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Introduction –

This story comes to 10 teenagers aged 17 to 18 in their …
Have graduated and began a new life, a life of each human adult children … ie personal life …
And without parents being pushed …
One day one of the friends decided to make a trip should be called the end of the school year and the start of their adult life …
One day after a few days of fun and Hanah Mexico
Uncle Austin suggested that they Linsoa walk of action and fun ..hm drove to a deserted town, but who knew this city was not really abandoned?
And imitating them there two psychopathic killers who killed an entire city !!!
The walls:
Madison Gilbert
Four Salvator
Lori Strauss
Logan Fordrs
Killing Golan
Rick Gris
Bonnie Bennett
Austin itching
Maggie Green
And Luke Johnson




Episode 1-

Nk”m Madison:

“Children do not Tskho, last day tomorrow … and tomorrow IDs!” The teacher said in an excited voice … I think it’s so

Excited just because it got rid of us already … but I, I just think about how much fun it is … I finally Mimhr

Independent girl … a girl who Betsefer advertising company already !!! I am starting a new life …. ie work, home alone, with ports

Friends … and all that, but the happiest thing here is that I and my friend Luke go freedom to live together !!!!

With some mother cried yesterday, she understands that I will leave Mtiisho home … and that’s what’s going to be ….

I lost myself so Azoiot but the bell stopped me …. and Nrali at the right time, I jumped out of my skin and felt

A knock on the shoulder.

“My darling island … you have time to think about your friend during the lesson did not last,” she laughed and I scraped the

main .

“Yeah, well … I lost myself a little ….” I giggled

“It is clear … What? On your first sex ???” she giggled

“You know we have not lying …” I said, raising an eyebrow and I brought the bag higher on my shoulder.

“And you know it soon will require it …” she said and pulled me with it.

“Relax … is not only thinking about it …” I whispered, I knew the time would come and that will require Hop to it …

“Okay, just so you know I’m always with you,” she smiled and laughed

“And I warn Mishia slept with her boyfriend in front of me had more friends,” laughed

(By the way yes … It Lori, my best friend, she is just another funny … is a really good company but has

One drawback but her large More … rather two big drawback anymore! A-is a girl with her boyfriend and does everything

He wanted … that Hu wants sex she lies to him, he wants to drink she let him … he wants to kiss …

She gives him … but that’s not the only problem of my small company, the second problem is at the controls is not

Her mouth … She has a big mouth, and is constantly emitting secrets … that’s why I’m trying to flood the same as what happens

Me and Luke.)

“I did not sample it!” She laughed and left the classroom I held the book in the hands and immediately after we dropped it because

Screwed something … or rather someone .hrmti my head to see who it was and I smiled in answer

“Hey Mdmd” He smiled and held up his book and brought my hand so I will rise.

(Yes … it’s Four, the best friend I was male until now, sometimes he acts weird … but I’m used to it ..

It’s funny, handsome, athlete, perfect, muscle, acceptable, Petain team Hfdbol, some nights sometimes

And the most handsome man on Earth … but there’s just one problem …

I was just friends … and if not I feel like it, but it’s perfect too … I do not think stigmatized

Entire suit me … and if I be serious enough to head Locke …)

“Hey,” I laughed, “Thank you,” I said immediately after because he helped me up

“What?” He smiled and I laughed perfect

“Hello prettiest girl and log in its” Voice morning Nisma behind and I realized who it straight

(Again, this H”boi Friend “My, Luke … Luke … Luke … is one of the most popular boys Betsefer advertising company, is a handsome, clever and not a player

Bfodbol bad, by the way I am and the United Nations are moving together for another month)

“Mami!” I ran and jumped on him a hug and a kiss.

Nk”m Four

Follow me excavations of two hours came the bell and I went towards the classroom of Madison and Lori, the way Ndklti

Madison had a small smile on my face.

“Hey Mdmd” I smiled and picked up her books and what not … I raised her as well she tried to pick up the books Lhtkoff

Of itself.

“Hey,” she laughed, and immediately after I said thank you here and I do not understand why …

“What?” I smiled the smile that I can do to make her laugh, but the moment her boyfriend Luke destruction

“Hello prettiest girl and her friend,” I heard and I rolled Eyes … just not it … I whispered to myself and luckily none

One does not hear.

She ran and jumped on him and I just got warm Mysa … I saw how they Mitnskim and cursed in …

“Pretty quiet life,” Laurie said, patting me on

“I’m not with you for two hours and already cheating on me?” Logan’s voice came back.

(Logan …. What I have to talk about this stupid kid? Oh yeah, he’s my best friend, he has a future

He promised her to be a model! Is pretty funny but talking a lot from my hands …. He and a couple from the seventh grade ….

Do not understand how one can become stuck in each other’s ass so long what ??? Those with it will also Madison

I just do not understand how Madison has suffered Luke’s been 3 years ?? or more ..? Not counted! In short, where was I?

Oh yes, Logan. Luckily his girlfriend loves him so much that she agreed to do everything as long as he will be happy,

Is a boy with a lot of luck I would say … and I think they do not have a day without exercising as little as I say)

“You know my mother are not ugly like my taste, I like only the best!” She laughed and I rolled

Eyes …

“Unctuous” I laughed and pulled a Frtzotz

“Mami tell him!” She screeched her childish voice.

“Four I tell you ….” Logan said, how we laughed but Lori frowned and looked down at the floor.

“My sound enough,” Logan said, and pressed her body and immediately began to kiss her here …. I rolled Eyes

And I looked at Madison, she was so beautiful hair Hmtoltl probably been slipping today surfed appeal

Honey brown and springs shone .ac just something else ruined the moment and it was Luke kissed her neck and hugged her.

So I got upset, I frowned and felt a hand on her hip relaxed me and hug me. I looked to see anyone

This is my face became sad and it was so much the it.

“Hey …” I whispered

“Hey piece” She smiled and I also, at least someone here thinks I’m handsome …

Nk”m Madison:

“Hey piece” She smiled as he …

(By the way, this is a magical girl who broke a lot of hearts, but the heart will always be only one person … I think not

Sam increase, sad thing is that she does not get it …. and you ask where I know she loves Luke?

