The feeding by Giulia Gumina - Illustrated by Giulia Gumina 2A -
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The feeding


Artwork: Giulia Gumina 2A

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 9

The nutritional principles

Our body needs energy, and this draws the Daglia foods. The foods are made up of simple substances that are found in nutritive principles: proteins, sugars, water and mineral salts. The nutrients also help to perform three basic functions: Energetic, plastic and regulatory.


Place the plastic function, the regulator and energy. These are classificte in animals and plants. Protein deficiency causes alimetari disorders such as decreased muscle mass.

Carbohydrates (sugars)

They are the main source of energy for the conduct of mainly physical. They are divided into simple and complex sugars. Complex sugars are found for example in starch, simple ones, are such as fructose or calcium, and are found primarily in fruits and vegetables. The lack of sugar causes hair loss or growth retardation.

Lipids (fats)

Are the substances rich in calories; They have a particularly energetic function but also plastic. They are divided into saturated fatty acids, which are difficult to digest, while saturated fats are more digestible.


They are very different substances with each other and with no energetic power, but indispensable for the development of the organs.

The water

The human body is composed of a high percentage of water: 65% in adults and in children 75. The water helps keep the heat balance and helps in the elimination of waste substances.

The minerals

They are found in the form of salts. Their function is protective. They differ in macroelements that are present in large quantities in our body, and trace elements that are present only in traces. The main ones are:

Calcium (ca)

Phosphorus (p)

Magnesium (mg)

Sodium (na)

Potassium (ka)

Iron (fe)




The Food Groups

To follow a varied and comprehensive quality and quantity of food, we should consider that the foods contain dietary principles in different percentages. The nutrition specialists divide the food in 7 groups, depending on their function. Each group provides a specific nutrient that, if at least one food from each of the seven groups is present in the daily diet, you are certain that entering their body the essential nutrients.


Eating thinking: The balanced diet

In scientific language with diet-term we denote the set of foods consumed and their quantity. A balanced diet is the kind of power it brings to the body, the right quantity, all the nutrients.

The priramide Food

The “Pyramid Power” gives an immediate indication of what and how much food you need to consume daily. In giornialiera diet, you should consume a good amount of foods containing starch as the energy requirements should consist of about 60% from sugars especially complex; -some fruit and vegetables -not too much meat and cheese sweets and condiments -few. Fats are already contained in many foods, for which the pyramid indicates to use with moderation condiments. The daily energy intake should be divided into 4 meals (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner). Also the amount are important. It ‘also need to be careful what you magic. With a healthy and balanced diet you can prevent many diseases. L and poor eating habits predispose to obesity and can lead to liver disease and diabetes.


The Mediterranean Diet And a nutritional model inspired Ai common food in SOME Models Mediterranean countries (to come Italy and Greece) IN fifties of the twentieth century. It is based on traditionally Food Consumed in THESE countries for Example Cereals, Fruit and vegetables, olive oil, meat, fish and latticcini. The Mediterranean Diet concept and introduced State and studied initially by the US physiologist Ancel Keys, Who has revealed the benefits effects on longevity is health in the legendary Seven Country Study [1].

Many of the people residing on the coasts of the Mediterranean with large ethnic differences, cultural, religious, Economic and political, which may have an impact on the amount is on Food Quality. For this the identification of common dietary elements represented a challenge for Scholars. About The Great Variety of culinary habits of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and Their Variations throughout history, and is considered to have to reserve the term Mediterranean diet, strictly speaking, the Eating Habits associate a Outcomes More healthy in SOME Island resorts in Crete and Italy on horseback Southern fifties and sixties, Those that study by Ancel Keys [2]. And as the main intake of fats Those of social groups was Dall’Olio olive, the dietary pattern and Extended State to incorporate the diets consumed in Mediterranean countries Manufacturers of oil [3].

The historical and anthropological implications of the Mediterranean diet They Brought UNESCO At its inclusion in 2010 in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of Italy, Morocco, Spain and Greece; from 2013 tale recognition and State Extended In Cyprus, Croatia and Portugal. [4]. Currently the Mediterranean Diet Definition It EXTENDED and a lot of variants Of the original one, Especially in the field of culinary Practice MANY What countries are claiming the quality of their cuisine, so as to include still widely heterogeneous dietary, for Which there are not many scientific evidence [ 5].

