MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -
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Artwork: Teacher and students

  • Joined Jan 2016
  • Published Books 3

A few words about us

We are: Gil, Eilon, David, David-Naor, Nadav, Ido, Orel, Amir, Michael, Roni, Qama, Raz,Dvir, Ovadya.

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About Me



My name is Elon, and I was born in a beautiful city, Jerusalem in 2004.

I learn in School Mamad Bet Gilo.

I also study in a Special English Group or English Club. Here I learn new words or idioms, I and my friends work a lot on the computer.

I think English is an important language, because I think English is an international language.

 In addition, I lwould like to say that English is easy for me and it is a very interesting language. I like to speak English and listen to English songs. And what about you?


MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

My story


My name is Orel Zada. I live in

 Jerusalem. I sudy in a Gilo neighborhood school.

I love my school and I love my friends.

I was born in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem,
now I am 12 and learn in Grade 6.

I like to learn English very much and I’m learning hard and I

understand what my teacher says.

We have special English classes on Wednesdays, so I learn more things in

English than in  regular class and I understand English better and speak

English a bit.
I like to play with my friends. I like to eat shwarma.


School JOKE:

Teacher: You should know English. Half the world speaks this language!

Student: Well, that’s not enough ? 🙂

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

A Story About Me

I am Nadav.

I am 12 old years, I was born in 2005 in Jerusalem.

I live in the most beautiful city in the world, Jerusalem, in Gilo neighborhood.

I have a brother and a sister.

I study in school Mamad Bet in Grade 6. My favorite subjects are Sport and English. I have many friends, my best friends are Matan, Idan, Michael and Avihai.
I would like to become your pen-friend.

I also study in a special English group. English is very important…

After school I like to play soccer, play on computer, watch TV and… !!! LEARN ENGLISH !!!

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

About Us

Hello, dear penpals,
We are Qama and Roni. We study in Grade 6 (girls).

We also take part in our English Club.
Besides, we are admins of school radio. In our school radio program we have 7 minutes of English every Tuesday. We talk about  school news, weather, holidays, art. And at the end everybody listens to a new song (on page 12 you can find one of the songs that we put in our program for TU Bi-Shvat).

From the beginning of March we are librarians in the English library.
Tell us about yourself, please!


MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -
MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -


About Myself

Hello my name is Amir and I study in Mitztainim group.
I was born in Israel and my mother was born in Syria. Almost all my elder family members were born there.
I was born 12 years ago in Israel.
I have a big family and I am the eldest brother.
I love English and Sports.
In my free time I read a lot of books and then play on the computer.
I’m very brave and forgiving. I have many dreams and one of them is to be a construction engineer.


Jokes about school

Boy: Mom I have a problem with eyes

Mom: What’s the problem?

Boy: I do not see myself coming to school tomorrow

I also like to play with my brothers,
after finishing playing, or if I get tired from games I learn for tests.

Good Luck to everybody!

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

My story:

My name is Ido Ben Meir. My age is 12.

I leave in Jerusalem, Gilo. I learn in Mamad B Gilo school.

I like to eat pizza, pancakes, cereal, chips and toasts.

I love to read science fiction, adventures and fantasy.

I like to play soccer, basketball, computer games on the phone and Xbox.

I like to study computer science, Sports and English.

I learn in a special English group.

We learn idioms, read, prepare projects and do grammar exercises.

This is my story!

Ido B.M.

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

About Me

Hello! My name is Ohad and I was born in 2005, 11 years ago.

I like to play soccer and basketball.

I learn in school Mamad Bet Gilo in grade 6 boys. And I am in Special English group and it’s Super Fun!
I live in a beautiful city of Jerusalem in Street Yehoshua (blessed)! It is a really nice Street in Gilo neighborhood.

My favorite subject is English despite it was really hard and

sometimes annoying. It is important to learn English, if you’re abroad in America or helping people, or work, or study.

And I’m really good at it because I was 8 when I took part in English Kid’s club and learnt all about the letters and basic words.

I really love English. And I liked to learn it because it was fun and we had fun and did easy exercises, but when I didn’t understand anything it was hard.

But then I realized it was really easy to be good in English, just to listen, to take part in the lesson, to read and to speak and that’s why I love English.




MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

A School Joke from Ohad Zargari

Teacher: Who answers my next question, can go home.

One child throws his bag out the window. (?!)

Teacher: What are you doing?! 

Boy: I throw my bag I’m going home now.

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -


David Naor

I am David Naor.

I was born 11 years ago.

I  like to eat pizza.

I like to go to Bnei Akiva, to do different activities.

I have three brothers.
My sister studied in Mamad Bet School, too.

I am in Special English group and I enjoy studies.

School Joke

Danny: Mom, today I answered the teacher’s  question in class.

Mom: What was the teacher’s question?

Danny: Who has not done homework?

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

Meet Ovadya!

He is a very good pupil. He likes to study, to read books and to play soccer and computer games.
Ovadya is 12 years old. He has a lot of friends, because he is a very kind and good person.

English is one of his favorite subjects. He likes to do everything perfectly!

And he is really perfect at everything!

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

And here is our David!
He entered the group in order to improve his English.

He tries his best and he makes a success!

He is a very reliable and helpful person.

David is 12, he studies in Grade 6.

He has a younger brother and a sister. They study in our school, too.

David likes Sports, Computer lessons and English.

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

Raz studies in Grade 6. He is shy and kind. You can absolutely trust him and rely on him. If he decides something, he goes straight to his goal. In order to improve his English he takes part in our Special English group and in Talma summer camp. Raz is very friendly.

He also helps the teacher in Radio Live program.

As all kids of his age (he is 12) he likes to play.

He is good in playing football. 

MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -

Dear friends,

We are looking forward to your answer and to your stories and pictures.

Our e-mails are:
[email protected] (school)


[email protected] (teacher Irina)


(for Grade 6 SEG)



MEETING NEW FRIENDS by Irina Branov - Illustrated by Teacher and students -



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