Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
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Young Learners Winter Competition 2021

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 2
In November 2021 the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) was hosted in Glasgow, UK.
During the following weeks, our teachers included tasks and activities in their lessons which focussed on the important issues that our planet is facing regarding climate change; and so the writing competition 2021/2022 was launched, renamed the Winter Climate Competition.
Lower Primaries created leaves for a ‘Heart Tree for our Planet’, illustrating what they normally do to help the environment.
Higher Primaries and Lower Secondaries created comic strips telling stories which warned us about the dangers the planet is facing.
Secondary B2+ group wrote a letter to a world leader, a company CEO, or any famous person asking them to use their influence to stop climate change.
In the following pages you will find a collection of these competition entries. We think you will agree that British Council students really care about the future of our planet. We hope you can take the time to appreciate their hard work and effort.
On behalf of British Council we would also like to thank you the parents for your continued support outside of the classroom in helping our learners succeed.



1. Lower Primary

2. Higher Primary and Lower Secondary

3. Secondary B2+

4. City winners

5. All Italy winners pictures





Lower Primary 

Notable Entries

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Lower Primary

Runners up

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Lower Primary 

City Winners

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Higher Primary and

Lower Secondary

Notable Entries

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Higher Primary and

Lower Secondary

Runners up

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Higher Primary and

Lower Secondary

City Winners

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Secondary B2+

Notable Entries


Mattia Manganaro

LS B2.1, Milan


Dear Bill Gates, 


I’m writing this letter because global warming is devastating our planet and I think that you are the only person that can help humanity in this fight. I saw some videos where you explained how we can fight global warming. In your book  entitled “How to avoid a climate disaster” you explained what we can do to protect the environment and how we can do it. I really liked your statement “The cruel injustice is that even though the world’s poor are doing essentially nothing to cause climate change, they’re going to suffer the most from it.” I agree with you! I think that you really care about global warming and you shouldn’t give up. I know you are a very busy person but I hope you will read my letter and you can influence the people that take important decisions on this planet. Why don’t you start a fund raising for our planet…I’m sure lots of people from all over the world would support you… 

I hope to hear from you soon, 

Matteo (Milan, Italy) 



Pasquale Troncone and Ludovica Baldoni

US C1.1, Naples


Dear Mr. Li Keqiang, 

We are two Italian teenagers very worried about the environment, because of its pollution and its bad consequences in the near future.    


We are writing to you because we really need your help to try to change the things.    


You are the prime minister of a big, powerful and populated Country like China.  You have a really high influence not only on China, inhabited by 1.5 Bil of people, but also on the entire world. We think that if you do something for the environment for real, the planet will take a big advantage.   


Two of the biggest problem for the environment are the CO2 and the constant use of plastic.   


In your Country there is a large use of plastic that, as we know, is very dangerous for the sea and the animals that live in it, which often eat it and for that reason they die.   


Always in your country there are a lot of coal-fired power plant that produces a lot of CO2, harmful to the environment. Indeed, CO2 helps the increasing of the ozone hole, and it contributes to global warming, harmful for the entire globe because it is the cause of the melting glaciers, the increasing of forest fires, that damage the environment, the animals and also us.   


We hope this letter will not be seen as a reminder, but as a distress signal to a person that can make the difference.    


Thank you for your attention, we look forward from hearing you soon.   


Pasquale Troncone and Ludovica Baldoni



Sara Ait Tarmi

LS B2.1, Milan


Your majesty The Queen Elizabeth,


I’m sending to your majesty, because you’re the one who has felt the and who is going to feel it more in the future decades.

As you have probably noticed, the world is always transforming, but this time it’s turning into something really bad. From a happy place to live on our planet Earth is going to be full of rubbish. Not only plastic, but also pollution in air and water

Since you are the Queen of this years COP26 state president, you can encourage other world leaders to help the environment and therefore, all the people living on the planet.

Before telling you how to prevent disaster, I’m going to start with my experience of climate change, smog and damaged environment.

I live in Milan a n d when I go out to the shop or go to school, I can’t breathe because the air is polluted with a lot of fine powders and there are very few electric cars. Also, in my town there aren’t many tress and there’s plastic waste everywhere, especially COVID related one.