Next to the Mediterranean diet dietetic meaning of the term, and Done It then space SIA Enlargement of the concept by a wide range of cuisines to A popular journalism, SIA The critical review of historical SOME, How They highlighted the abstract Appearance or new mythology. What is the meaning attributed to the term Mediterranean diet “You and shaped over time, acquiring connotations not always documented in the RESPECT of the best” traditional “generating miti..Basti Think ahead the current reductionist approach appears inadequate to explain a complex phenomenon come the “model” Mediterranean Food. In fact the model or “Mediterranean” which MUST Talking, avoiding to confine the argument to while Assumption Important Aspect of Specific Food (Diet), came instead SEEMS rate medical research. “The Mediterranean diet is not ê solo diet and not There A single Mediterranean diet” [6].


Disturbances Food: two sides of the same problem

Especially among teenagers are becoming more common two eating disorders: anorexia ie the refusal of food, and bulimia, ie food intake in excess and impulsively. Are disorders of psychological origin, linked to a negative image that the adolescent’s self. Sufferers of this kind of disturbances can react in different ways to their psychological diffcoltà:

. Anorexia reducing the amount of food, reducing the amount of food, even causing vomiting after eating;

. In bulimia eating out all the food available, then repent and induce vomiting.

Often with periods of anorexia alternating periods of bulimia. The result of anorexia is loss of body mass, though not enough to improve the evaluation of their physical. To combat these disorders often requires hospitalization in health care facilities, and the force-feeding. Currently we have created specialized centers where doctors and psychologists work together.


Competitive spirit and diet

Every sport has its own gasoline, for each there is a specific diet to follow during workouts or close to a race. Adolescence and competitive spirit can coexist thanks to proper diet, which meets the high energy and calorie needs, and meets the requirements needed during the transformations that our body lives growing up. Carbohydrates are the perfect fuel to offer to the muscles during exercise, while the proteins are only necessary for the renewal and growth of muscle tissue. Before training rather a simple loaf stuffed with mortadella.


The effects of alcohol

Alcohol derived from the transformation that some yeasts perform on simple sugars contained in some fruits or starches on content in grains, turning them into ethanol. This is not a food consiederato even if brings a high number of calories, because it has not nutritious function. The boys should not drink alcoholic beverages. In adults, moderate drinking, the body does not create disturbances, but the uncontrolled intake can cause disorders such as intoxication and drunkenness. Alcoholism is the pathological condition of alcohol abuse. In fact, although many individuals assume occasionally higher or lower doses of alcohol without becoming dependent, prolonged intake and regular alcohol can give rise to addiction. Alcohol abuse causes adaptive changes charged to the ‘gratificatore’ brain system that is able to process natural reinforcements, implemented by the mesolimbic system and the cortico-limbic; the result is the establishment of a search behavior of the substance and, therefore, of dependence. Alcoholism can be defined as a heterogeneous set of behaviors that include all conditions of alcohol intake and causing medical or social complications.


The importance of water to the human body

Our body is composed for the most part by water. The introduction of water in the body is essential for life, in fact the water fasting can not be continued for more than two days, a maximum of three.

The water, such as vitamins and minerals, is not considered a constituent energy supply, since it does not make calories.

But how much water there is in our body?

The water present in the human being shows significant differences according to age, the constitution, the power type. Moreover, the organs and tissues are hydrated in a different way one from the other. Since young people are far more rich in water, especially in the soft tissues, skin and connective and subcutaneous tissues. Increasing the water content it is progressively reduced from an average of 75% of the young child to around 50% in the elderly.

Water helps us to digest and absorb food, regulates body temperature, removes toxins and toxic waste, the fat that is burning, circulates the blood, protects the tissues, organs and joints and carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells.

Dehydration or lack of water worsens many common ailments such as headaches, fatigue, allergies and muscular pain.
A well-hydrated body rarely suffer from these disorders.

People who are chronically dehydrated often suffer from numerous diseases due to the fact that, without water, the toxins can not be easily eliminated from the body.

Water is also an important part of weight loss because it has no calories, but it can give the feeling of satiety and helps the body metabolize stored fat.

