Spiderman – the story about spiderman

by Ron Amichai

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Spiderman – the story about spiderman

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 1

Author – Michael Tenenbaoom


New Cover – Ill present Peter Parker – spiderman as a photographer reveals his spiderman outfit.

The plot of the book –

Peter Parker is a gifted high school student, leaving in NY city, with his uncle and his Aunt – Ben and May Parker.

Parkers life change while touring with his calas mates in a genetic research lab.
while touring in the lab, one of the genetically engineered stinged him in the palm.
the poisoned sting surprisingly gained Parker heroes parker similar to a spider.
he exhibits multiple strengths and agility, as well as sense key that warns him of danger. Additionally, as a spider, he got the ability to shoot weds from his arm joints.

Main character –

The main character that I like the most is Peter Parker, because he is the most friendly character and we can see this in the story. when Peter was in a fight against Dock Oc he didn’t destroy the whole building he stood on because he didn’t want to heart the innocent people.


Secondary Character –

The secondary character the I like the most is Tony Stark, because he is the character that helps peter parker in all is missions and always support him, no matter how worst is the situation.


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