This is because once we were best friends … ????? realize what I lost her God knows … but now she just

Another one of my little group and my friends, in short Let’s tell it briefly … well, pushed, accepted,

Fktzh, annoying and bad thing that can be on earth.)

“Luke Iafdlh Come enough to flirt with a girl!” Someone shouted, and I realized who this straight ….

“Hey Tyler …” Luke said and laughed Biiaos

“Me girl!” Luke said and went …

“Um …. no of waiting for something?” I tease ..

“Um …? Oh yes you have 10 shekels to me?” He asked, and the smile dropped from my face …

“What do you have?” He asked, smiling ….

“You know …. I thought about something like a kiss …..” I said with a smile, but he laughed and went without bringing me a kiss ..

With something were assumed as time and become more mature in this matter farewell kiss … He never kisses me and not my heart ..

Hug me … and Hop Mrtih me at !!! I frowned and felt a hand pulling me into a hug and she wraps

All fixtures big hug and love

“Look pretty ….” I whispered and took him a hug

“It was insulting,” I heard a man’s voice and realized it attracts not who I think I raised my head and saw the Poor

“Oh, Sorii”lhsti and hugged him tight as he hugged me

“With the want I can bring you good-bye,” he laughed as he hugs me and I’s leaning on his chest,

I looked up and grinned impishly

“I’ll pass,” I laughed and I beat him a strong blow in the stomach

“Brother,” he said and laughed … I knew I did not really hurt him.

“Friends you do not believe what a Hsoh have!” Austin said, shouting and everyone looked at us, immediately followed by

Entered: killing, Rick and Bonnie ..

“Yes, yes, my brother let’s go out and tell us all …” Faure said and we all nod. We went out and sat Betsefer advertising company

Our regular bench,

“Nothing …” Poor laughed and sat down on a bench in the up …. and because there was no room, I had to sit down under

Lepore … Zataomrt between his legs … but that does not mean anything … I’m used to ….

“You’re going to start talking?” Faure said again and Sam get his hands on my shoulders and I and my hands up …

“A shut …. Bet you understand Four friends Madison You look like ….” He laughed, and they all agreed with him …

“Relax … I have a friend,” I muttered and laughed and Poor’s since made a sound of contempt when I mentioned Luke …

“Enough …. well what he is saying? Rick, Bonnie and killing ????” I muttered to change the subject and I got a foot in Mecca Lepore

To emphasize the question …

“Brother,” he muttered, and I smiled eagerly.

“You do not want to know …” she laughed killing

“I know what we’re doing next week!” He laughed and I twisted my face ..

“Looking for work …” Laurie stressed her mind.

“But the work can mimic … but the monthly trip to Mexico is not offered every day,” he smiled satisfied and origins

10 tickets, Four straightened up and so am I ….

“WHAT THE …?” Whispered Four

“FUCK” I whispered …. and Four stronger shrugged caught




episode 2-

Nk”m Madison

“So ??” He asked with a smile Armomi

“I mean it’s a great idea,” Faure said, slapping my shoulder

“Aih”tzoohti as a 6 year old girl ….

“What a good idea what ?????” Maggie said, adjusting my hair back

“You do not have to come to life …” and I said killing Lepore hit his leg.

“What do you want ????” Poor laughed and hit me weak but it was hard for me too …

“Four …. pretty K.”

“Shh …..” He blocked my mouth with his hand and I glanced to his right hand that saw Luke, and ran to him.

“Mami,” I smiled and jumped, but he did not catch me …

“It was an embarrassment,” I shouted Four remote and I scratched my face ….

“Something happened ???” hissed a little bit because I knew what the problem was all that happened here ….

“What was that ??” he whispered a nervous tone.

“What was that?” Waited a fake smile

“Why do you sit between his legs ??? Why Lazzl is kept your mouth ??” He said in My Hands

“Or you gives?” I said solicitously stroked his face, “but my face fear and panic Kfao

“Do not flatter me now ??? Okay, I can not force you okay?” He said, taking my hand stronger

“You Mcaib me !!!!!!!!!!!” I painfully

“Leave her alone,” I heard a voice behind me breakfast and I sighed with fear when I saw who it ..

“Four of …” I said, but Luke stopped me

“Bland …” He told me and I kept silent in fear and humiliated face, Luke left hand and walked away angrily.

First refer Lhtmlot tears but tried to return them to not see …

“Are you okay pretty?” Faure said and raised his face with his sad, small tear slid my agenda basmati without notice ..

“Yes, everything is fine ..” I take a deep breath and lowered my face .. But Faure did not give up and put them back.

“Everything okay?” He whispered to not hear anything …

“Yes …” I said deletes tear

“You know I know when to lie and when not …” He smiled and I will reduce and looked down.

He grabbed and pulled me Bmotnai,

“Hoffa …. I hope not waiting for them how to do it,” Austin shouted and laughed and Four just after it made him

Third sad, we went into the ladies’ room and closed the door

“What are you doing?” I giggled

“What do I do? My wife takes care of ..” He laughed

“Your wife?” I asked, wrinkling my brow.

“Yes, your friend do not worry you enough then I will take care of you.” He smiled perfect but I will reduce but stared

Eyes ….

“Show me,” he smiled and raised his crest to see what Luke has done for me …

“It’s all right really …” I smiled, but immediately after that smile dropped when I saw an upswing saw the bruises on my

“Hydrate it ??” he asked nervously

“It’s just …. really it’s just …. I got hit a little …” I lied

“Will you stop lying to me ???” he asked seriously and I took off my smile

“Luke did this to you ?????” he asked

“No …” I replied and moved to my hair behind my ear

“Stop lying!” He shouted.

“Quiet ….” I whispered, and I shut him up with a puny by so before him ….

“He did this to you ??” he asked, more relaxed this time …

“To …” but is interrupted

“Please do not lie to me I would not last,” he said and grabbed me small and fragile

I looked down and he looked down right after to maintain eye contact

“It was not on purpose,” I whispered, and Faure was furious

“I’d kill the bastard !!!!!” he shouted angrily and left the ladies’ room

“Poor !!” I screamed and immediately downloaded the sleeves, and immediately afterwards I ran with all my might to withdraw Four but unfortunately

Is much faster … much more !!!

“Four …” Again I shouted breathlessly

“Do not run Bmizdronot !!” shouted the teacher and I replaced it without listening and knocked the cast of life.