On my winter holidays I went to the mountains to get some fresh air and breathe, but as soon as I got there, I could smell the pollution and the bad quality of the air. This means that even in the most natural environment you can feel the change.

Madam, I would love to give you some tips to save Earth: first, we should start planting a lot of trees, even in the cities and stop cutting them down. Then we should keep some zones protected from cars, only accessible to bikes and pedestrians.

Another idea is to make electric cars affordable for everyone, so that they could be used more frequently.

I hope Her majesty appreciates my letter.

Yours Sincerely,




Bendetto Fenoaltea

US First, Milan


Dear Mr Bezos,

I am writing to you to suggest some goals your company could achieve.
Despite you have already done some important preventions, such as your 10 milliard dollars spent on animal and environment conservation, the project you are planning by 2040 is not enough to give a great contribution to the planet. In fact, scientists affirm that by that year all the environmental problems will be irreversible. As a matter of fact, Amazon employers are putting pressure on you in order to do this by 2030.
I am going to focus on the way in which are transported packs, because it is an important cause of CO2 emissions. In fact, Amazon is providing electric transport in the most polluted areas. The aim for the company is to reach the number of 100.000 trucks by 2040. But the problem is to reach this goal also with ships, planes and,why not, drones. If Amazon’s transport was all electric, society would achieve zero emissions in a few years and it would be an example for all big companies.
The zero emissions goal is not impossible, but requires either the contribution of common people, or scientists and engineers. And Amazon could involve people in doing this, putting them a fine if they did not do a separate collection of delivery’s tresh to be returned to the company.
In conclusion, despite the great costs there would be, I think that a sostenible Amazon in the future will be a turning point to save the planet.
Your customer,


Dahami Jayasuriya Kuranage

LS First, Naples


Dear Mr President Joe Biden,


I’m writing this letter to you in relation to the unequivocal damage that the earth is undergoing, which is climate change.


First of all, I think that the issue of climate change and global warming should be more paramount in the media and in politics. It should be taken much more seriously. We require assistance to save our planet or by 2050 it will be too late…


Climate change will affect each one of us. Our seas are getting so polluted that there is even an island made of plastic. There are more frequent and intense are: droughts, storms, heatwaves, deforestation, rising sea levels as a consequence of melting ecosystems causing destruction.I think that we should take action towards these problems immediately or the situation will get worse.All this will lead to a mass extinction of all living things.


These problems are upon us, however nowadays leaders and politicians circumvent this problem and spew empty promises because of this it’s treated as trivial and this is an erroneous attitude.That’s why I turn to you…


There are many ways to contribute to solving these problems. For example: eliminating food waste that occurs a lot in the US, planting more trees, taking actions against fossil fuel companies, reducing pollution, encouraging recycling and buying less.


I hope for a future where the next generations can live in a world where pollution is not a problem and where we have invested in green energy. I hope you consider my suggestions and take action to try to solve these issues.


Respectfully yours, Dahami Jayasuriya


Giancarlo De Santo

US First, Milan


Boris Johnson
10, Downing Street

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I am sorry to bother you, but I must complain about the management of the climatic situation that you and the other leaders are pursuing. In a recent interview, before the COP26, you had been talking about the critical state in which we are and all those influential people who seem interested in this issue but do not care at all about it. So, I want to ask you to be the first one to work actively for the resolution of this problem.
Firstly, I want to talk to you about the most dangerous effect of CO2 emissions: the global warming. This phenomenon has already brought a lot of unpleasant consequences, that might become soon catastrophic if we continue not to think about it. In fact, higher temperatures are worsening many types of disasters like storms, floods and the air pollution, increased by the rising presence of “groundlevel ozone”, the main component of smog.
Therefore, I was wondering about how you can give your support and I thought that you might reduce the use of fossil fuel in UK, sustaining economically all those companies or people who need your support. Additionally, you can try to
convince other important leaders to focus on solving this problem, although I am not sure it will work. I know that I am asking a lot, but I hope you are going to consider my suggestions.
Lastly, I want to tell you that I am hopeful about my future because I trust you can do your best. Thank you for reading my letter.

