The End of The Scary Ugu Bugu Shmugu

by Chananya

Artwork: chananya & eli

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The End of The Scary Ugu Bugu Shmugu


Artwork: chananya & eli

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 2

Once upon a time there lived the Ugu Bugu Shmugu.  He was shaped like a storm cloud.  He was very big. He was all black. And he was very scary.


He always attacked whoever bothered him, and he never let children go to sleep when it got dark.


He especially liked to scare a little kid named Jackson who lived with his parents at the edge of the forest.  He went there every night.

Once upon a time there lived the Ugu Bugu Shmugu.  He was shaped like a storm cloud.  He was very big. He was all black. And he was very scary.


He always attacked whoever bothered him, and he never let children go to sleep when it got dark.


He especially liked to scare a little kid named Jackson who lived with his parents at the edge of the forest.  He went there every night.

Once upon a time there lived the Ugu Bugu Shmugu.  He was shaped like a storm cloud.  He was very big. He was all black. And he was very scary.


He always attacked whoever bothered him, and he never let children go to sleep when it got dark.


He especially liked to scare a little kid named Jackson who lived with his parents at the edge of the forest.  He went there every night.


one day the animals got together and decided to stop the Ugu Bugu Shmugu.  They decided that they would fight him and whoever got hurt would be replaced by another animal.



That night the Ugu Bugu Shmugu went to attack Jackson.  On his way, he saw a lion in the bushes.  The lion came up to the Ugu Bugu Shmugu and tried to eat his leg, but the Ugu Bugu Shmugu picked up the lion and threw it back into the bushes.



Then a tiger and a big bird came along. The bird flew behind the tiger so the Ugu Bugu Shmugu wouldn’t see it.  The tiger tried to eat the Ugu Bugu Shmugu’s hand, but he threw him into the bushes as well.


Suddenly, the Ugu Bugu Shmugu felt something on his back. He turned around and saw that it was the bird.  He grabbed it and threw it far into the sky.

The next time the Ugu Bugu Shmugu went to scare Jackson, all the animals that lived in the forest attacked him at the same time.  They fought with all their might but they still couldn’t beat him.  Some of them got thrown into the bushes and some far away into the high sky.


Suddenly, the animals threw trees at the Ugu Bugu Shmugu.  He was so surprised that he didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t even fight back, so he ran away.


In the meantime, inside the house at the edge of the forest the people were preparing for him as they knew he would strike again.  They dug a deep hole in ground and covered it.



The Ugu Bugu Shmugu ran towards Jackson’s house. When he got there, he saw Jackson sitting on the stairs by the door.  He walked quietly toward Jackson hidden by the shadows of the trees.  When he was ready he leaped out of hiding with a roar and ran straight at Jackson.  The kid looked terrified and ran into the house.  The Ugu Bugu Shmugu followed him.  He was almost at the door now.  Suddenly, he felt there was nothing under him and he fell right into the hole dug by the people.

All the people cheered and partied for a long time because of the monster’s defeat.  They didn’t know it but in the forest the animals partied as well.

And that’s the end of the Ugu Bugu Shmugu.

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