5 Hidden Tricks for Learning Algebra Fast by Ola Kruger - Ourboox.com
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5 Hidden Tricks for Learning Algebra Fast

  • Joined Jul 2021
  • Published Books 8

Albeit being the foundational block of higher, complex mathematical concepts like trigonometry, geometry, and fields like science, engineering, and others, algebra is one of the topics that can seem intimidating to learn. However, once you understand the hang of it, you will notice that it’s not as hard as you might think.
In this article, you’re going to discover five hidden tricks for learning algebra fast.
So without wasting your time, let’s get started.


  • Hire a Tutor


The first hidden trick for learning algebra fast is to hire a private tutor who is really good at algebra. Hiring a professional tutor who can teach you everything from standard forms of linear equations as well as other topics using simple strategies can help you understand the topic real quick.
The good thing is that hiring a private tutor isn’t costly. Plus they are readily available on the internet.


  • Learn Basics


To understand a topic fast, you need to learn the basics. If you skip or fail to understand the introductory part of a topic or subject, you’re going to find the whole topic difficult when you advance to the most complex concepts. So first, understand the basics of algebra.
Generally, the basics of algebra include the four foundational operations namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Understanding how to work with these basic operations will help you a lot in learning algebra fast. 


  • Understand the Order of Operations


Another trick to help you learn algebra fast that no one will tell you is to know where to start.
When it comes to solving algebra equations, there is a specific order to work out the operations. First of all, you need to work out any math operations in parenthesis or brackets, followed by exponents then multiplication, division, addition, and finally subtraction.

In this case, you can use a handy tool known as PEMDAS– which is an acronym for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.


  • Come Up With Tricks to Remember The Rules


The good news about algebra is that rules are always constant.  Once you have the rules in mind, you can solve even the most complex math problems. However, given the number of things you will be learning at once, it can be challenging to know which rules to apply to which problems.
Review the rules or strategies you have learned and make up tricks to remember them.


  • Learn Shortcuts


Aside from coming up with tricks to remember rules, you can find out whether there are tricks already created by others. The good thing with algebra is that there are many alternative ways and strategies to solve problems.
The internet is awash with resources where you can learn shortcuts. Practice as many of them as you can. Test out multiple shortcuts to see which ones work.

Join A Study Group

Getting the support of other students can also help you learn algebra fast. Join or form a study group with like-minded students to learn how to do algebra from different perspectives. Forming study groups can also help you learn new tricks and strategies to remember algebra rules.

There you have it. A few simple but hidden tricks for learning algebra fast. Implement all these tricks and strategies to understand how to solve algebra problems and equations fast.

Good luck!

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