Yours sincerely,
Giancarlo De Santo


Francesco Spinetti

US Advanced, Rome


Dear Prince William, 


I have been asked to write to you concerning sensibilisation towards ever-rising increase in global temperatures. In particular, I am writing to you as I acknowledge you as the ideal figure to attain to this role. 


First of all, it is evident that the innumerable industries which constellate the globe’s surface, and the enormous amount of products we consume which they produce, are one of the main causes of the increasing temperatures we are facing these days. Even though the problem mentioned above has a recent beginning, the mutations in the global natural balance are already tangible, and, if we don’t start taking counter measures seriously, they will even get worse in a few years’ time. 


As to the objective of this letter, I recognise the influence you have on public opinion as a main member of the Royal Family as fundamental to convince people to make more ecological choices, such as reducing the use of plastics whenever unnecessary. In order to promote this, the simplest ways to get to the greatest possible number of people would be taking part in public events and demonstrations, and giving speeches both there or in interviews. 


In conclusion, I hope that people will start to take action against global warming and the disasters it brings, living more consciously and creating an eco-friendly future that can guarantee a moderated usage of natural resources. 


Your contribution would be essential to reach this goal. I very much hope you will consider my advices and look forward to hearing from you. 


Yours sincerely, 


Francesco Spinetti  


Lily Anh Zizola 

LS B1.2, Rome


Very kind mr. Joe Biden,


Im very scared about global warming. Today the temperature is too hot and billions of animals are dying. In other countries there are some solar panals and other things to avoid pollution, like biodegradable things (for examples glasses and bags ), the waste sorting, people rides bikes and not the cars or goes with the bus and the train…It’s important to use more electric energy than petrol. An innovative thing that I very appreciate it’s the electric car. I know it was invented many years ago but I still think it’s very innovative and useful! Everyone is important to save the planet, and everyone must try to don’t pollute. The single work can save (slowly) a big piece of us but it can’t be easy for all the people, so the states must give all the help to tempt us to be green. One thing that I think it’s wrong it’s the cost of biodegradable things, they are too expensive, they must go down! The nation’s leaders could spend the money on public transport and make them more useful. Put more garbage cans on the road and do spot and advertising signs.

I hope you read it and think about it.

Despite that, I admire you very much. In the elections you promised a clean energy plan for nature justice for protect citizens and health. The climate agenda works to reduce the fuels and shift funding towards renewables. The Biden plan aims to ensure that the United States achieves a 100% clean energy economy and achieves zero emissions by 2050.

I’m sure that you could be someone who will change something!


Fabio Mangone,

US First, Naples


Hi Mr. Drake,


firstly thank you for your help in the fight for the environment through the use of bio-diesel buses for your tours, secondly I am writing so that even the word of an ordinary person like me can reach you and can be spread through your influence.

With the arrival of 2022 we are getting closer and closer to the estimated dates regarding the side effects of climate change and global warming, so please listen to me carefully: I congratulate you again for your contribution but the situation is becoming very complicated and unsustainable despite the fact that politicians haven’t yet organized a big plan; CO2 emission levels are getting worse and it’s main effect is the glaciers melting that represents a threat not only for the animals that live there but for us too, because sea and ocean levels are rising up while I am writing this letter. There are a lot of other effects like the disappearance of breathable air.

We have to act now to save the future, indeed I suggest that you write an album that talks about global warming so that people can understand that calmness and the relaxation aren’t allowed now, furthermore you could start a non-profit foundation, like WWF, GREENPEACE, EARTH FIRST! … that could help even more to stop the climate changes.

In general, I suggest that all foundations that work to save the world, like the ones I mentioned before, would create one big foundation that can do more things than a single foundation so that they can finally change the present situation; then, to resolve the global warming, one of the worst problems we’re causing we can spread green and bio vehicles, such as you, and we can invest more in recycled materials.

I hope that the help and the words of a normal person like me and your influence can be used to change the world and stop climate change, global warming and other problems like these.

I hope my ideas are helpful.