A recent study by Virginia Tech University by Brenda Davy of the Department of Human Nutrition at the Meeting of the American Chemical Society, confirmed that drinking two glasses of water before meals with a sense of satiety that does eat almost 100 calories less.

Drinking more water will also help with the swelling by stimulating the kidneys.

When water is not consumed enough, a body often has poor muscle tone.

One reason why a person can not lose weight even though they eat little, is certainly that is not drinking enough water.

How much water should you drink?

If we want to know exactly how much water is necessary for our body, just do a simple operation:

multiply kg of our weight to 14.2 and then divide by 113.


Digestive diseases

The stomach, containing hydrochloric acid, may easily catch fire if there is less mucus layer protection.

The most common is the inflammation of gastritis, which is manifested by burning pain and especially after meals. A gastritis neglected can turn into gastric ulcer, which consists of a lesion of a stomach wall.

Gastritis and ulcers are cured by diet, avoiding alcohol and coffee, and using specific drugs.

The bowel diseases

Even the intestine can be hit ulcer in its initial part. The duodenal ulcer causes symptoms similar to those of gastric ulcer, and care in the same way. Other bowel diseases are enteritis, caused by bacterial infections. harmful substances that remain long in the appendix, causing an infection called appendicitis. If the appendix ruptures, the ifezione could spread to the peritoneum, causing peritonitis.

The colon may be suffering from colitis, after stress, or to an infection.

Diseases of the liver

Viral hepatitis is liver infections caused by viruses.

L ‘Hepatitis A is transmitted through food, such as mussels or clams, eaten raw.

Hepatitis B and C are transmitted by contact with infected blood. It consists of nausea and jaundice.

There are vaccines against hepatitis A and B. In Italy it is compulsory vaccination for hepatitis B, but you should also volunteered to undergo another vacinazione. Following a hepatitis you can also become ill from cirrhosis of the liver, which if left untreated can become deadly. In the gallbladder ppossono create calculations, small balls of cholesterol, if blocking the flow of bile cause nausea, vomiting and colic. To treat this disorder, the calculations can be removed either surgically, or even through the lithotripsy, which consists in crushing them through ultrasound.


The art food

The depiction of food in the painting begins in the Roman era, with images related to the genre of still life that Vitruvius called gifts for the guests.

the idea of ​​representing the food in different contexts is coming to an English photographer, Carl Warner, who has done his job; It uses a variety of foods that are handled naturally, taken raw and matched by an appropriate level of taste.
Through its Warner artistic expression it aims not only to revolutionize the “way of making art,” but also the aim of promoting a healthier diet and equilibrata.Montagne, forests, waterfalls and seascapes are represented in the work with bread, fruits, vegetables, cheeses, cold cuts and many other delicacies that become the central element of the work differently than in the past.

In ancient times, the food was the root of many sacred rituals, performing two main functions: to have the consent and benevolence of Mother Nature and simultaneously remove the blame for stealing the raw materials to the earth.

Since the Middle Ages, the foods take on allegorical meanings, not so much related to the livelihood and nutrition, as regards cultural factor, making explicit the relationship and the difference between the social classes, identifying geographic regions, the seasons, and even the phases of life.

At the end of the sixteenth century, through the representation of food in the square it provides a sociological vision of the period. Mainly it gives importance to the food of the poor, or the contrast of the food consumed by the poor and the rich.

Arcimboldo was interpreter of cabalistic magic and culture of the sixteenth century and was, in many ways, a member of the mannerism in which gradually came to afflict him, the Renaissance painting.
Rather obvious – as was said – it is his debt to the physiognomic deformations of Leonardo, but even more blatant is its debt to the extraordinary diffusion of enigmatic grotesque decorations and from other, more explicit ruminations alchemical pictorial-time.

Arcimboldo’s art is therefore a child of its time, especially when it moves playfully toward the search for the hidden meaning of things, whether it is paid to omogenia the part and the whole, the correspondences between the macrocosm and microcosm, or the enigmatic and hidden meaning some things. But the playful sense of his research, almost as a result of that alchemical sorcery which are often found in the surrealist painting is transformed – at least in the eyes of today’s man.

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