
by Tauna

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  • Joined Dec 2016
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time, in a land under the sea, there lived a nice dolphin named Cindershella. Cindershella used to have a happy life, until her father remarried. Now, Cindershella has an evil stepmother. Cindershella also had two mean stepsisters named, Sharkleeta and Sharkseeta. One day, Cindershella’s stepmother received a letter in the mail inviting everyone to the Deep Sea Disco. The prince was looking for a new best friend. This was the biggest bash of the year! “This is going to be so much fun” said Sharkleeta and Sharseeta in excitement. “Yeah, I can’t wait to find the perfect dress” said Cindershella. Everyone turned to Cindershella. “You won’t be going to the Deep Sea Disco”, snarled Cinderella’s stepmother.


Cindershella was so sad, she swam to her room. While Cindershella was crying, her stepmother walked in and said, “You have a list of chores to do while we are out shopping”. She threw the list at Cindershella and stormed out of the room. Cindershella had a plan! “If I can get all of my chores done, then Stepmother will have to let me go to the Deep Sea Disco!” Cindershella wiped away her tears and got to work. First, she got the broom and swept all of the floors. Next, she mopped all of the floors until they were sparkling. After that, she washed all of the dishes. All of chores were done! Cindershella put on her nicest jewelry and got ready to go to the ball. Just then, her stepmother walked into the house and was surprised at how nice the house looked. Instead of being happy, she turned to Cindershella and gave her an evil stare. “So you think you’re going to the ball…well you’re NOT!”


The evil stepmother grabbed Cindershella’s beautiful necklace and ripped it off of her neck. The shells and beads fell to the floor. Cindershella could not believe what had just happened. Tears started to stream down her face and she swam to her room. Her stepsisters cackled in the background. “What have I done to deserve this?”, Cindershella thought to herself. The stepmother and stepsisters, put on their gowns and swam to the Deep Sea Disco, and locked Cindershella in her room. All of a sudden, a magical fairy godfish appeared in front of Cindershella. “Yo, yo, yo, Cindershella. I am your fairy godfish Sal-mon”. Cindershella rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “Your stepmother locked you in this room, even after you swept everything with your broom”, Sal-mon rapped. “But, when you started crying, that was my call and I’m here to get you to the ball!” This was definitely not a dream! Cinershella did a backflip out of the water. She was going to the Deep Sea Disco!


Cindershella could not believe what was happening! First, her fairy godfish, Sal-mon, said these magic words “Bibbidi, bobidi crab, you four will pull Cindershella’s cab”. He turned all of her crab friends into sea horses. Next, he said, “Bibbidi, Bobidi jellyfish, help me grant Cindershella’s wish”. The jellyfish turned into a beautiful carriage for Cindershella to ride to the ball. “Last but not least…”, Sal-mon said as he approached Cindershella. He gave her a beautiful, sparkling necklace and bracelet made of white pearls. “When the clock strikes 12, everything will turn back the way it was”, warned Sal-mon, “but have fun and show the prince what it really means to be beautiful”. Cindershella gave her godfish a big hug, hopped in the carriage, and rode to the ball. When Cindershella arrived, everyone turned to look. They couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. The prince immediately walked over and asked her for a dance. They danced so much, Cindershella didn’t realize that it was 11:58 pm. She swam out of the disco leaving one of her pearls behind.


The prince picked up the pearl and demanded that the beautiful dolphin whom he boogied down with at the Disco be found at once. Meanwhile, Cindershella made it home just in time. Her stepmother and stepsisters walked into the house. They were complaining about a dolphin wearing beautiful pearls and who had moves like Jagger stealing all of the attention away from everyone else. Cindershella smiled. The next day, the prince’s guards went door to door asking if they knew who owned the pearl. Soon, they arrived at Cindershella’s home and asked her stepmother and stepsister. The guards told them that to know who the pearl truly belonged to, they needed to see the exact dance moves that the prince saw last night. Neither of the stepsister had the right moves! Shyly, Cindershella swam up and danced like no one was watching. She definitely had the moves and the guards knew that she owned the pearl! At once, she was taken to the palace and married the prince. Together they lived happily, ever after.

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