The Magic Jungle by ariel -
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The Magic Jungle


  • Joined Mar 2021
  • Published Books 2

Once upon a time, an orphan boy named Jack lived in a jungle. Every day, Jack spent time with his animals friends and swam in the river.

The Magic Jungle by ariel -

One evening Jack was very tired, and wanted to sleep. But before he entered his bed, an owl came.

“Do you need something?” asked Jack. “Hi Jack! how do you do?” asked the owl. “How do you know me?” “I’m abra kadabra, i came to warn you that the Black Wizard is going to take over your jungle!

“Every night your sky turns purple and that is how your sky defends your dreams. The Black Wizard wants to turn your sky to black and make your dreams nightmares!”

The Magic Jungle by ariel -

”How can I eliminate the Black Wizard? ”Said jack

“You need to get the special witch catcher,”said the owl

 ”What is a witch catcher? 

”It’s a big frame with a hole inside, when you bring it closer to a witch or a magician, they are sucked in and disappear!”

“Wow! How can I get one like that?”

“You have to walk through the big jungle, swim in the river, climb a high mountain, where there is a small hut. You have to prepare for the journey.”

The Magic Jungle by ariel -

A day passed and Jack was prepared for his big mission, he took some food and went on his adventure.   

The way was tough and long, he walked through the jungle, swam in the river and climbed the tall mountain.

“Good job Jack!” The owl said “now it’s up to you, take the witch catcher and bring it to me”. Jack saw the hut and entered it, carefully Jack took the special catcher and went out from the hut, he gave it to the owl, and returned to the jungle.


Jack came back to the jungle, it was very late, he saw the owl flying towards him yelling: “Jack we did it, we saved the jungle from the Black Wizard!” 

After that day, the jungle was safe from the Black Bizard, and since then everyone is sleeping safely

The Magic Jungle by ariel -
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