All about Me by Yana Krymskaya

by Yana Krymskaya

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All about Me by Yana Krymskaya

  • Joined Dec 2016
  • Published Books 1

  My Eating Habits

Today I want tell you about my eating habits.

I usually have hot choccolate,coffe or tea for breakfast.I do breakfast in my kitchen whit my parents.At the weekends I seldom have breakfast because I get up very late,usually at eleven o’clock.

I never have a morning snack at school, ’cause  I’m not hungry.For lunch I usually  have a plate of pasta with tomato sauce and I drink water or fruit juice.On Sunday I have a very big lunch.I have pasta,salad,meat,potatoes,bacon,toast  with ham and dessert .For dessert I often have “salame di cioccolato “,a type of choccolate cake.I always have an afternoon snack.I usually eat toast or biscuits and I dink tea.

I usually haven’t got much food for dinner.I usually  have a slice of meat or fish with salad or potatoes.I drink only water, but after dinner I always drink tea.

My favourite food is “salame di cioccolato “,I love it and I can cook it,too.It’s not very difficult,I need choccolate,butter and biscuits.It’s delicious.

I love tea and I drink it a lot.I hate broccoli and I never eat them.

My favourite fruits are tangerines and peaches I love them,I think they are very healty.

I think I have an  healty diet.

All about Me by Yana Krymskaya by Yana Krymskaya -
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