The Land of the Orange Dogs by Mel + AI - Illustrated by Allon Sasson and dall-e 2 -
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The Land of the Orange Dogs


Artwork: Allon Sasson and dall-e 2

This is where Mel Rosenberg collaborates with friends and AI to create artificial intelligence assisted children's stories.
  • Joined Feb 2023
  • Published Books 4

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, all the dogs were orange. No one knew why this was so, but it had always been that way.


Years passed, and the people of the land continued to live with their orange dogs, but the mystery of their color never faded. One day, a young boy set out on a journey to find the answer. He traveled far and wide, asking every animal and person he met if they knew why the dogs were orange. But no one had an answer.


The people of the land loved their orange dogs, but they were curious about the strange color. They asked the wise old sage of the village for an explanation, but even he could not provide an answer.


Finally, after many months of searching, the boy came to a wise old owl who lived high in the mountains. The owl listened to the boy’s story and then said, “I do not know why the dogs are orange, but I do know that it is a gift. The dogs of your land are special because they are the only ones of their kind in the world. They are unique and precious, and you should be proud to have them.”


The boy returned to his village and shared what the owl had said with his people. And from that day on, they loved and cherished their orange dogs even more, knowing that they were truly one-of-a-kind. They realized that the color of the dog doesn’t matter, what matters is the love and the bond between them.

The Land of the Orange Dogs by Mel + AI - Illustrated by Allon Sasson and dall-e 2 -

The End.

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