Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
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Far Cry 4


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  • Joined Jan 2016
  • Published Books 1

Before we begin…

This book is based on a computer game called Far Cry 4. In this book I describe the missions played by the player names Ajay, as well as the “cut scenes” which are videos of the main protagonist, the player, when he is not interacting with the game. The word “you” in the book, refers to the player who is playing the game and has missions to complete.


Chapter 1: Prologue

Our game starts in the wild lands of Kiyrat. The hero Ajay Ghale is an American who came to Kiyrat to spread his mother’s ashes next to his father’s. To get to Kiyrat Ajay is smuggled with the help of the Golden Path, a rebel army that fight the dictator Pagan Min who took over Kiyrat. They reach the border of Kiyrat by bus. Pagan Min’s soldiers called the Royal Army, ask the Golden Path soldiers for their passports. A man gets out of the bus to show the soldiers their fake passports, but the soldiers understand that they are fake. The people that are on the bus, try to escape while the Royal Army soldiers shoot everywhere. Ajay and another man called Darpan are forced out of the bus. A helicopter lands and out of it comes out Pagan Min. Ajay is taken to De Pleur’s mansion, in which De Pleur who is the man closest to Pagan, lives.

Ajay wakes up and finds himself in the mansion sitting by a table with Darpan, Pagan and De Pleur. In front of him is a scary meal which includes dead monkeys. During the meal Pagan explains to Ajay that his mother was in love with him but spied on him to deliver info to the Golden Path. When he (Pagan) found out that Ajay’s mother spied on him, she escaped with Ajay to the US. In the middle of Pagan’s explanation Darpan is caught texting for help, so he is taken away for an investigation. With him go Pagan and De Pleur, and Ajay is left alone at the table.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 2: Complete Chaos

After the prologue, our game begins. Your job as Ajay is to escape De Pleur’s mansion. After you reach the mansion’s main doors you find the Golden Path rabbles and their leader Sabal. They came to save you. Now you must run to a truck in the mansion yard while there is complete chaos outside. After getting into the truck you need to escape the mansion while shooting the Royal Army soldiers that are chasing you on vehicles. Suddenly an enemy truck crashes into your truck and the truck falls down a cliff. The driver dies so you call Sabal and tell him using the communication phone that he needs to reach to the bell tower and see you (Ajay) there.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 3: The Avalanche that Starts the Game

After Sabal explains what you (Ajay) need to do, the mission starts and you must reach the bell tower while on the way you encounter dangerous animals and Royal Army solders everywhere. After reaching the bell tower a team of Royal Army soldiers arrive and you need to fight together with the Golden Path to eliminate all Royal Army soldiers. Because of the shooting and the location of Kiyrat in the Himalaya Mountains, there is an avalanche, and all the solders die except for you and Sabal who survive. You both head to Banapur where you find out that Sabal and a women named Amita are the two Golden Path leaders.

After you get encountered with the two leaders of the Golden Path you get your first mission from Sabal: to get to the top of one of the radio towers and destroy all of Pagans propaganda, which includes the Royal Army radio broadcasts, posters, etc. and a lot of the Royal Army’s weapons. The only problem is that it’s a dangerous and tricky climb to the top. After you complete the task, you returns to Banapur and find out that Sabal and Amita have different opinions about the Golden Path. Sabal thinks that you – Ajay need to go and save hostages because people are more important than info, but Amita thinks that to get the upper-hand in the war, you – Ajay need to go and get important info from the Royal Army. Now the choice is up to you. You can choose either Amita’s mission or Sabal’s mission. If you choose Amita’s, you will go to an abandoned mine were you’ll encounter the Royal Army hunters, which are quiet but deadly solders that have the ability to talk to dangerous animals and handle a bow & arrow very well. If you choose Sabal’s mission, you will go to an outpost were you’ll save the hostages. After you do one of the missions you return to Banapur and there you find out that Amita’s and Sabal’s different opinions about the Golden Path are much more serious. They now hate each other and have different opinions on everything connected to the war and tactics. This time their fight is about the Kiyrat Tea Factory. The Kiyrat Tea Factory is a major drug factory in Kiyrat in the Royal Army territory, and Amita thinks that the Golden Path should secure it from the Royal Army and sell the drugs. Sabal thinks that turning Kiyrat into a drug association is like spiting on the Gods and that you – Ajay should burn it to the ground. Now you could decide. Either choose Amita, and secure the factory from the Royal Army soldiers or choose Sabal and plant explosives in the factory and watch it explode and burn to ashes. Either way, if you choose a certain leader (Amita or Sabal) you would follow their commands during part of the game. Your next mission is the Sleeping Saints.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 4: The Sleeping Saints

