English Project- 12 ways to improve your memory

by Shany Fridman

Artwork: Naama,Shay, Shany and Lior

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English Project- 12 ways to improve your memory


Artwork: Naama,Shay, Shany and Lior

  • Joined Apr 2016
  • Published Books 1

This is our project about the brain and memory. This is the second part of our project. In this part we are going to talk about the memory only and ways to improve our memory.

Hope you will enjoy our project.


First Method: Take a Gum!

This method is very simple- all you have to do is to chew the same gum when you’re studying for the test and when you’re taking the test. What happens is that our brain creates a connection between the taste of the gum and the information.

If you chew the same gun when studying to the test and when taking the test, it will be mush easier for you to pull out information out of you brain.


video: first method


Second Method:Teach Others!

If you’re not sure you remember the material for the test, take your friend, who doesn’t know the information you’ve learned, and try your best to explain them the subject or the information! It will help you memorize the material by thinking and speaking about the same thing over and over again.


video: second method


Third Method: Associations!

To use this method all you have to do is brain storm your brain and find an association that reminds you of the thing you need to remember! Every time the association will come up, you will immediately pull out the thing you connected the association with and that’s it!


video: third method


Forth Method: Stop Multitasking!

the next tip: stop multitasking!

when you’re doing 10 things at the same time, you will probably forget something or won’t pay attention to the details that you need to remember. When you do only one thing at a time, you concentrate much better and pay attention to every needed detail.

If you would stop multitasking, you will remember details much better!


video: forth method


Fifth Method: Go To Sleep!

This is a very basic method: go to sleep! If you’re wondering what should you do: keep studying at 1 am or to go to sleep- the answer is simple- go to sleep!

Sleep restores yout energy and makes you feel better, and by the way, it alsomoves the short term memory to you long term memory and helpes you remember things better and for longer.


video: fifth method


Sixth Method: Create a song!

This method is very fun and helpful. All you have to do is write a song about the thing you need to learn and take a catchy melody (for example:” we will rock you” by Queen) and memprize the song instead of memorizing the material, it will be much easier for you.


video: sixth method


Seventh Method: Acronym!

In this method you simply create new or existed words and connect to each letter of the word a meaning. By doing this, you can memorize thing much better and faster.


video: seventh method


Eighth Method:Eat Healthy And Exercise!

Exercising and eating healthy helps in many different ways, including improving your memory! Exercise makes more blood reach the brain and it helps memorizing better and faster.


video: eighth method



Ninth Method: Relax!

If you are stressed and nervous, you’ll have hard time learning and memorizing thing good and for long. By relaxing and having no worries or fears on your mind, your brain is more concentrated on memorizing than worrying, and you memorize better and faster.


video: ninth method


Method Number 10: Learn Another Language!

researches have shown that people that know and speak multipule languages have a better memory and are less likely to have a memory connected diseases or problems!


video: method number 10


Method Number 11: Recreate!

This method is very easy- all you have to do is what you did before! You only have to try to re create what you’v done earlier in order to try and find what you’ve lost!


video: method number 11


Method Number 12: Read A Book On How To Improve Your memory!

This one’s pretty obvious. If you want to organize the ways to improve your memory, just read a book about it.

It will help you find the suitable way for you and tell you more about it!


video: method number 12


We have a special bonus for you! We created a chart to help you find the best way to memorize and learn English!




English Project- 12 ways to improve your memory by Shany Fridman - Illustrated by Naama,Shay, Shany and Lior - Ourboox.com

If your result is “helping others”…

when you are teaching others the material in English, for example using tenses or vocabulary, we are practicing actually by oral. When you are practicing you are doing it over and over again, so you can remember it better, but when you are not practicing and you are doing it only once, you can’t get better and you can’t really remember it.

If you would teach someone else, you will remember better the material and help your friend! Even conversations skills in English are helping us to remember using tenses and vocabulary because when we are talking we are using them and people correcting us and then we know how to do it for the next time and we will remember it! And when you help someone to study you are not only helping yourself to remember, you are also helping others!:)


If your result is “Associations”…

helping to remember vocabulary in English. With the help of the associations, we are connecting the word as it is sound to something familiar and known, that it is connected to the meaning of the word and that’s how it is so much easier to remember the definitions of the vocabulary.


If your result is “chewing gum”…

so the memory is connected to a number of sense, and one of them is taste. When we are learning English, for example the rules for writing a letter or the rules for different tenses or even vocabulary, and we chew a gum in a certain taste, when we will chew a gum at the test with the same taste, we will remember and know what we have studied. The sense of taste is connected to memory and helping or providing the improvement of our memory skills. If you chew the same gun when studying to the test and when taking the test, it will be mush easier for you to pull out information out of you brain.





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