Mr Worthington Gets Stuck by Mary Smith -
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Mr Worthington Gets Stuck

  • Joined Mar 2016
  • Published Books 4

It was a sunny morning and Mr Worthington is going to a park where it has a playground and a big field. He is going with his friends from his school. “Bye, Mum and Dad!” he called. His parents said goodbye to him too.


He is walking to the park and the playground. “Hey, look! It’s my school, Monsters University!” said Mr Worthington loudly. He walked and walked, until…


He reached to the park. He saw Scott, Chet, Randy Boggs, Sulley and Jaya. She is from the Python Nu Kappa class. “Hello!” he called and waved. “Hello, Johnny!” called the five of them. He saw a playground with them. They saw the playground too. “Shall we play on the playground?” asked Scott. “I think the playground is for little children, not for big children” said Mr Worthington.


They played a game at the field and Randy Boggs didn’t want to play. “What’s the game called?” he asked. “The game is called Hide and Seek.” said Mr Worthington to Randy Boggs. He played with only Scott, Chet, Sulley and Jaya. Chet counted up to ten. “Ready or not, here I come!” he laughed.


He came to find Mr Worthington, Scott, Sulley and Jaya. “This is hard!” he said. And he heard someone hiding in one of the bushes. “Boo!” shouted Scott. “I found you, Scott!” said Chet. “And, what’s your nickname?”


“My nickname is Squishy, but Johnny doesn’t call me that name.” he said. “This name is a little bit babyish for you.” said Chet. He came to find three more of his friends, and suddenly he found Mr Worthington.


“Boo!” he shouted. “I found you, Johnny!” laughed Chet. Randy Boggs was scared. “I don’t like that game so much, and this is for babies and little children!” he said crossly. “What’s wrong?” asked Mr Worthington. “Hide and seek is too babyish for me and I’m too old for that!” said Randy Boggs crossly.


“Well, hide and seek is a good game, but you don’t have to play it, ok?” he said askedly. “Okay.” said Randy Boggs. At last, Chet found Sulley and Jaya on the bush where both of them were. “You found us!” said the two of them. “It was a great game!” laughed Chet.


At last, Mr Worthington ran into a fence and he was stuck. Sulley threw Randy’s cardigan far away on another field with no people. “You took me off my cardigan!” said Randy Boggs crossly. Sulley laughed. Mr Worthington was cross. “That is not funny, Sulley, and you do not throw stuff like that in another field!” he said crossly. “And, you threw Randy’s cardigan on another field!”


“Oh, no! Johnny’s stuck on the fence. Let’s get him out.” said Jaya, and she was shocked. “No, no!” You’re my best friend, Johnny!” called Scott sadly, and he began to cry. Randy Boggs began to cry too. “It’s alright, don’t cry, both of you. We’re getting Johnny out.” said Jaya.


“Ow, that hurts, and I can’t get Randy’s cardigan out!” said Mr Worthington crossly. “All, get him out!” called Jaya, and Scott, Sulley, Randy and she are getting him out. A little boy and his dad came up to them. “Wow, that monster is stuck on the fence!” he said with a laugh.


“I think, we don’t want to see that.” said his dad, and he walked away with the little boy. “Keep pulling, guys!” shouted Jaya, and Mr Worthington got out of the fence and the little boy pushed his head off the fence as well. Jaya, Scott, Sulley and Randy Boggs cheered as Mr Worthington’s head was hurt. “Thank you, all.” he said. “And I couldn’t get his cardigan out.”


Jaya ran to another field and got Randy’s cardigan out of it. “Thanks for my cardigan!” said Randy Boggs. “I’m sorry for throwing your cardigan out of another field.” said Sulley with a tear on his right cheek. “That’s okay, but try not to, next time!” said Randy Boggs. Scott sat down and looked at Mr Worthington. He gave him a smile with his mouth open.


After he said goodbye to his friends from school, he went home. “Was that fun?” asked Mr Worthington’s mum. “Yes, it was. And I was stuck on a fence!” he said. “It’s okay, but you shouldn’t get stuck on a fence at a park.” she said again. He went upstairs to his bedroom and soon, he was in his bed and he was falling asleep.

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