Now your job is to go to the Sleeping Saints. De Pleur decided to destroy two of Kiyrat’s holey statues – the Sleeping Saints, as part of his campaign. When you reach the Saints you hear a loud explosion and there is smoke everywhere. Now is your chance. Because of the smoke you can reach the top of the Saint’s supporting structures without being detected. With the help of a communication device you will contact the Golden Path soldiers for support. The Golden Path soldiers are saying that they will come as soon as possible, but you need to eliminate all the reinforcements and right before the mission is over. In addition, you have to do one last thing: If you chose Amita’s mission in Kiyrat Tea Factory then you need to block the entrance to the Sleeping Saints from Sabal’s solders. If you chose Sabal’s mission, then you need to light the holey torches that the Saints are holding.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 5: Noore’s Arena

After completing the Sleeping Saints mission, you are called to a funeral of the fallen Golden Path soldiers. At the funeral you meet Amita’s little sister Bhadra. It turns out that Bhadra knows about your parents and where they used to live. She tells you the house location, but warns you that your parents’ house is in Noore’s territory. Noore owns an arena in which Golden Path and Royal Army soldiers fight to the death like gladiators and any trespasser who gets into the arena territory gets thrown into the arena. You leave the funeral and go to your parents’ house but when you enter the old house you see sitting there two men who clearly don’t belong to Kiyrat. You ask what they are doing in your parents’ house. Instead of explaining they introduce themselves as Yogi and Reggie and say they are testing homemade drugs. You ask them to leave and just when they are about to leave one of them sticks a needle in your back and you faint and fall to the ground. After you wake up in an arena and are introduced to Noore. She tells you that when you are thrown into the arena there will be a knife on the ground and you will need to take it and stay alive throughout the five rounds. You are thrown onto the arena and now you need to survive all five rounds, each round harder than the one before. After surviving the arena you are allowed to leave the arena and your mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 6: Shangri La

After you leave the arena you go back to your old parents’ house to see Yogi and Reggie. You enter the house this time armed with a gun. When the two see you they totally freak out. They hide inside a barrel while you point a gun at them. They tell you that they were forced to drug you and didn’t have a choice. You let them go. Before the two are ready to leave you see a piece of paper on the wall with a painting on it. You ask them what that was, and they explain that it is a holy picture which was taken from a holy place called Shangri La. Yogi tells you that the cave leading to Shangri La is to the North of where you are, and gives you the coordinates. You leave your parents’ home and head to the cave. When you reach the cave your mission starts. Your job is to reach the top of the cave and go through tricky climb to get to the top. After you reach the top of the cave, you find one of the holy paintings. When you look at it everything becomes blurry and you pass out. After this you wake up in a sea surrounded by a circle of fish. You need to swim up to the shore and reach the land. After reaching the shore, you see snowy mountains and beautiful red grass. This is Shangri La. While walking on land you hear a voice. This is the voice of your father. The voice leads you to a pool of blood. In the pool you see a white tiger lying with a knife in his chest. You slowly go to the tiger and pull out the knife. After this the tiger becomes your pet in Shangri La. From now on the tiger will protect you from the demons of Shangri La. After saving the tiger you need to reach a large field. At the center of the field stands the bell of enlightment. The bell is protected by the demons of Shangri La and you need to kill all of them with the help of the tiger. After killing all the demons you ring the bell and a small part of Shangri La becomes freed from the demons. Now you can go to Shangri La many time to ring that bell and release the holly place from the evil demons. After completing your first mission in Shangri La, you wake up at your parents’ home and the mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 7: Basic Chemistry

