The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -
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The Story of Molly the Molecule



  • Joined Sep 2016
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time a small molecule formed. Her name was Molly. Molly was unaware that she formed in a very large body of water. She was currently in the Atlantic ocean. Around her she could see many other families of molecules zooming around. She peered up and to her surprise she saw others floating up, up, and up. They went so far up that they were now sitting comfy in a fluffy cloud. Molly worked her way under the cloud. When she was directly under the cloud she felt a warm gust of air take her by surprise and carry her up, up, and up. Until she was sitting in the fluffy cloud.

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -

Molly was now sitting in the cloud wondering how in the world she got up there. She asked people how she got up here. she then heard a faint, raspy voice. Over in the corner was Grandpa Randy, the elder of the water molecules. He said “Aye i know how we got up here. I do this almost 3 times a day”. He explained that Heat energy was added to the water , the water then evaporated and went to the clouds carrying him and I and millions of us to the cloud. After he was done talking the cloud began to rumble, Many of the water molecules began to mover closer together. Grandpa randy said we were beginning to condense. Soon there will be precipitation he said or as I know it, rain. And with the force of gravity we will fall to the ground. As we began to fall out of the cloud I saw nothing but ground.

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -

BANG! We hit the ground with a splish splash. We rolled around for a bit until… we were now in the ground. Grandpa Randy said we were now absorbed by soil and that is where we will remain until a thirsty plant soaks us up. It felt like forever, finally we began to move towards this weird squiggly line. “Grandpa randy, whats that?” “That is a root, we are now being soaked up by a plant”. It was pretty dark inside the plant. It took for ever, it felt like days until we were released by the plant and we began to float up to the clouds once more. Grandpa Randy said that different  groups of molecules get released at different times. We happen to be the group that stays along time.

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -

We were now back in the clouds. Its pretty boring up here. Its the whole plant incident all over again. Grandpa said that up in the clouds, that the reason we were staying but other groups were leaving because we continue to hang on to dust particles until we are ready to condense and fall… FINALLY!!! We began to move together and just like that we fell. And under us was where I formed. The ocean. We fell into the ocean and it felt good to be back in the ocean. But it didn’t last long.

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -

I felt the warm air once more. And just like that I started to float up to the clouds… yes AGAIN. So once we were back in the clouds the process didn’t take long this time. We quickly began to condense and the gravity pulled us out of the cloud. And we began to fall down to a lake.

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -

We easily fell into the lake. It was really warm. It felt nice. But it was disgusting. There was lots of moss and weird animals living there. I immediately wanted to leave. My wish came true! Grandpa Randy said we were being pulled by gravity, and were going to be filtered into the soil. I was happy because I know filter means to make clean. I was really hating the algae. We were now groundwater. I was kinda familiar with this part. Except we were beginning to drain back into the lake. Great I though to myself. First day I live and its not going well. I thought “Nothing could make it worse”. Well I was wrong. We stayed there for a while. Grandpa Randy said we were remaining in the lake or estuary until we were ready to leave.

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -

Well when the time came to leave the gross lake. It was in an odd way. We were drunken by a deer. And that’s where we remained until the deer, you know… well that’s where we were. It was a very weird life so far. But it was pretty good. I cant believe how much I have learned. I am so excited to learn more. Well that’s mostly my life. It’s pretty boring but interesting… I think… I hoped you learned a lot! BYE!


Sicereley, Molly

The Story of Molly the Molecule by Brody Thomas Hartwig - Illustrated by -
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