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How Magento 2 Marketplace Integrators can Boost your Online Business?


Artwork: Knowband

Knowband is a leading software development company specializing in e-commerce solutions. With a focus on creating innovative and user-friendly modules, Read More
  • Joined Apr 2021
  • Published Books 47

Marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, and Google Shopping have the biggest customer traffic rate. Because of the customer trust and brand names these platforms combined rules over more than 60% of total eCommerce business. The Marketplaces face a huge number of customers every day, seeking their desired products.

The Multi-vendor Marketplaces like eBay, Etsy and Google Shopping offer great partnerships to the new eCommerce merchants with their professional teams.


The Marketplaces sellers get more customer visibility in comparison to personalized shop owners. Furthermore, these mammoth marketplaces offer a huge targeted audience to present merchant inventories. Today, we are going to talk about how the Magento 2 admins can integrate their eCommerce store with the Marketplaces at ease and sell on multiple platforms from a single admin panel. So, let’s start without any delay.


Magento 2 Etsy integration:

To connect the Magento 2 store with the Etsy Marketplace, there are only 2 essentials required. The first one is Application ID and the second and the last is Application secret provided by the Etsy developer account. Yes, we are talking about the Knowband Magento 2 Etsy integration plugin. The Magento 2 Etsy integration API connector is developed by the most advanced eCommerce plugin-making Knowband tech professionals.


How Magento 2 Marketplace Integrators can Boost your Online Business? by Knowband Store - Illustrated by Knowband -

The Knowband Magento 2 Etsy integration module offers the eCommerce merchants to easy connection setup with Etsy. Moreover, the plugin offers an amazing feature for custom pricing, which allows the Magento 2 store admin to list the same product at an increased/decreased price on Etsy Marketplace. In other words, as a Magento 2 Merchant, you can sell the same product at different prices from your store. Furthermore, the Knowband Magento 2 Etsy connector offers to create multiple shipping templates for every individual country in, which you are listing your products.


Magento 2 Google Shopping Feed Integration

Magento 2 eCommerce Merchants can also connect their eCommerce store with the Google Shopping Marketplace. As Google is the most known name in digital history, the customer trusts the Google Shopping Marketplace. Google recently renounced that the listing of the products is free of cost on Google Shopping, so how can Magento 2 store admins can get the benefits from this policy. To list all the available Magento 2 inventory on the Google Shopping Marketplace, Knowband offers the Magento 2 Google Shopping integration plugin.

How Magento 2 Marketplace Integrators can Boost your Online Business? by Knowband Store - Illustrated by Knowband -

The Magento 2 store admins can easily list their products along with all the attributes on the Google search list. Once any customer search for a particular product, your Magento 2 store products will appear on the Google search list. The Knowband Magento 2 Google Shopping integration addon comes with pre-loaded Cron jobs to make every task easy for the Magento 2 eCommerce merchants. The Knowband Magento 2 Google Shopping integrator also offers to add UTM parameters to the eCommerce Merchants. These parameters allow the merchants to keep the customer’s traffic and time spent rate on a particular page listed on Google Shopping listing.


Magento 2 eBay integration Plugin

Now the Magento 2 store admins can also sell on the eBay Marketplace right from their Magento 2 store admin panel. The Knowband Magento 2 eBay integration offers to build a seamless connection between the eBay Marketplace and the Magento 2 store. The Magento 2 eBay API connector plugin just required the client secret along with the client ID and you are ready to go on eBay with all of your inventory.

How Magento 2 Marketplace Integrators can Boost your Online Business? by Knowband Store - Illustrated by Knowband -

Moreover, by using the Knowband Magento 2 eBay API connector plugin the Magento 2 store admins can manage the eBay feeds right from their Magento 2 admin panel. The Magento 2 eBay connector offers real-time order synchronization which offers the Magento 2, eCommerce merchants, to track all the orders on a single Magento 2 admin panel.


In the end:

In brief, selling on marketplaces allows eCommerce Merchants to expand their business around the globe. The Marketplace selling has grown rapidly in the last few years. Knowband tech professionals came up with the Knowband Magento 2 Marketplace connector to make the multi-platform selling process smooth for the merchants. The Major aim behind the Knowband Marketplace connector is to provide every needful control on a single admin dashboard.

Furthermore, in case you have any queries regarding any of our plugins, please feel free to find us at [email protected].




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