Best wishes,


Mangone Fabio


Secondary B2+

Runners Up


Antonia Resta

US B2.1, Milan


Dear Sir Draghi,

I am writing to you to draw attention to the high temperature in Italy.
As a result of climate-changing the last day of 2021 in Courmayeur, Italy, there was a maximum of 16 C° meanwhile in Messina there was a pick of 16 C°. Is that normal? No! How can Courmayeur, which is at 1.224 metres above sea level, have the same temperature as Messina which is at 3 metres above sea level? An invisible difference of 1.221 metres.
The entire world has to do something pushing to face this terrible real problem that affects everyone on the planet from the poorest up to the richest and everyone has to have the
possibility to contribute.
In my opinion, every single state should build as many green energy factories as possible. For example, in Italy, we could build off-shore wind turbines even asking Norway for help, since this country has tons of experience in this field.
I hope that the time I have spent writing this letter will not be wasted. I hugely trust you and I admire you. If you need help, feel free to ask me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Antonio Resta


Riccardo Marruco

US C2, Rome




Dear Mark Zuckerberg, 


The aim of this letter is to provide you with a reasonable solution to really help the world this time, especially the environment, and not just simply take control of our minds as you usually do. Today’s society based on consumerism and appearances, also THANKS to you MR. FACEBOOK, produces an unsustainable quantity of waste causing the massive pollution of environment and the death of thousands of animals. 

As a matter of fact, this attitude, shaped by the high powers and YOU, is resulting in devastating effects on people’s life in many if not every major city. The constant production of big quantity of waste, mostly plastic, not only results in the untidiness of our cities but also in the severe pollution of water and fields and consequentially in the pollution of ourselves; in addition to this, the presence of plastic in the oceans is one of the main causes of death for aquatic animals such as tortoises or even corals.  

However, I’m extremely sure you are aware of this issue Mr. Zuckerberg, or should I better call you Mr. Reptilian. I in fact know your secret Mark, as you and your alien friends like Jeff Bezos are using your alien technology to brainwash and take control of people’s mind, leading them into thinking there is no environmental problem or that is being taken care of. But I’m not one them and by using my un-alien-technology helmet I managed to discover your secret. 

Still the purpose of this letter is not to threaten you, but to make a deal between me, the self-proclaimed ambassador of humanity, and you, the presumably leader of Reptilians on our planet earth. As a matter of fact, my idea was to use your alien mind controlling technology and lead people into taking real actions to help the environment, such as consuming less and recycling more; I know this proposal may sound quite unprofitable for your species, but with an actual increase in the quality of humans, you would also have better quality humans to eat.  

To conclude, the pollution of our environment caused by human’s waste represents a major threat to human themselves and to a great number of animal species. In order to solve this issue, the help of people like you, Mr. Zuckerberg, has become of vital importance for mankind. In addition to the previous proposal for a solution, I would also like to add a request not to be chosen as a possible human to be eaten by you Reptilians. 

Yours faithfully, 

Ambassador of Mankind  


Riccardo Raso

US Advanced, Rome


Let’s start from the roots 


Dear Minister Bianchi, 

I am writing with regard to the teaching in primary schools of climate change impacts and solutions. As we have seen in history, knowledge is a power that can influence our lives and ways of thinking since when we are taught things when we are still kids. 

My advice is to start teaching in primary schools a subject that deals with CO2 emissions and impacts on our environment. I think that if the kids, that will be the future of our planet, start to understand the matters regarding our current situation, they are going to be able to make the difference. 

As a result of carbon emissions, we are experiencing dramatic events such as huge and constant fires and floods all over the world. I suppose that showing effective pictures of these phenomena to kids, will affect their attention about the subject. However, some people may think that certain pictures could be too much for little kids, but on the other hand if we tell them a fairy-tale it would be useless. 

To make a real impact, we must form specific teachers for this subject, with effective experience on this field. An option could be doing some work-on-the-field with activities that kids can enjoy but at the same time they can learn something new about the environment. 

I very much hope you will consider my ideas, because we are not doing this only for us, but for a sustainable future also for the generations next to come. 

