The Beautiful Side of Humanity by Nilay ÖZTÜRK - Illustrated by TEAM 3 umutcan.KAAl YunusEmre.kaal Mehlika.hhbal Buse.hhbal Slıa.tbal Rukiye.tbal Andrei.bruno Nicola.bruno Erika.bruno Mariana.inete Berra.sgmtal Esma.sgmtal MariaGrazia.davincİ Eva.davinci Ayman.davinci Javier.balmaseda Benat.balmaseda -
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The Beautiful Side of Humanity


Artwork: TEAM 3 umutcan.KAAl YunusEmre.kaal Mehlika.hhbal Buse.hhbal Slıa.tbal Rukiye.tbal Andrei.bruno Nicola.bruno Erika.bruno Mariana.inete Berra.sgmtal Esma.sgmtal MariaGrazia.davincİ Eva.davinci Ayman.davinci Javier.balmaseda Benat.balmaseda

  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 3
The Beautiful Side of Humanity by Nilay ÖZTÜRK - Illustrated by TEAM 3 umutcan.KAAl YunusEmre.kaal Mehlika.hhbal Buse.hhbal Slıa.tbal Rukiye.tbal Andrei.bruno Nicola.bruno Erika.bruno Mariana.inete Berra.sgmtal Esma.sgmtal MariaGrazia.davincİ Eva.davinci Ayman.davinci Javier.balmaseda Benat.balmaseda -





 The wind was blowing gently and it was wiping the brown leaves away. The sound of the nature was quite peaceful, however, the streets were full of people who got caught up in the flow of life and they were so busy to hear it.






At this time the girl dropped her head for a moment and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to keep calm.With tears in her eyes she thought her family whom she lost in a fire  accident.









When Jenny was 13, she lost her family in a big house fire. Because of the fire, there were too many burn marks on her skin and she became unrecognizable.
Even, her aunt didn’t recognize her while she was taking her from the hospital.
Jenny was depressed. She was staying with her aunt and going to therapy twice a week.
People was looking at her like a monster. Except a boy whom she met in a therapy session .






Almost every day Jenny looked her family album that belongs to her aunt ,she was deeply affected and her eyes filled with tears.Nowadays she was going to therapy sessions more eagerly because she kept thinking the boy that she met there





















Tall and slender with a wide smile,brown hair and blue eyes,Bryan was trying to overcome social exclusion,too because he couldn’t walk and had to use motorized wheelchair to get around,teenagers at school were making trouble and Jenny also suffered from these troubles when she were at school;so they had to face bullying of students.Jenny’s pain was so fresh and she was upset .







After the therapy,they were spending time together and they talked about their problems,Jenny was telling about her family and Brian was talking about his physical limitations ,so these two teenagers weren’t get bored with themselves because they discovered how to complement eachother by putting themselves in eachother’s place and talking their strengths and weaknesses.





Day after day, the friendship between them grew stronger and they became best friends.Jenny started to feel happier,Brian felt himself more power because they saw that they could heal themselves by placing oneself in another’s position .They never gave up to learn and teach how to be empathetic





This story makes us think twice about the daily happenings in our lives as we deal with both memories and difficulties. Being empathetic and being human help us view our world in more powerful  and more balanced .








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