“Four No!” I cried when I saw the Poor and Luke talk … I saw Locke pushes the Poor and Poor response jumps

It blows

“Poor Luke not …. not enough !!! Enough already enough !!!!” I cried all my soul, but I plugged as slap to the face and flew shitake

With abnormal panic.

Nk”m Four:

Once that Madison told me he did to her all that I felt I was exploding with pain and anger,

You do not understand why ah ….. Come and I will explain to you all.

Madison is the woman of my life ok ?? No matter how I try I can not Lskoh Eliya, and once I realized

He hit her and she does not tell me anything like that hurt me that she was afraid to tell me that …

I’m her best friend …. how she did not tell me that …

But the more I could forgive her, but Luke Luke …. so infuriated me …

You ask why I was so angry ??

Not only because it touches my woman my Bg’oliith …. … He also beat her?!?! Who does he think he is, and at this moment

The only thing I wanted was to download this thousand white smile off my face !!!! Htmim Which I did

“Poor !!!” I heard my screams Madison but at this moment the only thing I wanted was my revenge!

I knocked on the running of Hhiimsli and felt Hadrinlin run amuck in my body, not anything RAI Eyes

Besides Madison’s hands were bruised and filled with blue dots and motioned for her … it was like something

Going to haunt me all my life

“Four No!” I heard again the voice of Madison for a moment I thought I saw a stop but Luke and the gang fuckin

his …

“Tell me what Nralc Ihtict prick ??” I asked as I walked into the thing to see Locke

“Excuse me ??” he asked her innocent game ….

“Listen to me and listen to me!” I said as I approached closer

“Stay away from my Madison ??? Okay,” I said and he laughed

“Hydrate your Mmidison ??? ??” he said, stressing the word ‘your’

“Yes,” I said, confident

“Listen to me a son of a bitch …” Luke said and swallowed

“With no Smth heart … Madison belongs to me … Of course ??” he asked innocently and pushed me back

“Pur !!” Hear again the voice of Madison screaming with tears in her throat and it just thrusting her hand to me blue!

And the first thing I did was I jumped and took him by surprise punch into the face so that he Nstk second but immediately began

to return to me ….

“Poor Luke not …. not enough !!! Enough already enough !!!!” I heard behind Madison

I saw Luke snack Madison slap of his life and how she would settle down and Nirtah like a good girl quietly.

“What Nralc ????” I screamed and I smacked him and he also …. friends grabbed me and he adjusted his shirt and touched flying

Stay filled with blood and laughing,

“Look, please do not!” Madison said, tears streaming down her mind while she holds the appeal to slap all that surprising

“Look do not touch it please him go!” I heard again the voice of Madison and straight responded

“Madison’re not going anywhere with this psychopath!” I said and I strengthened my face in anger

“What did you say ???” Luke yelled and Madison closed the stronger springs and Tears ran away without a break …

“Luke, please …” she stammered, and is even more annoyed

“Shut up already. !!!!!! You know I can not stand crying !!! He said nervously, and she stepped back and bit my couch

Trying not to carry out the sound and relax.

I looked at Madison and then felt a blow to the stomach, and immediately after where else one and then another one into

Interior and again … I spat blood and closed the Fountain folding pain.

“Luke … Luke with you like me!” Madison’s voice stuttered and I opened my review and I tried to tell her not without

Success .. I could not get a word Mhcab spending all that hard

“So do not touch it …. please him leave everything and everything will return to normal just to touch it … please!” She begged and tried

dont cry …

“You’re lucky that’s what she wants …” he said aggressively made a sign to his friends leave me ..

They left my hand and I fell on the floor … Bcab

“I will come tonight,” he said command to Madison and she forced a smile … He kissed her head and I choked Bcab

He went and disappeared somewhere outside the school grounds …

“Aomiigad I’m so sorry!” The voice Madison approached me and smiled … she started to tear up and I laughed, but she

Looked crazy to me would get angry …

“Why do not you bring him to finish ??” I said, she righted misunderstanding …

“Why are you fucking tell him to stop!?! Why Lazzl to let him come to your house ???” I asked laughing nerves

She sat on the floor and lifted his head from the floor and Sama it on her body.

“I did not want Stisbol because of me, she said, grimacing ….

I picked myself up off the floor gently and she immediately jumped to help me … “What time is it?” I asked to be interested and she smiled

“Betsefer advertising company over yet .. half an hour ago,” she said, hugging me tight

“What happened ??” I misunderstanding …

“Just like that,” she said and I could feel the tears on her face

“I will accompany you home, okay?” I said with a huge smile

“No need … The opposite I will accompany you …” She smiled and I twisted my face

“Not Nrali!” I ordered an increase and we went because it was

“Come, I will work on your wound …” she said and I just smiled

“What’s it mean burnt …” I said, and she laughed .hia opened the door and pulled me straight to her room ..

“Sit down!” She commanded me and pointed to the table.

“You ever captain,” I said, sit down …

“You stupid boy” is Kooah and I laughed

“Well wait here I come …” she said, and go in her bath

After a few seconds she came back with a skull tank top Sign in sports and a box of drugs, immediately after she came out here

And brought with her a bottle of alcohol …. and opened the two legs.

“Hold the box!” She commanded me .oani immediately made deserts.

She & Design from implementing cotton and opened the bottle of alcohol … and immediately after the slave bit on cotton ….

“It Isrof a little better?” She said, me to enjoy with my head

“Ah ….” I said as wool touched my skin and straight Nsfa the wound ….

“Look into my Eyes … she said, and I smiled

“It is,” she said, Sama Band-Aid on the wound.

“Do not die Tdag …” She laughed and so did I.

“I can tell you something ???” I said as she recalled all the place …

“Yeah,” she said Baisos and I took a deep breath.

“I wanted to tell you that I …..”

To be continued !!!!!!

What do you think will happen ??? He knows that he loves her?

Luke and Madison did something again ???

Is Lori and Logan broke up ???

Is Lori and general knowledge about the state of Madison ??

All the next chapter of City of Death !!!

Love Aotcn hope so … good responses.

* By the way my good friend writes a new story “lone soldier” I just know so with strongly recommends you read it!



