This story could be a story about a family,
It could have been a story about a marriage that falls apart, or about divorce that was, unlike what most people think – a positive thing.
About a father that lost his way, about a mother that became happy again almost 15 years later.
But for today it’s a story about a young girl.
A young girl who loved her daddy very much and spent a lot of time with him.
A young girl that spent her free time learning to saw with her father, that loved to cook with him and go together on the Scouts’ trips.
She was happy to meet every new girlfriend that her father introduced to her and to her brother.
But she was a bit sensitive and used to cry often, even if it wasn’t anything worth crying about.
As the years passed, some things had changed, and the father chose a wife over the girl and her brother.
Relationships are complicated, and because it’s a story about a young girl, she never knew why her father made such a hard choice.
Maybe it was because she was so sensitive, maybe because she used to cry a lot.
Maybe, it has nothing to do with her.
And again, the years went by, but now it is not 5 or 6 years, it’s about 17 years.
Her father moved to the states and she traveled almost the whole world.
And every time someone asks her, she says that she doesn’t have a father.
Not because she cares what people think, just because it’s not that easy to explain, and perhaps not every person that asks, really wants to hear,
That once, there was a girl whose best friend was her father, but this is no longer her story.
Published: Mar 31, 2022
Latest Revision: Mar 31, 2022
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1304476
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Very moving