Don’t Give Up by nicole ernst - Illustrated by Nicole Ernst -
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Don’t Give Up


Artwork: Nicole Ernst

  • Joined Feb 2017
  • Published Books 1

Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes life tries to throw you down in the mud and it can be hard to not let it. There was a time in my life where I had let life take ahold of me and throw me down pretty hard and it wasn’t easy to get up from it.

Don’t Give Up by nicole ernst - Illustrated by Nicole Ernst -

I couldn’t understand why God was allowing the things that were happening to me happen and I started to resent him for it. Every day I fell deeper and deeper into the pile of mud and I felt like I was never going to get out of it.

Don’t Give Up by nicole ernst - Illustrated by Nicole Ernst -

I tried to be someone I was not because that is what society was telling me I had to. I had part of my innocence stripped from me without my allowing it and after that I didn’t care about myself anymore. I started listening to the things that people were saying about me and started to live it through my actions, rather than remembering who God made me to become.

Don’t Give Up by nicole ernst - Illustrated by Nicole Ernst -

I was extremely lucky though because I had amazing friends who knew what was going on in my life and were there to help me through it. They saw the path I was going down and helped me stop myself from destroying the person I really am. I started to look at myself differently because I stopped listening to those who didn’t know me and started listening to those who did know me. I started to stop dreading waking up the next day because I knew there was nothing to be afraid of anymore.

Don’t Give Up by nicole ernst - Illustrated by Nicole Ernst -

Depression is something that a lot of people go through and it can be very serious. With the help of loyal friends and a good family support group there are ways to get through it. Depression is something people don’t take serious enough but needs to become more aware. Underneath is a link to the National Institute of Medical Health website to give you more information on depression and ways to help treat depression.

Another way to try to understand how badly depression can effect someone is to watch this video. It shows just how hard it really is to live with depression but how easy it looks like you don’t have it

Don’t Give Up by nicole ernst - Illustrated by Nicole Ernst -
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