Mel’s Ten Ways to Flip your Story by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Illustrated by Cover by Rotem Omri, from Kenya the Can'tgaroo -
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Mel’s Ten Ways to Flip your Story


Artwork: Cover by Rotem Omri, from Kenya the Can'tgaroo

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1556

You’ve written a great story. But can it be better? Try these ten flipping exercises on for size.




Flip the characters

Change the good guy into the bad guy and the bad guy into the good guy.


Flip the POV (Point of View)

Find someone else to tell your story.


Flip the humans

If the protagonist is a human, try turning him/her into a rhino. Conversely, if the main character is a rooster, what would happen if you flipped him to become a young child.


Flip the setting

Does your story happen in a forest? Try telling it in the city. And vice versa


Change the Tense

Try telling your story in the present tense or even the future tense.


Flip to Dialogue

What happens if you flip your story to dialogue, or almost totally dialogue.


Flip the Style

Try combining a bit of verse and lyrical writing.


Flip the readers

Are your readers human beings? What if they were aliens or buffalos?


Flip the Moral of the Story

See what happens to the story when you flip the reason you wrote it in the first place.


Flip the Language

If you speak another language, try writing your story in another language. It works!

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