After you leave your home you go to a rebel camp where you meet Sabal and Amita. They are fighting again and this time it’s about Kiyrat’s brick factory. Kiyrat brick factory used to be an ordinary factory making bricks but since the Royal Army took control of Kiyrat the factory turned into a chemistry lab. In the lab the Royal Army makes gas bombs and weapons. You need to choose either Amita and secure the factory and take the main chemist hostage, or Sabal and set bombs around the factory, burn it down and kill the chemist.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 8: City Of Pain

After you complete the mission, Noore from the arena calls you. It turns out that Noore was forced to do the arena battles. She said that if she keeps doing the arena battles the Royal Army will bring back her family. But now Pagan’s soldiers are going to South Kiyrat with her family as hostages to the City of Pain. They are throwing a party in the city and you need to sneak into a Royal Army truck and follow them in the truck to the City of Pain and find Noore’s family. The City of Pain is a small village meant to torture the Golden Path solders. De Pleur manages the city and today he came to the party. If you chose Amita in the brick factory mission you will need to take pictures of the torturing chambers in the City of Pain in order to show the world the cruelty of the Royal Army. If you chose Sabal you will need to free hostages in the City of Pain. After completing one of the tasks without being seen (depends who you chose in the previous mission) you will need to reach De Pleur’s office and take him out. Then you will need to get him into a car, put him in the trunk and escape the compound. In the trunk you investigate De Pleur and find out that Noore’s family was killed by him years ago. When you reach the Golden Path camp, Golden Path soldiers take De Pleur away and the mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 9: Finish Noore

After the mission you hear from one of the Golden Path leaders that Noore is devastated because she heard that her parents are dead. You need to go to her at the arena and see what is going on. When you reach the arena you need to find a way into it. After finding a way through the vents you need to kill Noore’s solders. When you finish the last of Noore’s solders you need to confront Noore. Now you have a choice. You can either shoot Noore in the head, to take revenge for all the families she killed in the arena just to save her own, or wait for Noore to turn around and look at you, and then commit suicide by falling into the arena and get eaten by the deadly animals in there.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 10: Free Willis

After you leave the arena you get a communication call from an anonymous man who tells you to meet him at the airport for info about your family and the Golden Path. After you reach the airport you see that it is heavily guarded. The man tells you that he needs you to eliminate the snipers so he can land his plane. After you eliminate all the snipers the man lands at the airport and talks with the Royal Army leader. The leader tells him that they are going to take him to Pagan dead or alive, so the anonymous man tells you in the communication phone to get to him and help him out. The battle starts. The Royal Army shoot at you and you need to defend the anonymous man. When you take down the last of the solders, the man introduced himself as Willis Huntley from the elite American agency. He tells you to stay in touch with him for info about your family and that he will give you more missions later on in the game.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 11: Yuma’s Commanders

After completing the previous mission you get a new mission from Willis. He tells you that he needs more information about the Royal Army in the Himalayas, and after delivering it he will give you more information about your family. You go to the Himalayas and Willis tells you that to get the info you need to kill the commanders of Yuma – the main Royal Army leader, and take photos of their bodies as proof. He explains that the most important info is in the camps. You infiltrate Yuma’s camps and take photos of her commanders after killing them. After you take a photo of Yuma’s last commander, Willis tells you to meet him at the other side of the mountain. To reach there you go through a cave filled with soldiers and reach the other side. Then you use your wing suit and fly threw the snowy mountains while Royal Army choppers are chasing you.

When reaching Willis’s he tells you a few important things: because you killed the commanders, Pagan doesn’t present any threat to the US and he doesn’t need your service anymore. Willis throws you on to the ground and flies away in his plane. Just when you are ready to get up, a Royal Army soldier knocks you out and you lose consciousness.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 12: Durgesh Prison

After losing consciousness you wake up in a cell inside a cave at one of the Himalayas snowy mountains. You are tied up to a chair and sitting in front of you is Pagan and Yuma. They tell you that now you are their hostage and you will spend the rest of your life in Durgesh prison. They leave and a Royal Army soldier tells you to get down on the floor. When you get to the floor the soldiers injects poison into you. This is spider poison but it won’t kill you. It will make you see things that you don’t see, flowing through your veins making you lose your mind. If you won’t get out of the prison fast, you will lose your mind just like the rest of the hostages.

