Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com
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Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry


Artwork: Dhwani Agarwal

  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 1

Table of Contents:

  • Creature Alliteration Poem

  • All About Me Poem

  • Limerick Poem

  • Haiku Poem

  • Acrostic Poem

  • Color Poem

Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com

This is a Turtlebook

A Turtlebook lives in a tickly town tucked in turf.

A Turtlebook tastes tender, tiny tangerines.

A Turtlebook likes tense tennis, textbooks and Thanksgivings.

A Turtlebook thethered a tame tiger that weighed a ton.

A Turtlebook tried to read the book I got from the library and trounced it.

Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com


Adventurous,Pleasant, Dilligent, Sensible

Sibling of a New Baby

Loves her Family

Fears Spiders

Needs her Friends

Gives her best at class

Would like to see India with all her heart

Resident of Hackensack, NJ


Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com

There was a farmer’s son Grey.

He really liked hay.

He was rollerskating in July.

When he fell and broke his bony thigh.

He was fine when his thigh was fixed the next day lying in the hay.

Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com

A Summer day

The delightful horse,

Dancing in the summer sun,

Forgetting the heat.

Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com

D Does her best in class

H Helps those in need
W Wants to read all the Nancy Drew books
A An amazing girl

N Not liking bad grades

I Interested in science

Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com


        Red is the color of dazzling tulips in the garden.

Red is the drifting of autumn leaves

Red is the feeling of anger shown on my cheeks

Red is the bright color of icy cold watermelon

Red smells like freshly baked apple pie

Red tastes like sparkling strawberries 

Red sounds like fireworks in the night sky

Red look like the sun in the wild blue yonder

Red feels like the picking of raspberries in the vast field.

Red makes me jump back in fear.

Red spreads happiness in the world

Dhwani’s Marvelous Book of Poetry by Dhwani Agarwal - Illustrated by Dhwani Agarwal - Ourboox.com
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