Chapter 3 / Your future with him-

Four perspective –

I looked into the beautiful springs but full of great pain ….

“You …?” She whispered Baisos and I thought how Lazzl I tell her it ???? I thought to my self ,

“I ….” I said again, but the words did not come out hydrogen …

“What Four?” She laughed, adjusting her hair behind her potency

“You ….”

“You … I … we .., Hop up already …” she said and threw her in the air and so I wanted to jump rise kisses

Hop and spend the night among her … but unfortunately not Nrali that’s what she wanted …

“Are you sure Luke’s what you want ???” I asked, but not what I planned to Lisaol and do …

“What …?” She said and laughed …

“You sure ….” But she interrupted ..

“Poor Listen, I’m aware that Luke has changed, and it is not what it once was …. and I am aware that he is not a member

Perfect, he hit me once or two …. But that does not mean that what I feel it is no longer true … “she said

And at that moment I wanted to kill scream break beat, all the pain of my wounds were my heart …

“You … are you sure ..?” I stuttered, I looked down and Cimtti hand into a fist, and apparently she Sama notice it

That is moved by the spoon from me and I could feel a shiver going through my body, I looked into the springs and Eini met

With walls and beautiful springs,

“Gauge ..” I whispered as I was closer than ever to her beautiful mouth.

“Four …” she whispered, and I could feel her heavy breathing, she looked into the review and I do not refer to.

“Yes ….” It seems like she whispered when she realized that I wanted to kiss her.

Came over to me and kissed her .hrgsti the whole body Mtztmrr and my stomach churning, she chose fucking

Me for the first time.

I smiled a little smile when we pulled apart and she laughed,

“I cheated just a block ..” she whispered

“Never mind the dog run,” I said, and she laughed

I picked it up on the table and went to kiss her neck, she patted my head and I went down her neck to the chest


“I am in Madison” voice of Mrs. Gilbert Nisma and I jumped back Nrtati

“Fuck,” Madison whispered and quickly got along.

“Mad …” She came and saw me sitting on the bed and Madison Lady

“Hi Mom,” she smiled as I

“Or Four cute hello how are you?” She smiled

“Um … Excellent And you?” I asked politely

“Oh cute,” she laughed

“Well, I will go …” I said, basmati hand on the leg of Madison which Nrtah back when I did it …

“Yulia me ..” I whispered and laughed

“Romeo me ..” she said, laughing

“Goodbye Miss Gilbert,” said

“You did not stay for dinner?” She asked and I smiled

“Um … not Nrali.”

“Safe ??? also a member of the Madison comes,” she said, and I smiled

“Mom pretty …” she said and I smiled

“No it’s okay, you know what, save me a place I come!” Smiled the smile of my most beautiful and Madison left the room

And pulled me to her,

“What was that ???” she asked

“What’s all that happened here ..?” I asked with a sly smile

“Why Hskmth reach .. ???” she said and threw her in the air

“You did not understand yet?” I laughed while

“No …” she said

“I’m not going to give up on you, and certainly have not Lahiya you to be alone with Mr. Luke Johnson ..” I said, and she pulled a face

“Four … what happened … Hop-focus was not okay ???? That was a mistake!” She said and I smiled back

“For you …” I said and started walking toward home

“Four? Enough !!!” is a scream and I turned

“Yulia me!”

Nk”m Madison

“Me Juliet” Four more I cried and cried second, why mom came ??? No no no, why should I even kissed him? I

… I must not !!! I can not love the Four! I ordered myself!

The evening arrived and I looked for myself what to wear …. or is, smiling into the showers, makeup, dressed bra

Underwear and went to my room …

“Fuck what are you doing here ???” I asked Luc and hid the body with a towel …

“…. The mother with lingerie … What do you have to be ashamed of? I already have plans to go crazy night,” he smiled and

Hop chills know why disgust ran through my body … Hop not know why, I always dreamed of this moment with Locke

But it does not sound Ftaom Wow .. I kept thinking about how Lazzl ….. Poor Daddy Locke my child’s future ‘

This became the father of Wilde L’for my future ..? Gadd, I feel like I’m one of the backward channel series

Viva Mama see ….

“Mami I have some things to tell you …” I said, but he did not really listen to me ..

“Then ..” He laughed and pulled me in and after a mechanical rose .aicsss only thing passed me.

“Hey Mdmd” Four entered and Luke’s face became angry than ever!

“Mami, rather it’s one of the things I wanted to say … My mother ordered the Poor dinner Okay so without beating both of you!”

I ordered and Sniihm clogged and silent.

We sat: Four I Look, this just fine on my bed, silent embarrassment

I looked at the Poor, is so beautiful Hey second still wildly jumped on him and kissed him, but unfortunately that did not happen.

“The food’s ready,” my mother go in and broke the awkward silence that prevails in the room …

“Oh, ok let’s!” I said immediately and picked Luke to go first.

Look out, I looked for a second at Four Then he smiled as I.

Four went out and shut the door after he left.

“Sweet and call Neta Not bloody” my mother said to my father

“Let’s Not bloody planted” he shouted while food word in his mouth and Four I laughed when I saw my mom and Luke look

Me in the face of what seems to you …

“I’m having a conversation on the phone” voice of planted Nisma

“Netta come here immediately!” Mom raised her voice

“Okay everyone here can begin,” Mom said and everyone started to eat

* After the meal

“I’m going to the balcony of your good life?” Four whispered in my ear, his voice catching dorsal and made me shudder, especially hand

Relaxed on the legs gently and aggressively as Slook was doing.

“Yes ….” I said as I took a breath of air and trying not to seem less than thrilled eased love of my life touched me now.

After I finished eating and I saw that Luke does not even looking at me and talking to my brother, I looked toward meeting that there

Four would guess he could smoke on my balcony.

“Mami, I’m going a little bit better room?” I asked fearfully.

“Yes, yes go already!” He commanded me, and I ran away in fear Lepore who was always protected me and I was lapping all my fears


“Hii”lhsti while blushing, yet we kissed a few hours ago …?

“Hi”kolo deep and masculine all that appealing of Four sound while blowing his cigarette, and I could feel the shivering

Pleasant undergoes freezing in my body.

“What’s going on? Why are you not with your friend ..?” He took another cigarette, I always tell him to stop smoking, but

When Faure did not want anything … He does not want anything!

