by umutaydogan
Copyright © 2017
Once upon a time, there was two classmates who were grams and kilograms. They where not even close to being friends.Grams was mad at kilograms because he was bigger and then they had a competition who was the best soccer player.
HA!!!!!! i can measure bigger things than you!!like the smart bored, i can measure smaller things like a phone.
kilograms was worst because hes bigger. That means he is heavier and he is also slower. Grams was faster because he was smaller than kilograms they will start the race today am 8:00.
it was 6 am so grams was siting watching TV because he was going to win the race. And now kilograms was exercising he did jumping jacks and push ups and now the race is about to star all grams friends are sake and one of kilograms friends its odd.
LAST but not least it was time for the race 🙂 so now the race stars in 3 2 1!!! now it has begin the race 2 hours later.
And now the winner is drum roll plz and the is a tie.
Published: Jun 14, 2017
Latest Revision: Jun 20, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-342276
Copyright © 2017