The Road Not Taken – Post Reading : Home Assigment – Shahar Hanna by atidim -
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The Road Not Taken – Post Reading : Home Assigment – Shahar Hanna

  • Joined Oct 2016
  • Published Books 8

Question: Think or imagine a situation in life which requires making an important choise.
Describe the situation and think of two separate kinds of experiences you might encounter as a result of choosing one way or another.


Answer: A situation in life that requires making an important choise is moving out from your parents’ house.
There are two roads you can take. The first road is moving out from your parents’ house and the other road is to stay.


As a result of choosing the first road you will experience two consequences. The first one that of becoming an adult, i.e., a person that doesn’t depend on his parents any more. You have to remember to pay the rent to the land lord, as well as the taxes; plus, you would have to buy food, clothes and many other things that you have take care of once you’re living alone. And you have to remember to do them as well.


The second consequence of living on your own is probably having to share the residence with a roomate. You have to live with another person or even more then one. You have to learn to get along with them and maybe you will also make some new friends as a result of living with them.


As a result of choosing the second road you will experience two experiences too. The first experience of staying at your parents house is not experiencing the “adult world” and not knowing how to be a grown up. It’s sort of like putting a blanket and covering yourself and ignoring all the things you have to learn from living without your parents because someday you will have to live without them and they will not always be around to help you.


The second experience is that the less sooner you will get out of your parents house the more harder it will be for you to be living on your own.
I think choosing to move out is a better choise because it will make me a better and independent person, dealing with things I’ve never dealt with..


***Dear Shahar, I enjoyed reading your dilemma – there’s certainly a lesson to be learnt here!

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