present simple by Ebrahim Simre - Illustrated by ebrahim simre  -
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present simple


Artwork: ebrahim simre

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 2

present simple

The present tense is the base form of the verb: I work in London.
But the third person (she/he/it) adds an -s: She works in London.

المضارع هو شكل قاعدة الفعل: أنا أعمل في لندن.
ولكن الشخص الثالث (هو / هي / هو) يضيف -s: وهي تعمل في لندن.



We use the present tense to talk about:

  • something that is true in the present:

I’m nineteen years old.
He lives in London.
I’m a student.


If an actor and then act it is adding the letter (s) and accusative
So we apply this rule must provide the following condition *

In this case provides the following pronouns in place of an actor
I, you, they, we are examples / Examples
They watch the T.V every day.
They watch the TV twice a day
We watch the T.V every day.
we watch the TV  daily.



You watch the T.V every day.
أنت تشاهد جهاز التلفاز يوميا.
I watch the T.V every day.
أنا أشاهد جهاز التلفاز يوميا.

If it is necessary to avoid the character mode the error (s) do not say:
They watches the T.V every day.

هم يشاهدون التلفاز كل يوم
And possible to put the (s) if instead They exist
He, She, it


When the verb ends with y we drop the -y-and add ies


the bird  fly

The bird  flies

The baby  cry

the baby  cries



but, if a verb ends with this letter vowel + y, we only  add -s at the end of the verb.

(what are vowels?: a, e, i, o, u)

the boy play football

the boy plays fotball

the girl buy milk

the girl buys milk



but there are some rules and exceptions for spelling

if a verb ends with this letter (-ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z), we add -es at the end of the verb

The teacher teach the class

The teacher teaches the class every day

The boy watch television every day

The boy watches television every day



Some Irregular verbs:
go – goes
do – does
have – has

Example Sentences:

  • Sometimes she goes to work on foot.

  • She hardly ever does her homework.

  • Tom has a lot of money.

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