more exciting , I was the weekend I came up with an idea to go to have some fun with sophie and my father to let them forget the hardwork in their jops and have some fun .

So we went to the park and I suprised with to ownerof the library waiting for me there with a piece of paper saying that I can work as a librarian and all he needs is my assigment si I signed without thinking , my family were so happy .

And guss what I just got a job , good for me as a start !


نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور العلم والنجاح


Dear Mr. Cattanzara. 

How are you? I hope you are fine !

I hope you still remmeber me . It’s George Stoyonvich from your neighborhood.

I would like to thank you a lot about guiding me to the right path , you are changed my life upside down . 

I still remmeber your attitude and how you behaved kindly .

When you discoverd my lie about reading this noble attitude made me love raeding , up until tody I finished raeding hundreds of books , 

moreover I would like to tell you that I have finished my studies at unviersity , it was the best thing I’ve done in my life .

Best regards 


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