Bar Graph World

by Yatika Bhardwaj

Artwork: Yatika Bhardwaj

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Bar Graph World


Artwork: Yatika Bhardwaj

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 2

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Jennifer. Jennifer didn’t know anything about bar graphs. And tomorrow was her bar graph test. Jennifer was a worried wreck. And if she didn’t learn bar graphs by tomorrow she would be grounded and she was lose her phone for a week. And she was at her friend’s house. She had lied to her mother that she knew everything about bar graphs. But know, if she told her mom at 7:00 P.M. She would get grounded so bad. Jennifer had to do something and FAST.


That very busy and confusing day, when Jennifer stepped into her bedroom a golden beam shot out from her book about bar graphs. She thought that it was just her imagination, so she went in to the bathroom and washed her eyes. But when stepped into the her bedroom the golden beam got even brighter. She put one of her sharpies in the golden beam and it didn’t return. Well now she had a second problem that sharpie that she just threw in their was her mother’s sharpie. Jennifer waited and waited but it didn’t return back. “Should I, but what if I never came back?” Jennifer thought. She had made her decision she was going in that beam.


As soon as she walked she thought about walking out when she did something pulled her in. “AHHHHHHHHH!” yelled Jennifer.

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