All About Me

by clara

Artwork: By Clara Capiluppi

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All About Me


Artwork: By Clara Capiluppi

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 1

My name is Clara I am 13 years old

I live in Carpi but I was born on 28 of January 2003 in Reggio Emilia it is located in the north of Italy in the region Emilia Romagna.

I’m short and quite slim, I have brown quite long and wavy hair and brown eyes, I don’t have freckles but I wear  black glasses.

My character is sweet, smiling ,nice but also shy and anxious.

In my free time I meet my best friends, listen to music on my bed, do homework, eat much fruit, message with my friends, watch tv and sleep.

My passion is sport even if now I do not practice anything because I have too much homework but soon I’m going to do a sport again.

For my future….I really  don’t know,  I  just know I want to attend a technical school called ITI. I would like to study………I don’t have any other plans.

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