Jelly Roll Morton- Jazz in the 1920's
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Jelly Roll Morton

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 2

Is that his real name?/Who was he?


His names actually Ferdinand Joseph LaMothe, Jelly Roll Morton was more like his stage name. He got his name ‘Morton’ from his step father whose name was Mouton. Morton was a gambler, he worked as a pimp, and he also played piano in a whorehouse, and at one point a vaudeville comedian. He moved to Chicago when he found out what he wanted to do with his life. He was a mix of french, African, and Spanish.

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What was he known for?


He often said he created jazz, while that might not have been entirely true he was the first jazz musician to put his songs on paper. He played the piano in a band called “Red Hot Peppers”.

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During the Depression jazz went out of style and it was hard on Jelly Roll, he went through hard times and lost a diamond in his front tooth, but he still played in a dive bar.
Jelly Roll died under strange circumstances, feels that the reason he was dying at the time was because someone had casted voodoo on him, apparently his god mother, Eulalie Echo, had given his soul to the devil as a part of some sort of black magic ritual.Image result for jelly roll morton voodoo


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