Muwuot Final e-Book by Serap Özgür -
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Muwuot Final e-Book

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 1

This is our presentation video and it is created by using “Biteable” web 2 tool.


“Music is the Way of Unburding One’s Troubles” 



Hello, I’m teacher Serap from Bursa/Turkey. I’m a music teacher and the founder of this project.

Before presenting my lovely partners, my hardworking students, our funny activities and the results of this project, you can have a look at the targets and the integration of the activities to curriculum in the next page.

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Muwuot Final e-Book by Serap Özgür -

Our first activity was logo designing. The logos designed by students are voted on “Tricider”

You can see whole of the logo designs below. “Emaze” web tool is used for this virtual exhibition:

Powered by emaze


Then, our students disscussed some daily problems all over the world and we voted the most efficient topics in the survey. The most voted topics are shared in order to write the lyrics and compose a melody.

This is how we shared the topics 🙂



 We had to postpone our plans for a while due to the Covid 19 outbreak. After a long break, we decided to continue the activities again with the student-teacher meeting webinar. 

We have added Iğdır GSL / Turkey as our new partner, which is a great contribution to our project, as there are partners that we could not reach in this new period.

 Our students and teachers composed 6 great melodies which are noted on “MuseScore” tool and we presented these melodies to public in order to choose one by using “Google Forms” tool: (You can listen to all of the melodies without voting any of them)


During the Covid19 break, we didn’t stay idle as the partner teachers and created an example video for the output of this project: (We used “Adobe Premiere” program to mix the videos.)



All groups wrote some lyrics about their topic in mother tongues. Because our Italian partner is an English Language teacher, her students wrote a common refrain for everyone to sing together in English. Then we collected all of the lyrics in “GoogleDocs”



Our students worked really hard with daily musical practises of the instruments and singing performances. The students shared their photos while they are working and added their expressions on this “Padlet” web tool.


Padlet ile yapıldı

We uploaded our performance videos in “Youtube” channels first and shared the embed codes of them in  “Miro” collaborative web tool.






Since our project has social targets, we contributed not only to our project tasks but also to social responsibility projects.




We organized a mixed team activity to debate the music genres in our countries. First, some music genres are voted on the twinspace forum. In the final, there were 3 topics; Classical, Jazz and Traditional Folk music.


Students and teachers of each group met in an online meeting. We used “Google meet” for the meetings and “Slack” for the correspondence about the genres. After the activity, our students prepared some posters about their music genre by using “Canva” collaborative tool. The “Creately” web tool is also used for the determination of the groups.










Muwuot Final e-Book by Serap Özgür -

It’s our young musicians’ turn on the stage, they efforted too much for the common final product of this project. Let’s watch the final video:





It is time to evaluate ourselves.

We created a video to express our considerations about this project by using “Chatterpix” application.

Note: Background music without a copyright claim has been used in all the videos.



This is the survey for student assessment. It is applied to the students in the project. The results will be explained at the next page.



According to the answers on the students survey: 

-Most of the students think that this project made a positive effect on their social and communication skills as well as foreign language skills.

-The students think that every pupil has similar problems with the peers in other countries,

– In addition the students say that their awareness of current events has increased through the project activities.

-It seems on the survey that there is an almost equal interest in all activities according to question of “Which was your favourite musical activity in the project?”. The most chosen is “Learning Musical Genres through Mixed Team Activity”.

-The most of the students think that they can express their feelings and thoughts to the masses through music.

– 35% of the students think that the project activities exactly make positive impact on their musical creativity. On the other hand, 45% of them remained unstable on this question. The reason of this result is thought as they are not familiar with composing subdimensions of a melody.

– 77.3% of the students answered as “yes” the question of “Would you like to take place in a similar eTwinning project again in the future?”

-As addition to the survey results, the teachers expressed their conciderations as this project is a good opportunity to communicate with colleagues from other countries, to make their students more interested in musical lessons, to raise their awareness of daily problems and to handle them through music.

Muwuot Final e-Book by Serap Özgür -

Our “Muwuot” adventure was an instructive and creative journey for us.

As the partner teachers, we hope that you also enjoy with our activities and final products. We wish that our work will inspire you…



Serap Özgür (Music teacher) A. Hamdi Gökbayrak Fen Lisesi-Turkey

Alexis Cabrillana Martin (Music teacher) Institut Castellet-Spain

Camelia Hriscu-Popescu (Music teacher) Scoala Gimnaziala Tudor Arghezi-Romania

Goce Bogdanov (Music teacher) OJUDG “Goce Delcev”- North Macedonia

Soner Öztürk (Music teacher) Iğdır Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi-Turkey

Franca Crippa (English Language teacher) ICS “F. De Pisis” di Brugherio-Italy



Muwuot Final e-Book by Serap Özgür -
Muwuot Final e-Book by Serap Özgür -
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