Brunch at Gaudi's
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Brunch at Gaudi’s


Artwork: DALL-E2

  • Joined Mar 2023
  • Published Books 13

David had always loved Barcelona. The city was a bustling hub of life and culture that never failed to impress him. As an Israeli flight security guard, he had lived in the city for several years and had grown to love the local lifestyle. One day, while attending a party in Ciutadella Park called “Brunch at the park”, he met a young Mexican girl named Maria, and he felt like he had finally found his soulmate.

Maria was a beautiful young woman with a charming smile and an infectious energy that drew David in immediately. They spent the entire night talking and dancing, and by the time the party ended, David knew that he was in love.

Over the next few days, David and Maria spent all of their time together, exploring the city and getting to know each other better. They talked about their dreams and aspirations, and David found himself feeling more and more connected to her.



However, David was torn between his love for Maria and his loyalty to his family back in Israel. His family had always been involved in the dairy farming industry, and they had been pressuring him to return home and work on the family farm.

David knew that he had a difficult decision to make. He could either stay in Barcelona and continue to build a life with Maria, or he could return to Israel and honor his family’s wishes. But the thought of leaving Maria behind filled him with a sense of dread that he couldn’t shake.

Brunch at Gaudi’s by Liad Neeman - Illustrated by DALL-E2 -
Brunch at Gaudi’s by Liad Neeman - Illustrated by DALL-E2 -

Finally, David made a decision. He would go back to his family and if their love can survive the distance.
he finished his working contract in Spain and went back to Israel, while Maria was already in Mexico.

After few weeks of long phone calls and facetime, David decide to take a leap of faith and fly to Mexico City to meet Maria. It was a risky move, but he knew that he couldn’t bear the thought of losing Maria.


As they boarded the plane, David felt a sense of excitement and trepidation. He didn’t know what the future held, but he knew that he was ready to face it with Maria by his side.

As David landed Maria and her family welcomed him in open arms, taking him to explore the special flavors, places and adventures of Mexico City.
He enjoyed all of it, except maybe the strong and spacy peppers.


Weeks went by and David felt a need to travel, to explore the famous places of central America. Maria could not join due to her work but she supported him, and David took a flight to Guatemala.

There he hikes volcanos, went diving and parting with other Israelis. but at night, while he was lonely in bed, he faced his life dilemma: going back to Israel, or to start a life with Maria?
days went by and he could not choose, advising with other tourists and talking with his family back home, He even consulted with a local wisemen, yet he couldn’t reach a decision.


Finally, while sitting on a dock in San Pedro La Laguna, on the shores of lake Atitlan, he saw a romantic Instagram post, it was in Disneyland, and it was Maria and an American man, David was furious, he called Maria and got to voicemail, hours went by and he didn’t know what to do, he was angry and couldn’t sleep that night.



in the morning he received a long text message from Maria explaining the course of things, how she and the new guy met at her business trip to Orlando and how she fills his commitment to build a life with her.

David was shocked, he was sure that only he has the dilemma about them, that she was into him.
That day the sunset was full of orange and purple colors, David watches it while thinking about the answer he should reply, should he fight for her? Is it lost? Maybe its for the best? Can I commit to her? Is it my “release ticket” back to Israel? tears rolled down his cheeks as he wrote his response, as he describes what he filles for Maria and what she meant to him, the questions he has and how they could try to solve them tougher and that he needs time to think with her about their future.

Brunch at Gaudi’s by Liad Neeman - Illustrated by DALL-E2 -

Maria replied three days later, a big part of her heart will always be David’s, but she needs to move on and give this man a proper chance.
David felt a mix of filling he never felt, his heart skipped a beat, yet he felt relived. He was peaceful and irritable.
That filling you have when you lose something that was never meant to be yours.


He want on traveling across south America and went back to Israel five mounts later. There he came back to his family, but decided to move to the big city and to study in college.

Maria and her American man are now married and expecting their first girl.

Both David and Maria are at peace with their decision, and even though they are not in a relationship, each of them is happy with the path they chose.


The end.


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