Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com
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Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book


Artwork: Dylan Melnyk

  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 1

Table of Contents:

Creature Alliteration Poem

Bio Poem

Limerick Poem

Acrostic Poem

Haiku Poem

Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com

The BaconEaterian

This is a Baconeaterian.

Bacon Eaterian lives with a big black widow in a bed

on a boardwalk.

Bacon Eaterian eats bats boar bark and balloons.

Bacon Eaterian likes beyonce bears bacon and baking.

Bacon Eaterian bakes bacon.

My Bacon Eaterian burnt my bracelet by a burning banjo.

Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com

Bio Poem


Funny, Strong ,Happy,Acrobatic

Sibling of Jack

Loves Money

Fear having no Money

Needs Video games and Jordans

Gives hugs

Resident of Garfeild NJ


Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com

My day at the mall

I went to the mall to get a doll

But I had to use the stall

I went to the store

And opened the door

But then I wanted a ball.

Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com


Dylan likes to play with dinosaurs

Yawns at night

Little boy

Awesome at basketball

Nice to friends





Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com


Tornadoes are wide

Spins around in a circle

Things go everywere

Dylan Melnyk’s Poetry Book by Dylan Melnyk - Illustrated by Dylan Melnyk - Ourboox.com
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