Great Depression by nick godfrey - Illustrated by Nick Godfrey -
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Great Depression


Artwork: Nick Godfrey

  • Joined Mar 2016
  • Published Books 1
Great Depression by nick godfrey - Illustrated by Nick Godfrey -

The depression hit me just to hard. I couldn’t provide for my family there was no jobs hiring, the factories was only picking one or two people to do shifts. I just couldn’t take it anymore I couldn’t stand to see my family suffer right in front of me and I couldn’t do anything about it son early one morning I told my wife I was going to get a shift at our local factory. I packed my bags and left I was walking down the road when I seen one of my buddies from up the street walking down the road with his bags so I waited and asked him what was he doig and where was he going he said ” Bud I cant do it any more this depression is just beating my butt Im just bout to just get on this rail car and ride the rails and where the train takes me” I said lets go


The worst thing ever is when we lost our house. They kicked us out like dogs on the street like we were nothing. we had to move to central park. Farther built us a little shack that was so small we couldn’t even stand up in it. I really miss our old home this new place is just bad . The smell is just horrible some people haven’t took a bath in months or brush their teeth so i just stick to myself and just try to avoid everyone around me. Oh god i wish things would just go back to how they use to be

Great Depression by nick godfrey - Illustrated by Nick Godfrey -
Great Depression by nick godfrey - Illustrated by Nick Godfrey -

Today i went to the bank to witdraw all of my money from the bank before it closed because they say it was failing. So im standing here in line and i see people either walkin off crying or yelling cursing the world. I say to myself i wonder what all the commotion is about so i waited a few more moments and I finally got to the counter and gave the people my information and the said they couldn’t give me any money so im like hold on buddy i had over 10 million dollars in this bank account what u mean i cant get my money then the clerks says there is no money in the bank at all soo i took a moment and thought then I jumped the counter and started beating the clerk out of all my frustration and anger then the police get me off him no im in here sitting in this jailhouse well at least i got somewhere to lay my head and get a hot meal everyday

Great Depression by nick godfrey - Illustrated by Nick Godfrey -

Last year we had a good crop of wheat but this year the fields look very strange. Us farmers started to noticed more and more little dust tornadoes and then one day this big black cloud came over the farms and we didn’t see sunlight for about to weeks. This thick dust was everywhere its like we couldn’t get the dust out the house it was everywhere. After the second week my youngest son adam got sickened  dust pneumonia it was so bad that i lost my youngest boy three weeks later from it then next thing you know my eldest daughter got sick with it also and she is on here death bed right now with it im just over this whole lifestyle im just going to pack my bags and just leave

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