Yours sincerely, 

Riccardo Raso 


Lavina Vitiello

US C1.1, Naples


Dear Greta,


I’m writing you this letter to congratulate for the role that you are assuming, thinking about the future of our planet health has intensified thanks to your efforts and motivation. As you know not all people are aware of the tragic consequences of global warming that must be tackled. Currently a serious problem that is increasing day by day is the pollution caused by the smog of transport, so a significant solution could be the establishment of a Conference or a meeting to raise awareness among people and countries by increasing the sale of electrical systems. Consequently governments should invest in infrastructure and research to decrease the price of electric items, reducing the smog in the air. “Friday’s for future”, that you set up, is a great opportunity to raise people’ awareness and motivate people to follow your project. Engaging associations and organizations to make everyone understand the crisis that we are facing, could be a consistent way to involve others. Your voice and your presence are really important to change people’s minds that are under-estimating the situation . For me you are the perfect example to follow because you are able to influence every-one’s life . It is also important that everyone is involved and does his/her part. All actions and sacrifices that we make are to be based on cooperation of all people and all Countries, like a collective work relevant to our choices, removing their selfishness and ignorance. The Cop26 decided the right rules, that we must respect to minimize the risks of total destruction,, especially built on collaboration among everyone. I believe that, trusting in you, we will reverse the situation, taking right decisions to make The Earth a better place, like proposing renewable energies at the base of economy and electric transport. What will happen after? Everything is up to us! I hope you to win your fight and never give up even if you are in troubles. Goodbye. Lavinia Vitiello


Secondary B2+

City Winners


Chiara Carzaniga

US C1.1, Milan


10/01/2022, Milan

Dear Ursula Von der Leyen,

I’m scared. I’m afraid I won’t have a future or, however, a bright and serene one.
Why? You may ask.
Well, just have a look around: the world is falling down.
Ice is melting, temperatures are rising, animals are dying; in other words, climate change is really happening.
I remember I discovered this when I was in middle school, about four years ago, and I thought this couldn’t be such a disgrace: I mean, it would have taken millions of years to transform into something really crazy and damaging, right?
Oh boy, I couldn’t be so wrong.
One of my teachers made us watch a documentary called “Before the flood”, starring Leonardo Di Caprio, which was absolutely terrifying: it showed the causes and effects of global warming, including the dissolution of glaciers due to the increase of temperatures, the sea levels’ rise provoking intere cities to be submerged and also the damages on health caused by pollution and too-high temperatures. Another thing this documentary pointed out, and that absolutely was the most shocking, was that all of those disgraces were mainly generated by the exaggerated anthropological activities and their massive carbon dioxide pollution released in the atmosphere, which weren’t compensated by ecological activities at all.
In conclusion, people were destroying the planet and no one cared, not them, not the goverments.
After watching that documentary I remember I started to feel in so many different ways: I was scared and anxious about what I had just seen but at the same time I was still hoping someone would finally do something about that, even though my main sensation was the one you feel when you get traited:
how could no one seem to care about this massive problem even though its effects were already visible, near to us and had been pointed out by scientists since 1979, information I found out later in time,? How could no one seemed to care about us, young people and future generation, that now had to handle so much pressure, which was already causing a lot of psychological diseases among the population, and also had to speak up to politicians, people who liked listening to us and were amazed by our words, also giving us compliments, because we were demonstrating to be responsible and care
about such an important topic, but still didn’t do anything?
Now it is 2022, I’m in the second year of high-school and nothing has pretty much changed or, however, that’s how it seems to be. Everyone keeps talking about climate change but not a single pragmatic action has been made; we keep hearing about the G7 or G20 climate conferences, even though we can still hear the voice of scientists telling us that we’re running out of time but still not doing enough. As the days pass by, hearing good news about the climate situation has become more and more difficult, and everyone’s faith is slowly fading away, especially mine and the young generation’s one which, in normal times, should be the more excited generation about life, while now is just trying not to think about this apocalyptic scenario and just focusing on the
present, that still seems to be kinda-of-normal, maybe also wishing to be born in other times.
That said, I just wanted to ask you and beg you to not let us down; please, listen to our voices and do something about it, don’t just limitate yourself in doing conferences and calls, focus on the action.
I really hope the day I can take back all the things that I’ve said will come, and I’m counting on that.
Please, let’s just not end the future before it even starts.
Thank you very much.
Chiara Carzaniga


