Lucy in the sky with diamonds

by Maria Letizia Ricci

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Lucy in the sky with diamonds

  • Joined Apr 2017
  • Published Books 14

Lucy in the Sky with diamonds


Read the following descriptions of the scenes. One detail in each description is not in the song. Which?

1. I’m in a boat floating down a river.
2. There’s a girl with me.
3. The colours of the trees on the river banks are beautiful.
4. I hear a girl’s voice calling me, and the sun is in her eyes.


5. I try to see the girl, but the flowers on the river bank are so tall, and her clothes are so colourful, that it’s impossible.
6. She’s hiding among the trees.
7. The sun dazzles my eyes.


8. People are having a picnic on the river bank.
9. They’re sitting on the grass by a bridge and a lemonade fountain.
10. They smile at me as my boat passes.


11. I leave the boat,
12. buy a newspaper and catch a taxi.
13. I’m still thinking about the girl and the beautiful day, quite out of touch with reality.


14. I’m on a train waiting to leave the station.
15. A porter is helping me put my luggage on the rack.
16. Suddenly, the girl with beautiful eyes arrives.



English – Italian

Compound nouns invented by the Beatles

tangerine trees             cieli di marmellata
kaleidoscope eyes         fiori di cellofan
rocking horse people     cravatte a specchio
marmalade skies           alberi di mandarino
marshmallow pies         occhi a caledoscopio
cellophane flowers        gente sul cavallo a dondolo
looking glass ties          dolci di marshmellow


1. a small sweet fruit like an orange with a skin that comes off easily; a bright orange colour
2. a mirror
3. a wooden horse for children that moves backwards and forwards when you sit on it
4. a very soft light white or pink sweet, made of sugar and egg white

1) a pattern, situation or scene that is always changing and has many details or bright colours
2) a jam made from fruit such as oranges, lemons or grapefruit, usually eaten at breakfast
3) a thing transparent material used for wrapping things

Lucy in the sky with diamonds by Maria Letizia Ricci -
Lucy in the sky with diamonds by Maria Letizia Ricci -

Information about the song
Fill the following words in:


 Julian, the first John’s ________________ made a picture and when his father asked him who was the ____________________________ in the picture, he answered: “Lucy!” his baby sitter.
 An acronym appears in the title: “LSD”, a kind of ______________________ that Beatles used. They always said that they didn’t use it.
 The LSD gives a hallucinogen effects that let you to imagine a not real ________________ as that of the song.
 Lennon adored the writer Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice’s in _________________________. In this plot there are dreaming atmospheres, as in the song.

 The notes of the song strongly resounded all the evenings in the _______________ of expedition in a valley of Ethiopia, where a skeleton of a _____________________ Australopithecus was found and was just called Lucy.


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