“Um … in …. in … OK, wo …. And I, I’m here .. not with ..ci come to me,” I said, or more precisely faltered ??? Pak Nrali

I blushed because he smiles?!?

“You pretty pink ..” He laughed, blushed! Sailing.

“Can I sit down?” I asked immediately after trying to ignore Mysa bereaved blushes at …

“I would be upset with not ..” He smiled mischievously and a sly smile and I hit him and I started right after I sat down Icchok

Silence Hmbichbnino not over .ad upswing decided to break this barrage us and leave graduate Mbiinino, is always

Was the adult.

“Why did you not block me?” He asked the question always was afraid he would ask, my heart stopped.

“You liked it ?? all, or it was just a moment of weakness, and please do not lie to me ..” I did not understand what

But I realized that this is something important for him … the way he reacted,

“What? I liked what?” Question without understanding …

“The kiss that we had today … I kept thinking Eliya” is introduced to and blew cigarette.

“I’d like …” but is interrupted

“Do you really want it? Only because I kissed you or including exposure was just that Ftaom you know someone really loves

You ?? “he asked

“What Four? … It really does not matter,” I ordered, but it was not what he thought upswing.

“So it was just because you wanted comforting ..?” He asked, his voice was really hurt

“No, yes, no …. I do not know” tear down my agenda, what I want?

I was introduced, I did not know I love him or I want Luke … everything was

So complicated …. at least for me,

“I Tzic you decide, I can not see more than the dog touches you okay?”

“Four I need you here …!” My voice was already broken my neck with tears, just thinking upswing will not be here with me

To protect me, to love me …

“Four I need you, more than anything else …”

“You know you’re asking hydrogen fucking lousy things that are possible ????” He started screaming

“You’re really asking hydrogen wore combined hands and look how he humiliates you hit you when he wants it

Kissing you ??? So here you are wrong. Maybe I love you more than anything else … but it makes me the most painful

Let’s summarize, I do not talk and in the meantime, I want some peace, Gmlc not hurt. Think what you want and what you really

Glass “He said this and Smell loving voice made me shudder, I started to choke on the tears of self, most

I was hurt, I could not control them.

“But Faure give me just a few days and I will how every time in Mexico,” I smiled, but he did not.

“And what happens when we get back?” He fell face.

“Be kicked me, behave as if nothing happened ??? or that it the better.” He laughed and I was hit

“Four Calm down!” I ordered it but it did not matter to him

“But what ?? What have I got to lose .bcl incident in Mr. Locke hunk won a war that is not ??? you prefer it,

He would beat you. But you know what? The Hop can not see the best here.

You do not want me now, and you know? The words that I say abusive and your dignity, I lower you now.

but what ?. The Sotkt, the absorbent that is what you were accustomed, Madison I liked I was blown configuration

Now. You tell me and Luke all inside. But the mere innocents who knew what was good in your life, day

Kitab I will come and someone else I would not need you, I would marry her we have children, and you know what’s funny here?

My Bhlomotz always it was you! but no . No longer . I sat here and I figured Hop piece of cloth …

Yeah, look what we will be hydrogen because of you. And on the day that you catch will come and throw Luke the look I’m not waiting for you.

Here you will find yourself crying three-bedroom apartment we stay for you, screaming and crying … sorry about that you have processed

Everything whatever you had to be with Luke.

Laurie will not be there for you, is married to Logan model will not tolerate your name that you hit it.

And they will not be there.

It’s going to be your future with him! “She said finally takes air from everything he said and my face hardened. I knew it

Right, but I did not want to believe it. Dozer only came on top of it screaming and crying but I did not see him right

no and no .

“I wonder how long did it take you to come up with this nonsense,” said confident.

“Mishia decided to go out and be more silent and absorbed?” He chuckled and rolled Eyes.

I slapped to him and he looked at me nervous and angry and immediately after the five minutes I found my couch next to mine, and

Our tongues connect.



Chapter 4 / and realized-

N.m Four

She slapped me, I had this moment of weakness … I looked Eliya She was so beautiful.

I could not jump Eliya, the interior were beautiful, see the tears shone in her face was angry. But she was still

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

-niskti Her-

It was on the market. She tried to resist but relaxed.

“So that’s what you wanted to tell me?” We heard a furious back. I turned to see Luke.

Madison was excited,

“Look it’s not what you think, we just ..” but he interrupted her and slapped her.

The anger came to me, it was like Adrinlin.

“He built a bitch!” I jumped on him and started to fight.

“Pretty pretty pretty !!!!” Madison screamed and we we stopped.

“Mami you do not have to explain to me, I saw how he kissed you bastard!” He said and I looked at her!

Hop is silent! She did not say a word.

She did not protect me even.

“Let my mother.” She said and pulled him.

I was in shock.

“I’m not done with you.” Luke’s voice sounded behind me and I wrinkled up my fists.

N.m Madison

I was shocked! I wanted to kill Austin.

-lok Travels with us to Mexico, Locke brought him a card. So she went on holiday. –

-Once Two days and a few hours, Mexico 07:15 –

Lori N.m

“Bobby take my picture here!” I said, kissing his neck and he smiled with pleasure.

“Come,” he picked me up and I laughed.

Maggie N.m

I looked at Logan and Laurie. They were cute as usual, so I want so help me and four.

I know he wants me! I hope .

But, you know Luke arrived and while Luke keeps Madison to stay the Poor, and is all mine!

“Porpora island, what happened why are you so sad today ???, you are in Mexico, with The month of your friends.” I smiled and he

Look at me sad to look back on the floor.

“You’re going to be happy with me today!” I smiled and he did not respond!

“Maybe you take my picture?” I asked him and he looked at me

“come on please !” I begged and he smiled

“Go where?” He asked subdued and I pulled the statue was here in the street.

He photographed me and then showed me his tenth advocates and I was in his hands, so it was like a hug like this.

I looked for a moment at Madison and she looked at us then looked down and looked back, I smiled to myself and to

Lhtzbn that I decided to get her to warm up and be jealous.

“Let my mother so picture perfect .ktzfti and hugged him, he has to me and kissed his cheek.

“We arrived, our hotel this cute!” Austin yelled excitedly and I laughed along with Poor Sam his hand to me.

