The fox and the snake. by Crafticat -
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The fox and the snake.

  • Joined Apr 2021
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time, there was a fox. The fox was going after an earthworm. Suddenly, the worm entered a small tunnel. They went into the depths of the tunnel, only to hear sounds of slithering. The worm had already escaped from the tunnel, and the fox was terrified.

The fox and the snake. by Crafticat -

 A second later, a raspy voice said: “Hello…Good morning, my dear fox” And the fox responded: “Hello Mr. Snake, I am kind of in a hurry to go to the university.”,

“Sure,” responded the snake, “But first, you should come eat.”

The fox and the snake. by Crafticat -

“No thanks,” said the fox.

“I really need to go.”

“You have to see the meal first, It’s really good” said the snake. “Fine” said the fox.

They walked towards the snake’s table and the fox asked: “What exactly is the meal?”

The fox and the snake. by Crafticat -

And the snake responded with excitement dancing in its eyes: “You, of course!”

The fox begged the snake: “Please, no, I’ll do anything! Just let me go!” “Why?” replied the snake, “What would I get out of that?” The fox thought for a long minute before responding.

The fox and the snake. by Crafticat -

But the snake wasn’t going to wait much longer. So the fox mustered its courage and said: “I will tell everyone about the great food you make and what an amazing person you are. Everyone will surely come to visit you.” “Very well then,” said the snake. “I hope I get some visits in the near future.”

The fox and the snake. by Crafticat -

The fox left, and when a day passed, the snake understood its mistake. Never. Trust. A fox.

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