Now you need to find a way out of the prison.  You are seeing the demons of Shangri La chasing you as part of your body’s reaction to the poisons in your blood. To get out of prison you need to build a grappling hook from ropes and pieces of metal and climb down the mountain using it. As you climb down, one of the Shangri La demons cuts your rope and you fall. After waking up from the fall you find yourself in the Royal Army prison camp. You must escape the prison through the camp and reach the main doors of the prison without being seen and escape. After escaping you faint because of the low temperature and wake up in a shed. In the shed you see Sabal or Amita, depending on the leader you chose last before entering the mission. Your mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 13: Ashes to Ashes

After you complete the previous mission you get a new mission from Amita. You need to go to a small village in Kiyrat and take from them weapons for the Golden Path. When you reach the village you see the guns man and he brings you to his home. In his home he moves a shelf which reveals a secret basement and in there are the guns. When you get into the basement and put the shelf back in its place you hear someone speaking. You lift a small trap door and see Pagan talking with the other family members in the house. He says to them that he fears that some terrorists (The Golden Path) are taking advantage of their lovely home by using it to store guns, and that he would like to offer them protection. The family said out of fear of him that they will take his offer even though they knew that their basement is used for gun storage. Pagan said that this would only take a moment and he gets out of the house. After Pagan left the house two Royal Army solders walked in and shot the family. You get out of the basement, shoot down two of the solders, call Amita and tell her that you’re chasing down Pagan. The chase begins. You need to enter a personal helicopter (a buzzer) and chase down Pagan’s truck. After dogging from rockets and bullets you reach Pagans hide out. It is a small village filled with Royal Army soldiers. You need to eliminate all the soldiers and then go for Pagan in his bunker and shoot him. After shooting Pagan you get a call from Pagan! You say to him that you’ve just killed him and he responds by saying: “you’ve just killed my double and next time we will meet face to face.”

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 14: Yuma

After seeing the fake Pagan you get a call from Amita asking you to get to the Golden Path camp to see Pagan on live broadcast. When you reach the camp you see the entire Golden Path army including Sabal and Amita, sitting in front of a small TV watching the broadcast in which Pagan says the location of Yuma. This is obviously a trap but both Sabal and Amita say to you that you need to kill Yuma. They send you to Kiyrat’s gold mines were you will need to find Yuma and kill her. You enter the mine and see paper notes all over the cave. From reading the notes you understand that Yuma dedicated her entire life to find Shangri La. When you reach the end of the cave you see Yuma. Before you pull out your gun and finish her, she blows on you a certain powder that makes you faint. When you wake up you find yourself up on a high mountain. You need to use your grapple in order to get down the mountain, descend from cliff to cliff until you reach a large stone gate with a dragon statue greeting you at the entrance. When entering through the gates you see a large round cave guarded by Royal Army hunters. At the end of that cave there is another gate. You need to kill all the Royal Army hunters and pass through that gate. After killing all the hunters you pass through the gate and reach the last part of this mission. You enter a cave filled with water and lit up with torches. In the cave you see the white tiger from Shangri La, but instead of helping you as he did in the past, he is now trying to kill you. You kill the white tiger and hunters appear. One of them is Yuma, disguised as a hunter. You need to kill all the hunters until you find Yuma and kill her as well. After you kill Yuma you wake up in the cave with dead Yuma next to you and the mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 15: Jalendu Temple

