Teacher project survey analysis

by Tülin Arslanpınar

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Teacher project survey analysis

  • Joined Nov 2018
  • Published Books 49

In the project prefix
To the question ‘Do you think that with this project, your students will participate in the mathematics lesson with pleasure and learn the subjects better?’, 90.9% of our teachers answered yes, 9.1% partially.
In the last survey of the project;
‘Do you think that with this project, your students can participate in the mathematics lesson with pleasure and learn the subjects better? ‘100% of our teachers said yes to the question.
This is a great proof that our project has successfully achieved its goal.

Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com

According to the answers given by our teachers to question 10, we see that there is a great increase in the rate of using technology in mathematics lessons.
In the pre-project survey, 18% of our teachers stated that they use technology too much in their mathematics lessons, while this rate increased to 75% in the last teacher survey.
This is a proof that our project has achieved its purpose.

(10. Soruya öğretmenlerimizin verdiği cevaplara göre matematik derslerinde teknolojiyi kullanma oranlarında büyük artış olduğunu görmekteyiz.
Proje ön anketinde öğretmenlerimizin %18’i matematik derslerinde teknolojiyi çok fazla kullandıklarını belirtirken bu oran son öğretmen anketinde %75 yükselmiştir.
Bu projemizin amacına ulaştığının bir belgesidir.)

Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com

According to the answers given by our teachers to question 9, 16.7% of our teachers said that they used a phet application and found it useful.
25% of our teachers stated that they knew the phet application but did not use it.
58.3% of our teachers stated that they had no knowledge of the application.
According to the latest survey data, 83.3% of our teachers said that they used the application and found it useful.
8.3% of our teachers said that they found it partially useful.
Accordingly, thanks to our project, the number of teachers who use the phet application and find it useful has increased by 58%.
This is proof of the success of our project.

Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com

7 questions, and the answers given by our project partner teachers are positive.
With the project activities, there has been a great increase in the use of technology by our teachers in mathematics lessons.

Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com

6.To what extent do you use technology in mathematics?

The answers of our project partner teachers to the linear scale question about how much technology they use in mathematics lessons were 41.7% in the preliminary survey, while this rate reached 75% in the final survey.

Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com
Teacher project survey analysis by Tülin Arslanpınar - Ourboox.com

Math with fun and games eTwinning Project


Teacher project survey analysis


12 teachers participated in the project final survey


12 of our teachers are also classroom teachers.


Our project partner teachers worked with the 7-11 age group


Only one of our 12 teachers participated in the eTwinnimg  project for the first time this year.

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