Street Workout – By Dan Rosenberg by Dan Rosenberg - Illustrated by Dan Rosenberg -
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Street Workout – By Dan Rosenberg


Artwork: Dan Rosenberg

  • Joined Nov 2014
  • Published Books 1

My name is Dan Rosenberg. I am 16 years old and I live in Ramat – Gan.


In this book I chose to write about a big part of my life- Street Workout.


Street Workout – By Dan Rosenberg by Dan Rosenberg - Illustrated by Dan Rosenberg -

I’ll start off by saying what I thing is the most improtant fact about this sport:

Everybody can do Street Workout. Their age / gender doesn’t matter at all!


so now you are probably asking yourselves what is Street Workout?


If you want to know, flip to the next page!


Street Workout is a bodyweight based sport. What does that means?

It means that we are not going to use any weights on our workouts.

Now you may think – why would we do that?

The answer is: teenagers that want to get fit and develop their bodies can be at the age of 15-16 (Sometimes even younger). In that age most of the teenagers didn’t fully developed. When teens are going in that age to the Gym

there is a big chance they will (in their first month or 2) be very excited and try to will lift super heavy weights. This can easily cause them some serious injuries and some of them might be irreversible.

On the other hand, in Street Workout it’s much harder to harm your body. You can’t work with weights that are greater than your own bodyweight.

Street Workout – By Dan Rosenberg by Dan Rosenberg - Illustrated by Dan Rosenberg -

We have gone through the introduction.

Now, it’s time to get to business.

The street Workout is based on 3 BASIC exercises: Pullups, Dips and Pushups.

Note- these are only the basic exercises that are recommended to start with.

There are many variations to increase or decrease the level of these 3 basic exercises like clapping pushups and “typewriter” pullups.


after you have master the basics, it’s time to move to the advanced level.

There are number of advanced exercises that are very impressive and cool.

Most of them are “pure power” and there aren’t any methods of gaining these moves except for trying, trying and trying.

For example – a move that I’m working on very hard these days:


The Front Lever:

Street Workout – By Dan Rosenberg by Dan Rosenberg - Illustrated by Dan Rosenberg -

In addition to the Front Lever, I can do the Back Lever and the Human Flag.

There are more moves I can perform like the Elbow Lever, 1 Hand Chinup, the 1 Hand Back Lever and more…

In the process of working and working ’till I got these moves, my body has developed and my (especially the upper body) , muscles had thickened.

Here, too, every element has different variations of it.


From here I’ll let YOU research more about this subject (exercises, variations, etc.).


And in the end I would like to write a little bit about how Street Workout changed my life, but not in the physical aspect.

What I  have learned is, that you must keep on trying. Not just in this sport, IN LIFE! And eventually, you’ll get to the level you want to get to, you’ll get to the place you want to be in.

I have learned that you must FAIL. FAIL again. again, again and again, and you must FAIL more in order to achieve your goals!





Thank you for the time you have invested in reading my short book.

Good Luck!

Street Workout – By Dan Rosenberg by Dan Rosenberg - Illustrated by Dan Rosenberg -
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