Pussy the Cat

by amir asher

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Pussy the Cat

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 1

Pussy the cat




Pussy is a black, cat, with bad eyesight,so she wears glasses. She has shiny black fur and blue eyes.Tomorrow she starts a new year, in a new school. Pussy is very nervous and her mother is trying to calm her,”Everything will be alright,sweetie, don’t worry” her mother said for the 100th time.”No it won’t, what if I’ll have no friends?”Pussy asked.”Don’t worry, you will be fine, just go to sleep”her mother reassured her. And Pussy went to sleep.                                              

“Ring,ring”, goes the alarm clock, waking Pussy up. She immediately wakes up, puts on her glasses and gets ready for school.”Pussy come eat your breakfast” her mother calls to her.Pussy comes to the dining table.

”Hey mom”Pussy says

”Good morning sweetie” her mother replies. Pussy sits down and eats her breakfast with her mother. She is very nervous.”Come,let’s go”, her mother says when they finish. So they go out of the house, lock the door,and go to the school. After five minutes they arrive,”It’s so big, and so many children” Pussy says in wonder and awe.

”You will be fine, her mother says”.So Pussy goes in, leaving her mother behind. She heads toward the big building in the middle of the courtyard, but before she reaches it,a big black bulldog passes in front of her

”Hello, I am Pussy,who are you?”Pussy asks him,

”I am Zack, pipsqueak”,he replies “and you don’t get to talk to me,blindeye”. He kept insulting her and calling her names, and by now many kids had gathered to see him bully her. Smiling, Zack takes her glasses and kicks them away,”Hey I can’t see” Pussy protested, ”Give them back”,laughing, Zack walks away. Pussy searches blindly for her glasses, choking back tears, when she finds them, she puts them on, walks to a small private place, and crys.


At lunch pussy seats on the most deserted area of the cafeteria where she sits alone and eats her home lunch: cheddar cheese with pepper. Then someone approaches her, it’s a mouse, and everyone knows that mouse and cat don’t go together very well. The mouse goes up to pussy and asks “Hi I am Louise,I like your glasses they are very pretty” “thank you” Pussy replies. “Would you like to seat next to me” “sure” says Louise “are you new around here” ” yes, I am new around here, I came from a different school” pussy says “Hey I am sorry about Zack he is just a mean bully and and you don’t deserve any of this.” Louise said with a very serious voice. “what do you have for lunch” pussy  asked Louise. ” I have such a good old mozzarella cheese, and when I mean old it is literally old cheese.” Louise happily said. “ MMM would you maybe want to go to the park after school, there is a park right across my place”  “Sure” pussy replied. “Ok then, see you at the park” louise said.


“Hey there you are” Louise loudly shouted across the park “ Yes, I couldn’t find you, let’s go on the slide it looks  big and scary” “ you know what I really like about the park is that there are lots of cool slides” Louise said. They swiftly went down the slide, and then they started running and chasing one another. Until they got into a more woody area of the park then they noticed something very strange, a bunch of trees were in this circle like form. Then Louise said “ do you see what i see” “ if i think what you’re saying we’re seeing a tunnel behind these trees. “Let’s go inside”  Pussy said “ are you sure about this” Louise said “yes let’s go inside this is so cool that we found this tunnel maybe it would have a cure to my illness.” pussy said. Then as they were walking inside they saw this hallway. At this point both Pussy and Louise  were frightened from the unknown. They walked down this very dark hallway and as they entered this huge room at the end of the hallway they saw a massive tree with a glowing fruit and a bird, but not just any bird it was a talking one. Then the bird started talking, the two of them didn’t have any idea what they  had gotten themselves into. They heard the bird say” I see you have a problem, I have a solution to your problem, if you will eat a bit of the glowing fruit, it will help you. But only one that is brave of heart can eat the glowing fruit”, Pussy and Louise were to frightened to stay another minute so they went running out of the tunnel.


A month had passed since they had found the tunnel, and Zack was getting unbearable. He bullied Pussy and Louise every day, and they had no friends but themselves. They were trying to find a way to stop him from bullying them, when Pussy remembered the tunnel. “We could go back to the tunnel. Maybe the bird wasn’t lying”, Pussy said,

”Hmmm,it’s worth a try, let’s go!”

So Pussy and Louise headed for the park,and to the place where they had found the tunnel,”Ok, let’s go in” Pussy says. So they head inside  and after a few minutes of walking they reach the chamber with the tree with the glowing fruit, and the talking bird,”Hello there, have you come back to eat the fruit of the brave of heart?” The bird calls to them

”We have” they replied,

”So take a small piece of the fruit, and eat” So Louise and Pussy go to the tree, and take a bit of the fruit, and eat it.

“Wow, I feel so good”, Pussy says,

”Yes, it’s amazing”, Louise agrees.”

Thank you”they say to the bird

“My pleasure”, he replies.

So Pussy and Louise leave the tunnel, and head home. The next day, when they enter the school courtyard, Zack comes to bully them.”Hey, idiots”, he says,swiping his hand at Pussy’s glasses, but this time, instead of the glasses falling off, when his hand hit her face it broke,

”Ouch”, he cried

”your days of bullying are over!”pussy said

”Yeah”,shouted Louise.

And they walked toward the building, All the children who had been watching clapped their hands. From that day on, Zack was no longer a bully.

The end


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