All the way I am and Four were together and saw how Madison Hop Mttzbnt, it just made me happy.

“Is your rooms!” We said it gives the rooms and went to share.

“Okay then – Madison to Luke, Lori the Logan, killing the Bonnie and Maggie and …… I’m with Rick and Poor ‘Austin

Poor’s said and sighed.

“No ability to Sim me with Aizoshia daughter?” He laughed as everyone … except Madison. Is too serious!

I Like White.

N.m Four

After we entered the premises all showered dressed and ate, and now it was evening. And we’re going to a party. I hope

have fun !

We went to a party all the girls wanted to dance and we boys remained standing and laughing.

They were so beautiful,

It was their attire:

The killing was gray and pink dress such

Bonnie was a black dress with cuts

Lori was a gray plaid skirt and a long blue dreaming

Maggie was pretty tight black dress from another

And Madison was in a tank top and tight black skirt comes in black abdomen with a small incision

(All pictured)

But the only thing I was thinking it’s my great anger on Madison, and how beautiful the girls looked at Maggie

And I was …




Chapter 5 / The last day in ordinary life-


NM Four –

And I realized …

Why I think one needs me like Madison?, A few curses flew in my head but I did not understand that the only thing my brain could absorb it at this moment the Madison and Luke kiss.

I realized it work for me. On this fund is already work .htiisbti was on one of the bar stools and sank into my thoughts.

“What you handsome?” The bartender smiled and I immediately woke up my thoughts

“Vodka please stay strong!” I said and she smiled

“‘ve Come,” she smiled and took out the vodka and I spent.

“Please,” she smiled and I took off everything and burns conversion brings material resources to go through my throat.

“One more …” I said, pushing her pussy and she looked at me with a smile and spent.

This continued for one cup and I began to sink into my thoughts.

* 4 years ago *

“This conference I’bn new whore” Luke jumped and I laughed

“Geez what a female you word !!!!”

“Stom”hoa venom in his voice said and I laughed.

“Geez Who is this?” Luke asked me quietly but I could not utter a word, she was beautiful, brown hair was swinging her brown eyes perfectly connected to its light color.

“Laurie Who is this island?” I yelled and she smiled.

“Mami island.” Lori wanted and kissed Logan.

“What a sticky icky!” Luke broke in disgust, but I stared at the beautiful girl.

“Laurie Investigation us now your beautiful?” Luke said, and I knocked him Elbow

“Brother, you son of a thousand!” Luke yelled

“He built a thousand bitches shut up a bit,” I said and laughed beautiful girl

“Not Luc Faure I do not now darling you my beautiful, that you not break her and got engaged to her!” Laurie protection increase.

“Lori life I can deal with two teenage punks” She smiled and giggled Lori

“Madison,” she said, pulling me her hand

“Four Salvator” I said grabbing her hand and kissing her hand.

“I would be interested to hear full name!” I smiled Msoash

“Be content with what they have,” she smiled and I smiled increase my beautiful smile

* Back to the days of today *

“She chose it, she always wanted it !!!!” I chuckled drink again all glass

“Island Heine my best friend Maggie!” I smiled and wiped his hands.

“How are you normal flux ??” she yelled trying to get the head of the music.

“It … and all that …” I said pointing to my glasses

“You’re not normal, we’re going home now, at this moment”

“Oh little quiet woman,” I said as she raises hands around her throat and pulled me out of the club

NM Bridge

“Hello handsome” I went to Austin stood besides the bar and drink beer ”

“Hello Bridge it seemed to me more drunk,” he said, smiling, and I smile happy

“How much is it ??? how many cups, which over time turned into bottles!” I burst out laughing and he caught me before I fall.

“Aost’in?” I asked quietly and he smiled at you gives me great access to his sweet smile

“I think I’m going to be sick! And do not run there is a situation I threw you!” I said when clouds etc.

“Good Bridge came time to get the animal Hmadonim good sleep!” He said and I smiled

“Come to the island to the top!” He said, turning to me to jump him.

“And I do not want to?” I asked smiling

“I follow you you!” He said in a dismissive and turned back,

“The costs have been?” He said rotating moment

“Well ..” I spend a nervous puff on his back .okfti

NM Maggi

“Come on, Four !! Who can be a wee three am and is pissing amateur street ???” I asked with my back to him

“I!” He said in utter alcohol.

“Well, I do not know why … it does not surprise me at all !!” I said in a dismissive and tired

“Pour a glass of Brabeck I’m tired, how long can you urinate?” I asked, and suddenly he twirled me.

“Come on,” he said and began to walk.

-bokr –

NM Madison

I woke alone in bed. I did not understand where Luke,

“Look ??” I said ask and dressed pajamas over my white dress white coat that matches the slim and beautiful was

The porch was open so I thought he was safe there. I do not know why, in the last days is quiet, is not violent, it is not rude, it does not bother .hoa Hop Cute as our first days together, which made me love it again but fear financed again.

“Good morning ..” I said quietly as I saw him sitting on the chair and smoking a cigarette, he had a white sweatshirt with a sign and no shirt.

“Island Madison, did you sleep well?” He asked with a smile.

“When he asked me with a good sleep? And since when is smiling in the morning.

“Um … well, are you?” I sit in the chair threw

“Both.” He said and I nodded my head

“Um … I sent a message to the cafe all we get there …. then you’re done T’sigirh and go get dressed,” I said, slapping his leg and went.

I went into the bathroom, locked the door, took off my robe and immediately after the Cotto my night. I looked for a moment about the bruises that were on my body and I could feel tear drops Springs,

“What a stray heed!” I muttered to myself

* 3 years back *

“Good morning, beautiful, and Corazon is your coffee, in addition to the present you have it!” Faure said let slip a flower behind my ear leaves me smile from ear to ear.

“Thank Four I really had no coffee now I did not sleep half the night!” I said, rubbing the Fountain

“The parents again?” He asked, leaning against the locker next to my locker

“Yes … yes they again fought all night!” I close by his locker and continues to walk with my class Four direction.

