Point of View in Assignment Writing by Edubirdie - Ourboox.com
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Point of View in Assignment Writing

  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 24

When performing any assignment writing, students need to present and find out a point of view. It is one of the important components of each writing paper. First, you must know the general features of the point of view. The point of view is the object of argumentation. Statements that together make up the argument are always correlated with a certain point of view. Finding out the point of view of the interlocutor is the first step in the analysis of any argument. A point of view is an opinion that captures a person’s attitude to a statement, the content of which is a certain sentence.

Based on this definition, the structure of the point of view distinguishes the statement containing the proposal; an expression that captures a person’s attitude to this statement.

In order to determine the point of view, it is necessary to pay attention to the expressions, which are called indicators of the point of view. However, the point of view is not always clearly presented in the argumentation. In this case, you should pay attention to other expressions-indicators. Sometimes the point of view in the argument is given earlier than the arguments in defense. This procedure for presenting arguments is called regressive. Sometimes arguments are put forward first, and then the point of view they defend. This procedure for presenting arguments is called progressive.

While preparing to write papers students have many options of finding help online. They can find professional assignment writers and choose the best one to prepare papers, outline others’ points of view and express their own. Such writers can teach useful things about preparing each assignment and give high qualified samples which can be used in further writing assignments.

Students also value such points of view. It can be expressed in the first, second, or third person. If it is presented in the first person, the author usually expresses his own experience. But in academic writing, it is better to replace first-person statements with third-person statements. From the second point of view, the author gives his readers certain questions for reflection, guidance, or advice. But again, the second person should be avoided in academic writing. Well, it is clear that representing the point of view of a third party, the author refers to someone else’s experience. Most academic texts contain views from the third person. but this does not mean that when preparing, for example, an essay, the student cannot express their own views.

Students should remember that presenting a point of view in their writing assignments is very important, because it demonstrates to teachers and other readers the level of your knowledge, critical thinking skills, ability to analyze, compare facts, present the results of their own research and opinions on certain ideas. this is what is assessed first of all when checking the written paper. Therefore, students should learn to correctly express their own point of view and correctly convey the point of view of other authors to have a quality paper.


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