Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com
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Odd Vs Even

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 2

There once was twin brothers they really like money one was named Even the other one was named Odd.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Even got an odd number of money Odd got an even number of money and Even had a friend with him too.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Even wanted to get an even number of money and Odd wanted to get an odd number of money. Odd and Even wanted to trade money.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

So they did the trade and then they realized something something that they did not realize before.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Then, Odd realize that Even had more than him that started a fight and the it also started because Odd was jealous.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

At first they started to yell at each other.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Then, they started pushing and yelling and they started to talk smack.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Then, they started to hit on one hit hard they both started to cry.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Then, they realized that they would get more money on their birthday.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Then, they shook hands and then their mom and dad came came in the house shocked.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

Their parents yelled at them but, started to clean together.

Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com

The next hour they were playing soccer then got water and played video games together and they forgot about the fight about the money and Odds jealousy and then they went to sleep and they did that all together.





Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com
Odd Vs Even by Jonathan Marroquin - Ourboox.com
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