Joshua Babysits Bill by Mary Smith -
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Joshua Babysits Bill

  • Joined Mar 2016
  • Published Books 4

One sunny afternoon, Joshua and his dad is going to babysit Joshua’s friend Bill. They are going to Bill’s house while Bill’s parents are going out.


“Is it 2pm?” asked Joshua. “No, it is 3:00” said Joshua’s dad. Joshua and his dad arrived at Bill’s house. “That’s where I go for swimming!” said Joshua. “Hello, would you like to babysit my son Bill?” asked Bill’s mum. “Yes sure, me and Joshua would love to” said Joshua’s dad.


Bill said hello to Joshua. “What school do you go to?” asked Joshua. “I go to Woodlands School, what school do you go to?” asked Bill. “I go to St Andrews Secondary School” said Joshua. “Goodbye, Mummy and Daddy” said Bill. “Have fun with Joshua and his dad” said Bill’s dad. “Can me and Joshua have something to eat?” asked Bill. “Of course” said Joshua’s dad.


Joshua and Bill had something to eat in Bill’s kitchen with a table and chairs. “Can we have some crisps and ice lollies please?” asked Joshua and Bill. “Of course you can have the same” said Joshua’s dad. Joshua and Bill are eating. “Can we have some apple juice please?” asked Joshua and Bill. “Of course you can have the same apple juice” said Joshua’s dad. Joshua and Bill are drinking.


Joshua’s dad took Joshua and Bill back to the living room to watch TV. “This movie is so cool with superheroes!” said Joshua. Bill had a cuddle with Joshua’s dad. “What hair colour have you got?” asked Bill. “I have blonde hair” said Joshua. “And I have brown hair” said Bill. Bill lay down and went to sleep with Joshua’s dad. “Don’t lie down on my dad’s legs!” said Joshua crossly. “Joshua, Bill is sleeping. Don’t be rude to him!” whispered Joshua’s dad crossly.


Joshua went upstairs to see Bill’s room. “There is something cool in Bill’s room” said Joshua. “A spaceship, his bed, a game console like mine, toys and so many more!”. Joshua went to the bathroom. He is going to the toilet. “Joshua is upstairs my room and the bathroom” said Bill. “I will go and check with him” said Joshua’s dad. Bill was still asleep. “Joshua, what are you doing upstairs?” asked Joshua’s dad whisperedly. “I am sitting in the toilet having a wee” said Joshua.


Joshua’s dad opened the bathroom door. “Joshua, you are not supposed to be upstairs at Bill’s house” said Joshua’s dad. “What?!” said Joshua. “You are not supposed to go upstairs at Bill’s house!” said Joshua’s dad. “OK” said Joshua. Joshua flushed the toilet and he washed his hands. Bill woke up. He was yawning.


“It’s getting dark every evening” said Bill. “Yes, in Northern Ireland, in the March month, it gets dark for 3 weeks” said Joshua’s dad. Joshua came back downstairs to the living room. Bill is loving Joshua’s dad. “Why are you loving my dad?” asked Joshua. Because I love him, he wears glasses!” said Bill. “I do wear glasses, Bill” said Joshua’s dad. “Yes” said Bill.


“Is it 5:30, Dad?” said Joshua. “Yes it is half past five” said Joshua’s dad. Joshua and Bill are having dinner. (skipping Joshua’s dad cooking dinner). Joshua and Bill had fish and chips for dinner. “Fish and chips for tea, yummy!” said Bill. “When are Bill’s parents going to be back?” asked Joshua. “They are going to be back at 7:00” said Joshua’s dad. Joshua and Bill finished their dinner. Joshua and his dad put their shoes on ready to go home. Bill is said goodbye to Joshua. “Goodbye, Joshua. I’ll see you in 2 weeks” said Bill. He came back to his room. Joshua felt sad when Bill’s parents come.


Bill’s parents came back. Bill’s mum is coming up to Bill’s room. Joshua heard the noise. “Did you have a good time?” asked Bill’s mum. “Yes” said Bill. Joshua and Dad are now going home into his dad’s car. Joshua sat in the front with him. (skipping his dad’s driving). Joshua and his dad went back home. “I had a great time at Bill’s house!” said Joshua. Me too, hahahahahaha!” laughed Joshua’s dad. And they all lived happily ever after.

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