Lorenzo Rispoli

USC2, Rome


Dear Mr. Pichai, 


Since we don’t know each other personally, I’ll start by introducing myself and explaining the reason why I decided to write to your regards. I am Lorenzo, an Italian boy, currently in 11th grade, kind of intelligent and sort of funny, but if you asked the people that I have a deeper connection with for a peculiar aspect of my personality, they’d probably be answering you regarding my love for planet Earth and history. These two aspects I have just finished quoting are two of the numerous reasons why I decided to write to you Mr. Pichai.  

I have a neat feeling of respect for you, and I have always thought of you as a respectable man, with values that have helped you reach your high-set goals and have led you to the powerful position you are filling now.  

I would love to write more regarding your successes Mr. Pichai, but since we both have not got enough time to do this, I will start to address the reasons why I have come to the point of writing you. As I was already pointing out before, myself I am passionate of history and planet Earth, these two things are, in my point of view, utterly connected. Earth as we know it has been shaped by history and hence, even the uncertainty we are facing right now about what is going to happen to our Home, is only a result of our actions, refracted in the history books.  During this pandemic, I have heard many times about what the future is holding upon us, and suddenly everyone looked unbelievably interested on that matter. I have therefore come to the conclusion that people care of the future only if they are directly concerned, or at least hope to be. My generation and many others are trying to raise awareness on the climate change matter, but we cannot do it alone, we need help by someone in a powerful position, and I therefore thought of you Mr. Pichai, the CEO of Google, a person who was born in a place who has been heavily affected by climate change such as India. As I have already said Mr. Pichai, you are a man of value, who has worked hard to reach the position you are in today, and therefore deserve a special position in the history books, not as the Google CEO, but as the World Saviour. Henceforth I hope that Google will help us in spreading awareness on the climate change matter, since we do not have that much time left. Just occasionally programming some Doodle videogames or putting some informations on the matter when looking for “”, could really make the difference. 

I send you this letter with renewed hope of a fruitful partnership with you Mr. Pichai, knowing that a man like you, will obviously make the correct choice, 


Lorenzo Rispoli 


Antonio Bellavista

LS First, Naples


Dear Mr. Draghi,


I’m writing to you to complain about the situation we are living in. As a citizen of the Italian Republic, I’m sure you can tell, as much as I can, how much this country and this world are in danger.

Everyday, a storm of bad news catapults on our lands: meteorological disasters, the hole in the ozone, unbreathable air and polluted seas. And even if all of these issues can seem like a bunch of abstract and intangible words, they’re much more than that. And the consequences of our indifference when we hear them, are waiting for us around the corner. Even though you might not experience them, I will, and with me, millions of people belonging to gen Z will. Some of them are not even born but that’s not important. What we know is that if we don’t stop being selfish, they won’t have a childhood as we did, and maybe, they won’t even have a life at all. Of course, with problems, new problems come and with the demographic damage, we can already see an economic crisis bigger than ever. 2008, 1929… we can triple them and still be far from reality. Imagine seeing billions of people dying because of the lack of food, poisoned by gasses or not being transported because we didn’t change our energy system in time and all the trucks can’t work because oil is out of stock.

Imagine seeing cities disappearing, and with them the money necessary to build new houses. I know it’s difficult, but as we say, imagination has no limits, and neither does rebellious Nature.

I know that what I’m asking for is almost unreachable, but inthe name of all the world, I ask you to do something. First step: we need to cut our gas emissions by half, and slowly convert into a society powered by green energy, before we consume all of our fossil fuels and pollute all of our fresh air. Scientists say that we have to do it by 2030. At the time of my writing of this letter, we have exactly 2094 days, 8 hours and 37 minutes. It’s not too late, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Sincerely yours,Antonio Bellavista

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

Meet our city winners

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -

and our national winners are…

Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -
Young Learners Winter Competition 2021 by British Council Italy -



That’s it! We hope you enjoyed reading all the entries as much as we did and will join us in congratulating everyone who took part on their hard work.

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