“Listen island you do not understand that my parents are not at home today so come back next week, which means I have a Four empty all week,” Logan said and put his hand on the Poor

“Cool what you organize?” I take a sip

“Um … I thought the reason ..? Should?” Logan said, but we did not answer

“Logan should clear the way Madison minute I can with you?” Luke snapped conversation

“Um … yes, of course.” I said smiling

“My parents are guests for dinner you are invited!” Luke told me when he took me aside

“Oh Luke was happy but I promised Logan drew his party.”

“What is more important for you to Logan or I?” He said smiling and I do not know what to say …. Of course I had feelings about him, but I had a feeling really strong frost and the sort of society I do not Abu celebration of Logan and bug out like Lori and Bridget a.

“Yes,” I said with a smile? …

What Lazzl I do? Why did I say yes with heart said no?

* Back later in the day. *

That was the mistake of my life, it changed my life and it’s my brain my stupid mouth emitted nonsense .This is my future? Marry someone hit me? In pain? And look for my best friend is jealous that one day someone Hop come get him, and he will no longer be my …? That’s not what I fantasized about.

I did Penn and moved sliding on my storm-tossed hair

I did Penn and moved sliding on my storm-tossed hair.

“Look you ready?” I said while I was out of the bathroom, he was weak and Baggins blue smooth gray shirt. Come on out I said when I saw him dressed.

N.m Four

“What what is man?” Logan said, patting me on

“I’m fine, I have Angobr crazy!” I said, rubbing my face

“Next time do not drink a lot …” he said and I made a dismissive face.

“Coffee is 3!” Laurie said, and sat down in front of Logan.

“Thank my mother,” Logan said, and I whispered immediately followed by

“Thanks, I need it now!”

“You’re welcome !”

“Island people and humanity What’s going on?” Madison said as she walked to a cafe and took off her glasses

“Garbage!” I said and Bridge at the same time and then we looked at each other with a look of such Ahhhhhh

“Why, what happened?” Madison said anxiously again and sat down in front of me between Lori Locke

“Angobr our Halkoalistim two crazy!” Rick said, and I threw it Kiism causing Madison to laugh.

“You’re lucky you’ve got me!” Madison said, and we like that … that ..?

“Lo sentimos seƱora favor puedo tener dos vasos de agua? Bangobr mis amigos y quiero darles una oportunidad.”

Madison started to speak Spanish and had cloned so sweet and cute that made me smile and for a moment forget my terrible pain.

“Oh well … perfect lady has the state tells us what did you say ???” Bridge said, and we all agreed with her.

“Well I told ‘Sorry madam please can I have two glasses of water? Bangobr my friends and I want to give them a shot .’hia said smiling and I looked at her with a smile, she looked at me but then after a few scarce swung her head immediately.

“Good people, this is my cousin, his best friend arranges trips Lnmbkrim but those who love action, what do you think?” Austin said an enthusiastic

“Austin verify?” I said smiling

“Yes, my brother!” He said with a happy smile

“I think you screw fallen brother what a trip, for those who love action?” I said irreverent

“It will be fun brother, Rick Logan Luke tell him …” Austin said Rick scratched his head

“My time Halkoalist right,” Rick said

“Builder Rick to get me!” I said and everyone laughed

“Oh people of action and it is ..” Austin said again

“Austin what action thing Edgar Luke made it raised Hbokstr floor of the shower with Hatzbaot legs!” True and everyone laughed again

“How did you know?” Luke said with a laugh

“Wild guess” I said, smiling and sipping coffee

“We got shortened Mysa Leave my brother!”

* After 4 hours *

N.m Four

“I can not believe I’m fucking leaving the hotel that takes all my clothes and all give up my dream of starting the day with Mexican girls in the pool Bbkini seeing mountain climbing Austin!” Rick said with contempt.

“Come on dude I believe the whole trip in a day or two we are back here!”

“Promise?” I said, raising an eyebrow

“99%” is your life

“Where the last percentage?” Logan asked

“You’ll work excavations of Luke,” I said laughing makes Rick Austin and Logan laugh.

“Well my brothers, I am going to have a woman waiting for me in …” Logan said we were giggling


“Oh my brother?” He replied,

“Do not break things that it will cost us money ..!” Logan laughed and threw a pillow at me



Chapter 6 / Just open window-

NM Bonnie

“Good morning POS !!!!” Bridge shouted ears and how to marry my slave cushion springs flew over.

“Your Bridge Am..am..ama the dead !!!” I screamed and I ran after him all the little room.

“Behemoth Relax!” Maggie said with all its HaParhi soft cream during the appeal.

“Loosen up a bit ..” Bridge said and jumped increase.

“Caution island dog” Maggie responded and tried to get free of the Bridge that was impossible.

“Good dogs I shower,” Bridge said during grabbed the wall and lifted her foot forward.

“Stupid !!!” she shouted in response, and she cold Hbth ass and laughed to herself.

N.m .lok

“Island, Madison where the shampoo?” I shouted to Madison shower

“I packed it already!” She shouted while I had nerves

“Beauty So what am I supposed to shower er … woman think sometimes! Open up everything and get me!” I said nervously

“So!” Madison impulses-the shampoo at me and immediately closed the curtain

“Thank you.” I said, but I heard a comment

NM Lori

“My mother, my little eye holes Come on,” I heard the voice of Logan whispers to me and caressing my body

“It’s a fun way to start the day …” I said with a satisfied smile slowly opens the Fountain

“Is my favorite blue eyes,” he whispered in my couch and kissed me

“What time is it?” I asked stretch

“Um …” He rolled over and opened the iPhone which gave me a great angle to see his dice for the umpteenth time in this life, with not more!

“7:15,” he said while he yawned and got out of bed clothe the sign of his tracksuit

“This morning is not my hours,” I giggled and he smiled

“First in the shower!” I shouted out of nowhere, I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom,

“The island …” Logan ran right after

“I first Logan!”

“Not really no, I’m the first woman!”

“I am!” I fold my arms,

“So the two of us!” He laughed and lifted me

“Well quite Logan Logan …” I screamed and immediately after we both laughed here

N.m empty

“Oil can shower dress check we have not forgotten anything and go!” Austin said pacing

“Austin grabs you in a second kick! Get up 7am” Four shouting into a pillow and threw on the flip-flops Austin

Which made me a little smile goddesses.