After killing Yuma you are called by a Golden Path commander to a village in Kiyrat. At the village you see Bhadra, Amita’s sister. Bhadra tells you that she is considered the next Taruna Matara which means she is one of the holy Gods of Kiyrat, because her grate grandmother was one too. But now there is a problem. Next to the village is the Jalendu temple in which Taruna Matara is about to pass this status to Bhadra. Amita thinks that it’s terrible that Taruna Matara is turning Bhadra who is only a child into a God. Therefore she wants you to blow up the bombs that are in the Jalendu temple guarded by the Royal Army. But Sabal on the other hand thinks that you should disarm the bombs and save the temple and enable the Taruna Matara ceremony to take place. If you choose Amita, you will need to detonate the explosives at the temple that the Royal Army are heavily guarding and quickly escape the temple and see the temple burn into ashes. If you choose Sabal, you will need to disarm the bombs in the temple, and eliminate all Royal Army soldiers from the temple with the help of the Golden Path. Then you will enable the ceremony of the Taruna Matara. After completing one of the options the mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 16: Who Will You Kill?

After saving the temple or destroying it (depends on the leader you chose for the previous mission) either Sabal or Amita will call you and ask you to do something unthinkable. If you chose Amita, she will ask you to kill Sabal and if you chose Sabal he will ask you to kill Amita. You need to head to one of the leaders hideouts, break into it and point a gun at that leader. When you point a gun at the leader you could either shoot him or wait, and then tell him that he could leave but never show his face again. The leader looks into your face and then leaves with a despicable face. After you kill or save the leader the mission ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 17: Pagan’s Fortress

After the previous mission, you go to a Golden Path camp. If you killed Sabal you join Amita’s camp, and if you killed Amita you join Sabal’s camp. At the camp, a Golden Path commander tells you that this is the final stretch of the war and the Golden Path will reach Pagan’s door steps, infiltrate his fortress and concur it. You head to the fortress with the Golden Path and try to take it over. As you reach the fortress the Royal Army opens fire at you and stars shooting at you with artillery waves. You kill all Royal Army soldiers with the help of the Golden Path. You manage to take over the first part of the fortress and then continue to the fortress’s main courtyard doors and blast them open. You concur the fortress by killing all the Royal Army snipers and destroying all its vehicles. On the top part of the courtyard you take control of the mortars (modern long range cannons) and destroy all of the Royal Army reinforcements. After destroying every living enemy in the fortress you do one last thing before approaching Pagan. At the very top of the courtyard stands Pagan’s statue made out of solid gold. You could take the RPG next to it and blow it down. After concurring the fortress, Pagan calls you using a communication device, and says to you that he is preparing dinner and that now the two of you can finally settle this face to face.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

Chapter 18: Dinner With Pagan

After Pagan calls you, you go through the fortresses gates and drive up to Pagan’s palace at the top of the mountain. At the palace you go through a few doors until you arrive at Pagan’s dinner table where Pagan is sitting down. You point a gun to his head and he says to you: “Well, who did you kill? Was it Amita or Sabal?” You don’t answer and Pagan asks you to sit down by the table. He explains to you what happened at your first mission of the game: “At De Pleur’s mansion when your monkey friend (Darpan) was caught texting for help he was taken away for investigation. Before I left I asked you to sit down, enjoy the food and I will be right back. If you would have sat down and waited, I would have come back and we would both go right away to Lakshmana and spread your mother’s ashes. But you deiced to team up with the rest of the monkeys and start this entire war. Now you could decide to kill me or sit down enjoy the food and settle this thing once and for all”. While pointing a gun at Pagan’s head you could decide to either shoot him and end the game plain and simple, or wait and something else will happen.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

If you wait and put your gun down Pagan says: “Very well, we better get going now”. He gets up and walks with you to his back yard and says another thing: “You know your dad threatened your mom’s life because she fell in love with me and because of that your mother killed him. Well than, here we are, now we could finally finish this thing once and for all”. You look in front of you and see Lakshmana which is your mother’s memorial grave. Pagan says: “When I stepped into this place I came out the person I am (a dictator), but you will come out a king”. You then enter your mom’s memorial grave. You lay her ashes next to your fathers. When you get out of the grave you see Pagan on a helicopter reedy to take off, but right before he leaves he says:” Ajay, I’ve given you Kiyrat but I’m keeping the helicopter!”

Pagan flies away and the game ends.

Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com
Far Cry 4 by Ori Matan - Illustrated by Google Images - Ourboox.com

The end

Check out the trailer of Far Cry 4:


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