English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com
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English from an early age

  • Joined Oct 2023
  • Published Books 1

English is a language that many people learn throughout their lives. And we all know that the sooner we start learning a language, the easier and more effective learning will be in the future. Next we will look at some tricks in instilling English from a very young age.

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Get your child interested in language


One of the big problems that both teachers and parents face is the child’s attitude towards a foreign language as a school subject. Try to tell them that knowing English will open up a whole world with its own cultural characteristics and traditions to your child. It is important to make the learning process fun so that each lesson is long-awaited for the child.

For very young children there is a useful tool – emotions. Thanks to them, you can show your child that learning a language is fun and interesting. Videos, children’s songs or unusual pictures will help a lot.

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Add a game element

Another great solution for diversifying lessons is to add board, computer or even active games. For example, Twister will help you learn the colors and names of body parts. Scanword puzzles and crossword puzzles are great for learning new words. You can try to master sea battle, tic-tac-toe, Scrabble – in general, anything, the main thing is to use your imagination. If you allow your child to play on the computer, switch the game to the English-language interface. Of course, if the young student wants to try it himself.

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Connect TPR

TPR (Total Physical Response) – the method of total physical response has been around for over 30 years. Its author is psychology professor James Asher. During games using the TPR method, visual-figurative thinking takes first place. The essence of the idea is as follows: each word has its own physical appearance, it can be expressed by one or another gesture or movement. And if you connect together how the word sounds and the gesture that denotes it, then the word will be well remembered. Try to pronounce any word, but do not voice the translation, but show it with gestures. You can come up with a whole story consisting, for example, of verbs describing your usual morning rituals: “I wake up”, “I brush my teeth”, etc.

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Combine exercises


It is important to immerse the child in 4 types of speech activities at once: listening, reading, speaking and writing. This is not only a practical necessity, but also an excellent script for each lesson that will not let your child get bored. Combine exercises, both formats and difficulty levels. It is important that the child does not get tired. Did you do a difficult grammar exercise? Afterwards, watch a short cartoon in English as encouragement.

You can listen to songs and dance, especially if the child is active. You can learn the alphabet from a book, but it’s better to sing it, again while dancing.

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Consider the interests of the child

Every professional teacher, whose goal is to captivate a student, begins by answering the question for himself: “How does this student live?”

This knowledge helps to formulate lessons in such a way that children find it interesting and hear from them more often: “Oh, this is my favorite topic!”, “The lesson flew by!”
Learning a language in the context of what interests you is much easier and more effective. If a child is interested in sports, he will be especially motivated to read news in English about his favorite team. He loves music – why not translate his favorite song?


English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Don’t forget about praise and reward systems

Of course, it is very important to show your child that he is doing well, to praise him for his success and interest in learning, and you can please him with a pleasant surprise – but receiving a present should not be your child’s main goal. Even at the moment of praise, do not forget about English: for example, you bought their favorite candies or fruits for the children – ask the young students to say what these delicacies are called in English. Are you hanging out at the zoo? Encourage your child to learn or remember the names of animals. If you don’t know where to start, start with the most important thing – make a lesson plan and gradually immerse yourself in learning the language through those topics that are especially interesting. You can always turn to professional teachers for help. They know well how to properly motivate a child, make classes interesting and effective, select the necessary educational materials, and develop a love for the language.

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com

Remember that no matter what, parents in any case remain the most important and authoritative people for the child. The child must see that you yourself are interested in what he is doing. Do more activities together, organize family competitions and competitions in English, and success will not take long to come!

English from an early age by Anastasia - Ourboox.com
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