Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com
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Homemade Natural Cosmetics


Artwork: Yahala

  • Joined Jun 2017
  • Published Books 1

Homemade Natural Cosmetics

There are some good natural alternatives that you can buy

 The cheapest, easiest and most natural way is to just make your own

You might have all of the ingredients in your kitchen already!



  1. How To Use Potato To Treat Skin Pigmentation, Dark Spots.
  2. Almond Face Mask For Skin Whitening And Glowing Skin Acne Scars And Pimples.
  3. How to Get Rid of Freckles, Freckles Treatment.
  4. Japanese Secret how to make Young Face.
  5. Night Cream to Remove Wrinkles Permanently  Over Night.
Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com
Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com

How To Use Potato To Treat Skin Pigmentation, Dark Spots


Hyperpigmentation of the skin can cause uneven color and dark patches. Excessive production

of melanin is responsible for

this condition. Hyperpigmentation can occur on almost any part of the body, including the face,

neck, hands, arms and


The root cause of pigmentation is generally attributed to internal factors like hormonal changes

in the body, pregnancy and various health problems. External factors like excessive sun

exposure, skin injury, burning, emotional stress or contact with certain chemicals can also

cause hyperpigmentation.





thoroughly wash your potato and then you have to cut it into two half and then again you have to cut the one half of the potato into small pieces you can also PU the skin of
the potato but I didn’t because the potato peel contains a lot of vitamins and the minerals that are good for your skin now you have to grind all these small potato pieces or
you can even blame them and after grinding it nicely it will look like this and a potato pulp is ready and then you just have to put all the potato pulp in a strainer or you can
even use a cheesecloth to take out its juice, and that’s it a potato juice is ready and then after that yoga needs freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Now to prepare the remedy you firstly have to take 4 TSP potato juice in a clean bowl and then after that you have to add 2 TSP lemon juice in it and then you have to mix
both ingredients really well and that’s it your skin pigmentation home remedy is ready and this is one of the best home remedies to beat skin pigmentation or hyperventilation
easily at home.
To apply this mixture you need a brush or you can even use a cotton ball so you just have to dip the brush or a cotton ball into this mixture and then apply a thick and even
layer on your affected areas and then after applying the first layer you just have to leave it and let it air-dry for few minutes and when the first layer dries apply second and
then apply third so that there is thick amount on your skin which can work properly and then let it stay overnight and then in the morning rinse your face with lukewarm
 Within one week of continuous application of this face mask you will definitely see reduction in your skin pigmentation.

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Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com

Almond Face Mask For Skin Whitening And Glowing Skin Acne Scars And Pimples

Almond has several beauty benefits and is good for health also. Skin looks flawless and glowing by consumption of almonds. A face mask made by using almond helps in whitening the skin and in removing scars on the face made by pimples and acne. Almonds for glowing skin, nourishing skin, rejuvenates the skin, which helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.Almond contains the Vitamin E. This vitamin E helpful in the skin care. Almonds have the properties to treat the skin problems like acne, pimples, scar lines etc. Almonds contain vitamin E and it acts as the anti aging agent. Use almond face mask for skin whitening to get natural looking face without scars, pimples and acne.



 ALMOND POWDER HONEY RAW MILK ( dry skin ) CURD OR YOGURT ( sensitive or combination skin )

ROSE WATER ( oily skin )



For almond mask you need handful of almonds here I’ve taken 30 almonds and you have

to grind them to make almond powder youcan even use the ready-made almond

powder so after finding it it will look like this your almond powder is ready to use

now I’m just transferring it into an airtight container to store it for further use can store this

almond powder in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two months so to

make our masks take 2 TSP of almond powder in a clean Bowl then you need honey add 1tsp of

honey let honey is a great natural skin care product and works extremely well on all skin types

then after that if you have dry skin then used raw milk to make a mask and if you have

sensitive skin or combinations can then use curd or yogurt to make a mask and for oily skin use

rose water to make a mask as I have dry skin so I’m adding 2 TSP of raw milk in it now you

have to mix it really well to make a smooth and lovely paste the consistency of this mask

should be a smooth now this mask is ready to use apply it all over your face

and neck with the help of any brush which you have and leave it for 20 minutes

After 20 minute i massage the face and neck for good 2 minute after massaging it really well

you just have to wash your face and neck with cold water

After using this face mask you will definitely see that instant glow on your skin

For best results use this face mask twice in a week

                              Enjoy the product

Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com

How to Get Rid of Freckles, Freckles Treatment

Many ways to get rid the Freckles, one of them it’s red onion
Use onion because of their high sulphur content which hosts some amazing and very powerful exfoliated property
Onions can also be used to get rid of your freckles and even your unwanted brown spots





 For  better results make sure you use red onions as well
Just slice one red onion into a few thick slices and gently rub those slices directly onto all of your freckles
Do this process twice daily if you can or until your freckles are all gone

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Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com

Japanese Secret how to make Young Face

japanese secret to look young and radiant even after your 50s people have been searching for millennia
to find the elixir of youth that will help them look young forever and no one seems to have found it yet moreover
there are various products on the market advertised to slow down aging but none of them provides the promised effects
however the Japanese are quite close they have a potent and effective natural remedy that gives shocking effects after
one week the Japanese women are considered to be always good-looking young and beautiful yet the secret of their pure
unique beauty might have been revealed the Japanese rice this rice is high in a substance known as squalene
and linoleic acid which have strong antioxidant properties and stimulate the collagen production which fights
wrinkles squalene protects the skin from the harmful effects of the Sun moreover rice is high in gamma oryzanol
which reduce the cholesterol levels and supports heart health also rice is rich in vitamin E scientists have confirmed
the beneficial properties of life and its ability to rejuvenate the skin in a short time
It’shelp you look young and refreshed fast.



3 tablespoons of rice
1 tablespoon of milk
1 tablespoon of honey method


You should click the rice for 2 minutes
strain it and then store the water for
later use add the honey and a tablespoon
of hot milk to the rice and mix all well
then wash the face Pat it dry and apply
the mixture as a facial mask wait until
it dries and then wash it off with the
water in which you cook the rice the
rice water has potent beneficial
properties as it boosts blood
circulation moisturizes the skin
prevents wrinkles and provide
antioxidants it also treats skin
inflammation and promote its health for
best effects repeat this procedure once
a week all who have tried this recipe
claim that is provide miraculous results
therefore try it out, try it now and look
young and beautiful

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Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com

Night Cream to Remove Wrinkles Permanently Over Night

This cream is for all skin type of skin

(dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin)


Aloe vera gel 1 tsp,
Papaya gel 2 tsp,
Olive oil 1 tsp,
Glycerin 1 tsp,



Add all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix well.

Clean the face before using the cream.

Apply all over the face and neck over night.

You can store the cream for 1 month in room temperature

Enjoy the product

Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com
Homemade Natural Cosmetics by YoYa - Illustrated by Yahala - Ourboox.com
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