“Poor you did not talk,” Austin said, and kept going

“God I dug Austin got up enough,” I said, rubbing the review and going to brush your teeth

“Four founding of grease!” I shouted

“Fireplaces he built a thousand prostitutes” I heard the voice of Four yelling greaser and hence immediately after I heard a loud boom and Austin grabbed expressly understood what made me laugh

“What did you child?” Said Lepore enters its lowest Bbokstr messing up his hair.

“Uh …?” He asked with a smile versatile and realized he did not answer me

“No matter,” I chuckled and then I went to brush my teeth

————————————————– ———————————–


When I finished a fight with Luke and everything went and met at the entrance to the hotel with everyone and Austin again began to grasp the matter more seriously from my hands and decided to check names.


“Here ”


“here ”


“Um ..?”

“Yes, hi to you, too.” Austin said, scratching his head with a pencil.

“Maggie?” Austin asked and was quiet

“Maggie?” He said, lifting his face from the notebook

“Here here!” She comes panting with Four causing an unpleasant sting me inside, as if he was talking to her …. But with me not ..? I realize I hurt him ..but so ..?

“Next time, not after !!” he said Faure made a puzzled look

“Austin, next time will not be!” He said, lifting his glasses in his mind his hair and smiled his beautiful smile he looked at me and I stared at him probably saw that he winked at me and I smiled at each other like an idiot!


“Here in Austin”



“I have a stupid question who decided to call names?” Faure said looking into Logan

“I am!” Austin said, and folded hands

“Oh so I’m not surprised,” Faure said what made me blurt out a little chuckle and immediately calmed down when I saw Luke looks at me a dirty look


“Here Bobby”

“Um … yes”


“Here,” I smiled


“What are you serious?” Asked rolls his eyes Four

“Four ???” Austin said again

“Nohc” he said, smiling and smiling Austin Beauty Everyone here Option to leave!

“Hello Children, My name is Lior .I David Austin who do not know. We are now going to Dimitri trips, where work my good friend Dimitri.” Lior said we were silent

————————————————– ———————

-bmkom Not known –

“Okay kids, now we Nmtzaim abandoned place about 9 years ago and no one still does not know why!” Dimitri said his Russian gaze and course improvement here and there Hdkil the jokes Dimitri Dimitri did not know how to answer them.

“There are services?” Asked Dimitri Four looked at him nervously

“NATO Blatt!” He shouted, we flinched

“And that means?” Faure said, chuckling with his hands in the pockets of the jacket

“God always have to pee?” Maggie said Faure laughed and walked away

What do you mean, I thought to myself, what she meant? Why is laughing … and why the hell am I jealous?!?

Four came back with a smile from ear to ear and spoke with Logan, I was so nervous! I was so scared Hop Balfour and magic have interrupted.

But unfortunately with all the thoughts I slipped and almost fell, but something was curated by me … or rather someone, and that someone was Four .hoa grabbed me and held me back at my feet

“Thanks,” I smiled and he smiled in answer.

Maybe it’s not all work? I thought

NM Four

Dimitri continued to speak for so long no longer followed, but gave me to see the Madison listening and looking around, she always loved history and those stressful things is not like all the girls!

“All good brother?” Sam Logan gave me his hand on me

“Everything is great!” I said inventory holding out a cigarette and also to Logan.

“Thank you,” he said, and lit it

“Dimitri and what there is?” I said, pointing to a house that was so dark in there and the windows were broken, everything was full of dust

“This is the only place that I checked!” Dimitri said, and kept walking

“But Dimitros!” Said Rossi gaze making him turn around straight nerves

“There is always a first time!” I said with a sly smile lighting of the occlusal

“Not this time!” Dimitri said and I rolled the Fountain

“Dimitri rather be a coward !!!” I said, smiling again and is stopped

“No one will call Dimitri Bordnsobski cowardly”

But I just burst out laughing

“Poor can go there in the meantime we travel goddesses then the bus with us and go home”

“There was dead.” I said, and he continued to go

“Dog.” I whispered to myself and blew occlusal

Evening -mkom not known -21: 30 pm *

NM Madison

“So that we are here to pass all, who wants to can come with me on a trip goes on and we Nilc town located behind the buildings here.” Dimitri said, and I smiled looked around again

“Dimitri, for the place was abandoned nine years he lived another look clean again” I said smiling, and he looked at me

“This place is full of negative energy and my mother, of blessed memory used to say, shows can be misleading.” Dimitri said, and kept walking, and his words made me understand things

Look really misleading, Luke seemed so sweet and cute at first and now he looks so innocent but inside is a Hop Monster. But I did not understand why Fur looks so good but inside is an angel ??

“The overthrow of the island caution your map” Faure said, and lifted her off the floor

“Thank you ..sob or ..” I smiled and continued walking Hop, Hop mode has hurt him?, There is a chance that I lost the love expressly?

So many thoughts filled me up Lory cut you

“Island Sexy Girl Come forward,” she smiled and hugged me

“I do not understand you!” Yelled Dimitri and I got scared

“What did I do?” I said, opening the Fountain

“Not you, you!” He shouted again and realized that he was looking to Poor

“What do you want hydrogen?” Faure said in despair

“You Hrsth the battery!” He shouted, and I could see the Four do not understand anything

“What battery? Dude I was with you all the trip what you want hydrogen?” Faure said nervous and I saw in his eyes that it is not

“Dimitri chill out this is not Four!” I said to protect him and everyone looked at me surprised, recoverability even look at me at Four misunderstood

“What happened to the battery?” Said Lior

“There was dead. I just can tomorrow and in the meantime we’ll have to fix it here.”

“What Dimitri here?” Shouted Bridge as well as the rest of us

“Girls will give you many years in this house,” Dimitri said the girls opened their eyes

“Dimitri girls need someone to be with them that they are not afraid and I volunteer!” Faure said and I rolled the agenda.

I and all the girls went into the house, he was relatively clean, for a moment I opened the faucet and dripping water

“Girls I shower ..” I whispered and looked at me

“You’re really taking a shower in this place?” Maggie said in a disgusted

“Maggie and therefore do not shut up I’ll take you with me!” I said with a laugh and I took the suitcase with me

I perceived and got everything was quiet waters were pleasant but suddenly I saw a shadow pass in the shower and I stepped back moved to the curtain and there was none, only an open window

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