Many years ago a distant kingdom, was born a boy named Alexander.
Alexander was a curious boy who liked to discover new things.
Alexander was a beautiful boy and intelligent.
He liked to play with his dad in the yard.
A few years later, Alexander joined the army of the king.
Alexander was the best soldier in the army King.
He showed special combat skills and a lot of knowledge.
Over the years, war broke out with a neighboring kingdom.
Many soldiers have killed in the war.
King saw diamond sword in high mountaintop that can end the war.
The king sent Alexander to get it.
Before Alexander went on a mission he wore his golden armor.
After he wore the armor Alexander went on a mission.
Alexander believed that if he would get the sword he can stop the war.
A few hours later Alexander reached to the mountain.
Alexander climbed the mountain and was surprised to see that the diamond sword guard dragon.
Alexander raised his sword to harm the dragon, but before hitting him see that he was wounded.
Alexander handled him and the dragon disappeared in the sky.
After the dragon was gone, Alexander went to the sword.
Alexander drew sword from the mountain.
After he drew the sword he wanted to return to the kingdom and defeat the neighboring kingdom…
But then he realized diamond sword has a lot of power and the sword can also build instead of destroy.
When Alexander returned to the kingdom with the diamond sword, the king congratulated him.
Alexander explained to the king the power of the sword, and with the king of a neighboring kingdom signed a peace treaty.
The sword stuck in a boulder, and it is written agreement.
Let‘s bring peace to the world!
If we all believe we can do it!
Published: May 15, 2016
Latest Revision: May 28, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-146584
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