The Keys To The Starry Heavens by Karisea - Illustrated by By: Karisea  -
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The Keys To The Starry Heavens


Artwork: By: Karisea

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 2

In Magnolia there once was a girl named Melody and she is a celestial wizard. She was on a journey to gather all three keys to the infinity clock. With her friends Natsu,Shay,Jewelia,Lyon and Grey helping her along the way. Melody and her friends are trying to gather all the pieces to the infinity clock. It is all that she has left from her father before he died. Natsu is a fire dragon slayer wizard  and Shay is a sword magic wizard and Grey is an ice make wizard and all together Melody,Natsu,Shay,and Grey they are an unbeatable team.

The Keys To The Starry Heavens by Karisea - Illustrated by By: Karisea  -

Hey Melody are  you ready to go now if we want to gather all three keys we need to get going now Natsu said and Melody said okay yeah your right. Natsu said plus I am hungry Melody said your always hungry in an angry voice. Alright I’m ready to go now melody said. About time Natsu said. Okay so where do we go first? Natsu asked. We should go to the dark forest and the first key should be around there somewhere melody said.Hey look we finally made it to the dark forest where the first key to the infinity clock is at. Let’s start looking around Natsu let me know if you find anything. Hey Natsu what’s up? says Shay and Nastu says just trying to help Melody find the six keys to the infinity clock. Do you wanna come along? says Melody. Sure says Shay I’d love to help you. Then soon after they run into Grey. Hey Grey do you wanna help us find all six keys to the infinity clock? says Natsu. Sure says Grey in a sarcastic voice its not like I have anything better to do anyway.

The Keys To The Starry Heavens by Karisea - Illustrated by By: Karisea  -

Find anything yet Natsu? says melody no Natsu answers, what about you? Shay says. No sorry melody and what about you Melody did you find anything? Shay asks. No Melody answers in a very disappointed voice. It has to be around here somewhere Melody says in a very concerned voice. Hey Melody! I think I found the first piece to the infinity clock says Shay. You did it Shay you found the first piece to the infinity clock only five more to go now says Melody in an excited voice. The second piece should be in the tombstone cave underground.

The Keys To The Starry Heavens by Karisea - Illustrated by By: Karisea  -

We made it to the tombstone cave. Let’s all stay close together when we get inside okay everyone said Melody. That means you NATSU!!! Melody said in angry harsh voice. Natsu are you even listening to me Melody said in angry voice. Just leave him Shay says  let him act like a child well just go find the second piece in this cave on our own Melody. Come on Melody! yelled Shay let’s go already Melody. Coming! yelled Melody and a few minutes after they were in the middle of the cave which separated into different paths leading different directions. Not knowing which one will lead them to the second clock piece. They each took a path while Melody was walking she heard a noise not knowing what it was or who it was. Then suddenly BAM!!! a monster jumps out right in front of her. She quickly summoned one of her celestial spirits. “Open gate of the rampage bull Torres” she said and then a cow came out with an ax and ready to fight the monster. They fought and fought,but Melody was losing,so she summoned another celestial spirit. “Open gate of the lion Leo” then a man came out who has the heart of a lion and Melody was losing lots of her magic for having two spirits out at once it was tiring her out. She thought that she was going to fate,but suddenly Natsu came to the rescue and used one of his special attacks fire dragon roar on the monster. Then suddenly fire came bursting out of his mouth like a never ending roar.

The Keys To The Starry Heavens by Karisea - Illustrated by By: Karisea  -

Natsu and Melody both had so many  bruises and scratches on them from being attacked by the monster. The monster was incredibly strong,but Natsu was stronger in the end he finally defeated the monster.Then they both walked ahead and found the second piece for the infinity clock. Then everyone walked outside the cave and were on there way to the next place where the third keys is hidden. “So where is the third key hidden at” asked Grey. Well it says here the library of magnolia in the southwest warehouse part of the library. It felt like days just to get back to magnolia. It was a long walk,but we finally made it everyone Melody said. Okay everyone split up look all cover the library see if you can find any clues Shay said. Hey! Shay over here I think i found a clue Natsu said. Your right Shay said lets see. What does it say Shay? asked Melody. It says to find what you are looking for move these book shelves and you’ll be at where you wanna be at. Okay lets try it Grey help me please if you would. Okay Grey said,they moved it and then a big bright light came out of nowhere and took them where they wanted to go to and that was the southwest of the library. They all got teleported there somehow and here they found the final key to the infinity clock. There was just one problem there was a huge monster protecting it. Natsu and Grey said “leave this to us”. They battled hard no matter how many times they got knocked down they got back up again. Then with one final move they ended it and defeated the monster and got the last key to the infinity clock and they placed all the pieces on the table and started to put  it together one by one. Then they completed the infinity clock and it worked,so they returned home to relax in peace once again.

The Keys To The Starry Heavens by Karisea - Illustrated by By: Karisea  -


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