NO THANKS by Alberto Ziliotto - Illustrated by Alberto Ziliotto -
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Artwork: Alberto Ziliotto

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 1




It will surely happened to the reader to be at the airport and see some particular objects exibited inside a glass case.

Objects as worked ivory, furs, stuffed animals and much more.

These objects heve one thing in common: they are illegal.

Products such as: ivory, furs, stuffed animals derives from endangered animals or from protected species.

Often when you travel to exotic countries, happened to find street seller taht sell typical products, for example can be on a safari in Africa, you can come across small sellers trying to sell you local products.

NO THANKS by Alberto Ziliotto - Illustrated by Alberto Ziliotto -

These products can be, for examle, ivory coucifixes, fur keychain or knik-knaks made with stuffed animals.


Many tourists attracted by the beauty and rarury of these products decide to buy them.


Unfurtnaly the ivory market is very large: the price for kg is 3000$.


It’s absolutly forbidden because:


-They are illegal prducts.


-Are unjustly killed animals.


-Once time that you arrive at the airport, if police find that type of objects, you will recive a fine and it’s high the price to pay.


-Furthermore, by buying these productsm illigal hunting is encourage

NO THANKS by Alberto Ziliotto - Illustrated by Alberto Ziliotto -


After thinking about it for as long time, I came up with two solutions.


First of all tourists must be taught not to buy these products for small seller in local market, not all turists know how their ivory objectos are done.


Tourists must know that african hunters kill elephants to steal their tusks and make objects to sell, then kill endangered animals.


If the tourists don’t buy these products, the sellers have no demand than they don’t kill animals and this is a rule of economy.


Another most important thing is to teach and explain all things to the tourists well and say to him that if he couldn’t respect the lay he must pay an high fine at the local police.


Fortunately in recent years tourists haveb become aware and they don’t buy too much ivory as the tourists of 10/20 years ago.

NO THANKS by Alberto Ziliotto - Illustrated by Alberto Ziliotto -


As second solution, a little more strong, it could be possible to create police / military teams that only take care of checking that illegal hunting is not carried out or that no animal products are sold at local markets.


The situation is difficult to face because the ivory problem is profitable in africa in small undeveloped states and with a very closed mentality and a lot of poverty.


Certainly information campaigns could be carried out by the WWF to inform the population and the various tribes.


I am sure that by adopting all the advice I have given in this little book you can improve the situation for a better future.





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