True Happiness – by Yuval Shaya by Yuval Shaya -
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True Happiness – by Yuval Shaya

  • Joined Mar 2023
  • Published Books 10

Once upon a time, there was a grandmother who was known for her kind heart and contagious smile.

Her family, including her grandchildren, often visited her, and she loved nothing more than spending time with them.

True Happiness – by Yuval Shaya by Yuval Shaya -

One day, her smallest granddaughter came to her and asked, “Can you tell me what is happiness?”

Grandma smiled and replied, “Happiness is a state of mind, my dear. It is not something that can be bought or earned, but rather something that comes from within.”

The girl looked puzzled, so grandma continued, “You see, happiness is not about having everything you want but rather appreciating what you have. When we focus on the positive things in our lives, even in tough moments, it helps us stay hopeful for the future.”

True Happiness – by Yuval Shaya by Yuval Shaya -

The girl nodded, but she still had more questions. “But what about when things are really bad? How can we be happy then?”

Grandma thought for a moment and said, “Even in the darkest of times, there is always something to be grateful for. It might be a kind word from a friend or a beautiful sunset. It is important to focus on these small moments of joy. They can help us find our way back to happiness.”

The girl smiled, feeling a sense of comfort from grandma’s words. “Thank you, grandma,” she said.

True Happiness – by Yuval Shaya by Yuval Shaya -

One day, as her grandchildren were gathered around her, they started talking about their lives and comparing their happiness to others.

They believe that if someone else has more money, a better job, or a happier relationship, they must be happier. But this is not true.

“Happiness is not a competition,” she said to them. “Each person’s journey is unique, and we cannot compare our happiness to others. We must find our own path to happiness and appreciate what we have in our lives.”



And so, grandma continued to spread joy and wisdom throughout the family, reminding everyone that happiness is not something you can seek after, but rather something to be nurtured within yourself.

True Happiness – by Yuval Shaya by Yuval Shaya -
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