Treasure Island Name of the author: Robert Louis Stevenson My name : Ziv Yamin Name of my teacher: Irit Merchav by Ziv Yamin -
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Treasure Island Name of the author: Robert Louis Stevenson My name : Ziv Yamin Name of my teacher: Irit Merchav

  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 1

Book Summary

The book talks about a hidden treasure of a pirate named Flint and a guy trying to find the treasure. The name of the guy is Jim Hawkins he had danger adventure with pirates . Jim Hawkins was a crew member that doesn’t want to be a pirate. The boat called Hispaniola that belong to pirates the captian of the ship was Long John Silver and they trying to find Flint’s treasure but Jim Hawkins , Ben Gunn and Dr. Liversey.



Jin Hawkins- He was the one of the three that found the treasure he lost his dad and he looking for the treasure because he was poor and his Mom told him he was a crew member of a pirate ship and he was terrified from Long John and left the ship he meet a guy named Ben Gunn.

Dr. Liversey-Dr. Liversey was a Doctor of the ship and he doesn’t want to be a pirate any more than he betray them and he wanna help Jin Hawkins.

Ben Gunn- He was in the treasure island 10 years and he found flint’s treasure and he save Jin Hawkins life and got rich.

Long John Silver-Long John Silver was a cruel pirate Captain that trying to kill Jin Hawkins when he find flint’s treasure .

The Captain- The Captain was an old man that drinking alot of rum he was a pirate once he had the map of Flint’s treasure and Flint’s crew trying to kill him.

Jin Hawkins Mom’s- Jin Hawkins Mom was the owner of the inn she was poor and she needed Flint’s treasure then Jin Hawkins trying to find his treasure.




The most interesting part of the book was a fight with a blind Black Dog The Captian “Both men had knives and were slashing away each other. Black Dog was cut on the shoulder.He run out the door and down the path as fast as he could”.

I like the ending because that was a good ending and no one hurt and the evil guy (Long John Silver) never seen.


I choose 1: Write a different ending to the book

In the morning we began to load Flint’s treasure it took us many trips to get it on board and long john was our prisoner we sailed back to  home (England) But we stopped at a small island to buy supplies I was going with Dr. Liversey and Ben Gunn was guarded Long John Silver and when we come back we doesn’t see our ship and we thinking that Long John Silver has killed Ben Gunn and sailed away to England but we stole a small  boat and we looking for our ship like a 3 days and we found it and we was ready to fight Long John Silver but it was Ben Gunn  that sailed and i said “i can’t fight with Ben Gunn even he betray us ” Dr. Liversey said “you have to fight i know he was your friend but he betray you you have to fight please help and fight with me ” and Ben looked at us and laughter a scary and cruel laugh I was afraid and i was shooked but Dr. Liversey was angry and they was holding knife and they was trying to kill each other and i was still shooked but Dr. Liversey was yelled at me ” help me!!! help me !!!” I grab my gun and directional towards Ben and i shot at him. The end


I love reading this book because it was interesting and a fighting book I love pirates book and it was a little bit hard to read

I liked to use a digital book because it more organized with the pages and more decorated


When the course is laid and the anchor’s weighed,
A sailor’s blood begins racing.
With our hearts unbound and our flag unfurled,
-We’re underway and off to see the world!
*Underway and off to see the world!*

Hey, ho, we’ll go anywhere the wind is blowing
-Manly men are we!
Sailing for adventure on the deep blue sea.

Danger walks the deck; we say what the heck
We laugh at the perils we’re facing
-Every storm we ride is its own reward
-And people die by falling overboard!
*People die by falling overboard!*

Hey, ho, we’ll go anywhere the wind is blowing
Hoist the sails and sing!
-Sailing for adventure on the big blue wet thing.

-I love to see them cry when they walk the plank
-I prefer to cut a throat
-I like to hang ’em high and watch their little feet try to walk in the air while their faces turn blue!
(awkward pause)-Just kidding!
It’s a good life on a boat!

There are distant lands with burning sands
That call across the ocean
-There are bingo games every fun-filled day
-And margaritas at the midnight buffet!
*Margaritas at the midnight buffet!*

Hey, ho, we’ll go anywhere the wind is blowing!
-Should have took a train!
Sailing for adventure on the bounding main!

-The salty breezes whisper; who knows what lies ahead?
I just know I was born to lead the life my father led!
-The stars will be our compass, wherever we may roam
And our mates will always be just like our family
And though we may put into port, the sea is always home!

We’ll chase our dreams standing on our own,
Over the horizon to the great unknown!

Hey, ho, we’ll go anywhere the wind is blowing!
Bold and brave and free
Sailing for adventure
-It’s so nauseating!
Sailing for adventure
-So exhilirating!
Sailing for adventure
-We’re all celebrating!
On the deep blue sea!

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