Victor Hugo Primary school in France
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The Rainbow Wolf


Artwork: Victor Hugo Primary School in France

  • Joined Feb 2017
  • Published Books 3

Somewhere in a castle in London lived a wolf.

But it was not an ordinary wolf.

It was the most beautiful of all.

The other wolves admired his shiny and

multicoloured hair .

Because of it, they’ve

named him the Rainbow Wolf.


Victor Hugo Primary school in France

He had the power to give colours to the world.

But the more colours he gave the less shiny and multicoloured his hair was.

The Rainbow Wolf by Valoche - Illustrated by Victor Hugo Primary School in France  -

He thought it over and decided he would not share his colours to the world anymore. In doing so he would keep his beauty and his colours .

The world had become very sad and he’d become very lonely.

He had no more friends.


The Rainbow Wolf by Valoche - Illustrated by Victor Hugo Primary School in France  -

So he thought “I want to have friends because I’m sad when I’m alone and I feel so bored.”

He then decided to share his colours.

From then on, he was happy because he had many friends.

The world was joyful, it was full of colours.

The Rainbow Wolf by Valoche - Illustrated by Victor Hugo Primary School in France  -
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