Brazil – The Green Taste of the Coconut

- Joined Jan 2014
- Published Books 79
Copyright © 2014
Girl from Ipanema
He always sings
The Girl from Ipanema
Now his saxophone
Trembles like the waves
When he plays with Enrique
And the guitar sings
How close is the girl from Ipanema
On sands whiter than white
Tall and tan she passes
And he sings Jobim
And he sings the legend
Here In Brazil
As he never sang before.

On the dance floor
He turns her
Manouvers her
Like a race car
Hand on her back
Fingers steering her hips
Soft, hard
One could dance all night
Sliding between his arms
Around his shoulders
On his thighs
And with that incomparable latin charm
He drives her with his eyes,
“What is left for us to lead, gentlemen?”
He asks
“Except here on the dance floor?”

The sun rises slowly
From the sea of Copacabana
Behind the mountain islands
Piercing its heart
A grand shimmering silver mirror
Approaches the white sands
Envelopes them with glow.
The sun rises slowly
Throwing long scarves of light
The kingdom of darkness draws back
In deference.
The sun rises slowly
Giving the sea the mountains
The sand the palms the people
Time to worship it.
The Taste of Coconuts
The taste of coconuts
Is still green on my lips
The samba dances my feet
With silvia and Paulo and mel and vino
Among the cariocas
In a small nightclub
The fruits of papaya and desire
In a night that never ended
And the laugh of the morning
Just born.

Brazilian Skies
At five in the morning
Brazilian skies
Adopt the color of the sea
And the wind conducts the waves
Flutes by day
Stars by night
That I have never seen.

Old City, Salvador de Bahia
In the old city of Salvador de Bahia
All the smells of cooking fill the street
Fish fried in banana, avocado in honey,
Beans in white coconut
Dona Flor unkempt
In a dress that reuses its buttons
Drifts through the alleys
Winking to each
Of her husbands.

Fruits of Brazil
Rounder, barer, undulating
More than this
You will never find.
This Garden of Eden,
All the smooth fruit
Dripping a dark, peach-amber hue.
Shalom, Brazil
Shalom to the taste of her mango lips
The music swaying between her palms
Shalom to her blazing thighs
The dance of love
From dawn to the stars
After having smelled, tasted, drunk,
Overflowed like a river
Ate mais,
Shalom, Brazil.

Published: Feb 4, 2014
Latest Revision: Apr 29, 2015
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-3040
Copyright © 2014